
The Viceroy of all Swordsmen

As a young teenager with brown Hair and slightly tattered clothing with a sword by the waist walks across the horizon.. He wont ever forget these words he was once told,”The sun will always rise, even in the darkest of times”.

DeeThaw · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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3 Chs

[1] Lucky Begginings

As the sun goes down and the wind blows with a slightly humid breeze, an old man with white hair and big sideburns with a ped leg could be seen going up a mountain where his house is .This old man's name is Hubris Vermillious ,he was once a talented war commander but after he was crippled;he was looked down upon by society so he fled and lived in the mountains as a hermit ever since.

While walking up the steep and rigid mountain, on the road to his house the old man sees a basket with a baby in it accompanied with a gray cotton blanket. "This poor soul must have been abandoned", he thought. As the old man always lived in solitude and barely never comes down to the villiage nearby the mountain, he was quite lonely.

He always wanted a child to take of;and seeing this poor soul abandoned, he couldn't just do nothing. He will raise the child and live a fullfilling life he thought to himself. And so this old man continues to climb the mountain cautiously with the baby in the basket.

*meanwhile.. in a stone castle many miles from here*

*CreeEEEeeek*, "Come in" "So have you fed the baby to the wolves ?" says a man with a strict voice in dark sillohoutte that seems to be wearing fancy clothing. "Y-yes.. S..sir", the guard in Iron armor that was clearly scared replied. "Good, or else you'ed be the one who would get fed to the wolves", "We wouldn't want anyone to know that I, the "???" have such a weak and feable child."

(Author's note): if you have any complaints just comment