
The Vicissitudes of Life

Endless darkness, a void bereft of any material existence. No light, no sound, not even time. Floating endlessly through such, a man condemned in his wickedness; that is until he is given new life. But will this life be a second chance, a chance at redemption, or merely divine punishment for past sins?

Daecraetor · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
120 Chs


After only a dozen minutes or so, we emerge from an alley that I could barely even squeeze through to come out in an open space in front of a massive building that I can only assume to be the adventurer's guild.

Reminiscent of Greek architecture, built of marble, adorned with a dome and pillars, it towers imposingly over me, one of the bigger buildings in the area. Its walls are covered in many engravings, and gold accents add to its visage.

"Well, this is the guild hall. I've already given you the gold, I could give you my letter of recommendation, or I could go in with you and give you my recommendation myself, if you would prefer."

"Now, hold up one second, I have a question. How is adventurer rank determined?"

"Rather simply. Captured monsters are kept on hand, and depending on the strongest monsters one can beat, one will be given his initial rank. The adventurer will be able to undergo a re-assessment once a year at the charge of five gold coins, where the have an opportunity to be re-ranked based upon their new performance, whether it is better or worse."

"So, to get in the best position to perform for the evaluation, I should prepare now?"

"I suppose? What do you have in mind?"

"Well. you see, I am capable of magic. However, my blade, as one of its effects, suppresses all magic around it. While this is very useful in some situations, without a normal blade to switch to, I will not be able to perform optimally. Thus, I must ask, could you please take me to the nearest armory? I'll pay you fifty silver for the trouble…"

"Well, I'll certainly accept the easy money if you want me to, however, there is an armory within the guild hall that all adventurers,regardless of rank, have access to. You can buy a new weapon there after registering as an adventurer but before taking your rank assessment, if you so desire. Though again, if you want me to lead you to a dedicated armory, I would be happy to oblige…"

"Heh heh. No, you won't have my money so easily. Though I must thank you for my honesty, you could easily have just taken my generous offer."

"Perhaps, but the armory is rather prevalent in the guild hall, you would have been infuriated if you had paid me so exorbitantly before walking in and seeing it right in front of you. Though I suppose I would have been well within my rights to just accept your money before leading you in… oh well, I'd feel a bit guilty even if I did, no use thinking of it."

"I certainly wouldn't have blamed you, such is behavior that I would certainly have partaken in, given the chance. Still, I'm glad to save some money, thanks."

We walk up a few steps and past a few rows of pillars supporting a colonnade, before arriving in front of a pair of massive, intricately engraved and gilded doors. With what appears to be only a gentle shove on Toril's part, the doors swing inward as if assisted with magic.

Inside the guild hall, a central aisle with an actual red carpet leads to a desk with a woman sitting at it, with an appearance that seems to scream 'receptionist!' To either side of this rug, dark stone tables laden with food and drink are occupied by a wide variety of eclectic individuals who I can only assume to be adventurers. Nobody even glances to see who entered; based on the number of people within this place, many must always be both coming and going.

Other than the receptionist, that is. She looks at us with a smile, as though beckoning us over.

Ignoring her for a moment, I glance around, seeing what else there is to this area. Other than the desk, rug, and tables, there is a bar along one wall and a shop separated by windows and a door from the main room along the other. There are also several doors leading to who-knows where, positioned around the room.

The room is well lit, as a result of a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling and floating candles reminiscent of some sort of magical school. Unlike said school, I know that in this world this place must keep mages around just for such a seemingly pointless decorative choice. Or so I would assume, anyway; I guess it is probably possible to enchant a candle to allow it to float on its own, but that seems even more overkill for mere aesthetics. Though I suppose that that is just my opinion, if it works for this place, they may as well do it.

After glancing around, I return my attention to the receptionist, a rather young woman wearing glasses and armor seemingly more designed for appearance than effectiveness. Appropriate for someone who presumably never sees battle, I suppose.

We go to her, walking down the fancy red rug bisecting the room, and come to a stop a foot in front of the desk.

"Welcome to the Imperial Guild Hall of this great city. How may we help you?"

"I have come to register as an adventurer."

"Very well, that will either be three gold or someone willing to vouch for you…" her gaze turns expectantly towards Toril.

He sighs, saying "I can certainly vouch for this man's strength; he beat me in a one-on one match, how could I not. I, Toril, C-ranked adventurer, do recommend this man, Anetor, as an adventurer."

She pulls out a stack of files from her desk. "Adventurer Toril, C-rank…" she mutters softly under her breath, sifting through files until she finds the one she wants. After perusing it, she says "Yes, everything seems in order. With a recommendation from a C-rank adventurer, the application fee is reduced to one gold."

I hand over the gold without complaint. She then takes out a slip of thick paper, before asking "Your name is Anetor, correct?"

"Yes that is correct."

"Any titles or other names you go under?" she asks, writing 'Anetor" across the top of the card.

"No, I have none."

"Very well then. Place of origin?"

"I am from the Kingdom of Eroen. I heard of this nation's need for adventurers, so here I am."

After jotting down some more details on the card, she continues to ask me a few more questions. I answer honestly at times, fabricating easily remembered and very probable lies at others.

After finishing my questioning, she stamps the card. "You are now a member of the guild; however, you will be unable to undertake missions until your rank assessment. The assessment will cost eight gold, discounted from the usual first-time assessment fee of ten gold due to having a recommendation. After undergoing the assessment, you will be assigned a rank, which will determine what missions you may undertake and what perks you shall receive. The assessment area is through the door over there," she says pointing to a door on the wall to my right. "This card is applicable for one month, in case you need time to gather funds or prepare. Be warned, however, that failure to undergo ranking during that time will void your status as a member of the guild and you will have to re-register, with the same fee as originally. That is all; good luck on your assessment, and we wish you a successful career as an adventurer!"