
The Vengeful Spy In My Bed

After Amalia Jones was betrayed by her boyfriend Chris Henderson and her best friend June Schmidt, she threw away her identity and started anew as a member of the all-female spy and assassin organization, "Die Rache". Three years after her sudden disappearance, she re-emerged under a new identity and answered to the name Irene Gallagher. Irene applied to her former company as the new secretary to her former lover, now the president of his family company. Chris and his recently-wedded wife June had been enjoying three years of peaceful and uneventful life at Amalia's expense. The angel of vengeance was there to unmask the villains and uphold justice for the allegedly deceased Amalia. It was supposed to be an easy job for Irene with her newly-acquired set of skills. Unfortunately, she was not prepared to be involved with Chris' youngest uncle, Damian Henderson. He was not only the CEO of the same family company but also an international police detective that was in charge of catching Die Rache members one by one! Will Irene lure Damian over to the dark side or will Damian make her forget about her revenge and step toward the bright side?

Lu_Shui · Urbain
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45 Chs

Renting Laboratory Workstations

To support the hardworking researchers in their endeavor to win the Best Original Perfume Competition 2022, Primavera's top management declared their willingness to rent external laboratory workstations for the researchers' perusal.

Those who were interested in using the workstations must register their names through Irene Gallagher, the CEO's secretary.

Janine Mayer was one of the first researchers who came to claim their spots from Irene. She literally flew off her chair as soon as she finished reading the e-mail.

Janine Mayer saw it not only as an opportunity to work on her creation in peace. She might just get a chance to take a peek at what her competitors were doing. After all, this was not just a matter of winning the competition. It was about winning the golden key to the R&D Manager's office!

After Irene had the list of researchers in her hand, she went to Scitech Laboratory the next day to check its available equipment and tools.

The laboratory owner was kind enough to accompany Irene as she took pictures and ticked items on her checklists.

"I would like to borrow a set of these glasswares as well," Irene told the owner. "This and that device as well..."

"For each workstation?" the elder woman repositioned her glasses as she took a look at Irene's detailed list.

"Yes, otherwise they might just fight for the equipment. We can't have that."

"Of course, of course..."

The laboratory owner swallowed hard.

"I can provide these few measuring devices. The problem is the IPS analytical instrument. It is very specific to the perfume industry. I don't have it here."

Irene gasped.

"No? Oh, what a pity. What about this, our company will lend you one set. This will be the only instrument that they have to share."

The laboratory owner heaved a sigh of relief. She already feared that Irene would withdraw completely from renting the laboratory workstations just because she did not have said instrument. Who else would be willing to rent twenty-three workstations at once? Not to mention that Primavera was a huge company.

She could use their testimony to draw more customers.

That being said, nothing was more important than pleasing Irene Gallagher and her twenty-three researchers at this point!

"Then, it is settled. I will transfer the payment today. Once the IPS analytical instrument arrives, I will send the researchers over."

"Gladly!" the elder woman chirped.

After Irene finished picking out the workstations and assigning the workstations to each researcher, she excused herself.

On the way back to Primavera, she stopped by the department store. When she walked past the modern automatic glass door, people just had to turn their heads to look at her.

Not because she was so gorgeous, no.

It was because she was so ugly that she completely fell out of place.

The department store employees, mostly females, wrinkled their faces at this ugly duckling who apparently never glanced into a mirror before. Was she not aware of her hideous looks?

"Honestly, clothes can only help that much," one of them said while giggling. "I believe the makeup section can help a lot more."

"Or a plastic surgery hospital," another suggested.

The female employees broke out in laughter.

Irene ignored their idle chatters. She calmly picked out a few outfits, a designer bag, and a pair of high heels for herself. The bespectacled woman with poor clothing taste entered the changing room, but then a sexy, blond woman with impressive curves sauntered out.

If the female employees did not pay attention to the kind of items that Irene took into the changing room, they wouldn't even know that it was the same woman

The sleeveless dress was draped gracefully around her form. The designer bag hung from one of her slender arms while a thick, expensive, mink fur coat hung from her other arm.

The high heels made a melodious sound whenever they hit the floor.

The female employees' jaws fell to the floor. They unwittingly sucked in deep breaths when Irene passed in front of them on her way to the cashier.

How did they know nothing about the magical changing room at their workplace that had the ability to transform an ugly duckling into a graceful swan???

"I would like to pay for all of these items, please," Irene told the slack-jawed cashier with a sweet smile on her face.

"Oh... yes. Of course."

Once Irene exited the department store, she ordered an IPS analytical instrument online and sent it over to the laboratory building.

She then returned to the laboratory building again for another appointment with the laboratory owner.

"Ms. Leah Mitchell," the elder woman beamed at her as she shook her hand. "Strange, I feel like we met before."

Irene smiled at the elder woman.


"Nah, it's just a feeling," she laughed.

Because if she met someone as gorgeous as Leah Mitchell before, she would remember. Right?