
The Vengeance: Saga of the unyielding power

In a world of magical spirits and demons, a colossal war unfolded between humans and Abyssal Beings, resulting in the annihilation of half of humanity. Umetsuro's father, Yami, an arcane titan, sacrificed himself to save his son and wife from Zyrox, one of the Voidreaper abyssal, on the very day Umetsuro was born. As Umetsuro grows and delves into the knowledge of magic, his pursuit of understanding his mystical realm intensifies. However, the flames of vengeance for his parent's deaths burn fiercely within him, fostering an ever-growing hatred for Abyssal Beings. Despite facing challenges and struggles, Umetsuro, initially not formidable and weakened by his thirst for revenge, aspires to become the most powerful being in the universe. His goal is to master every magical spirit, comprehend each zenith, and explore the mystical realm independently. Embodying the essence of every spirit within him.

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3 Chs

Chapter "Inception"

The story begins in Mambovia Kingdom, a realm where everyone lives peacefully. However, a group of people hides in caves in the mountains, practicing black magic and rituals to open the Abyssalious Gate, a dimension of Abyssal Beings. These beings are considered superior by the morbid individuals, who believe in summoning them to the world.

Despite the illegality of such practices in the kingdom, these people persist in their worship and attempts to open the Abyssalious Gate. One day, a group of seven students, consisting of four boys and three girls, ventures into the mountains for vacation. After a tiring exploration, they decide to rest in a cave. Gathering wood for a bonfire, they discover a monkey sculpture at the cave's entrance. Although the girls are scared, the boys dismiss it as the work of a wild animal during the day.

As they venture deeper into the cave, the students encounter individuals wearing black capes and hoods, performing spiritual spells around a bonfire with bones in their hands. Frightened, the students attempt to flee, but some hooded figures capture them. One boy manages to escape and runs back to the kingdom.

Arriving in Mambovia, the terrified boy seeks help from a group of men. After they give him water, he stammers, "Th... those... those guys." Recognizing his fear, the men decide to take him to the castle in front of the king.

As all those men took that boy to the castle in front of the king named 'Hiroshi Okada,' the king glanced at the boy and worriedly asked, "What happened to that boy?" One of those men said, "Your Majesty, we don't know enough. We were just chilling when that boy came to us. He looked so scared and not in a position to talk properly, so we brought him to you." The king asked the boy, "What happened to you, boy? Why are you so scared?" The boy gathered some courage to speak and said, "Your Majesty, there are some people at the mountain cave who are doing some kind of spiritual activity, and they also captured some of my friends." After hearing him, the king got angry and quickly ordered his commander to go to the mountains with a few soldiers and capture those guys immediately. After the king's order, the commander and the soldiers were ready to go to the mountains.

As those soldiers explored the mountains and some caves, they found nothing. Not a single clue about anyone in the cave. They came back to the castle and explained the whole situation to the king. After hearing that, the king got really worried, and the parents of those missing students came to the castle to report their children's disappearance. The king remained worried about the situation and did not give up hope, continuing the search for those black-hooded guys. Everyone in Mambovia was scared of those hooded guys, and they wanted them to be caught quickly so that people could live in peace again. Weeks passed, and no trace of those black-hooded people was found. The army was doing its best, but it seemed like those guys had vanished.

After a month, on a normal routine day near Mambovia and its surroundings, the air seemed a little shaky and warmer than usual. Slowly, the weather got dark, as if heavy rain was imminent. Suddenly, a sound resembling cutting air filled the atmosphere, and a huge red line appeared, like a long scar in the middle of the air. The scar was so massive that it could easily be seen from the kingdom. Everyone stopped their work and gazed toward the huge scar with a mixture of fear and curiosity. King Hiroshi Okada also gazed at the scar and ordered the commander to prepare the army and be ready for what's coming. The Mambovia kingdom's army positioned itself in front of the kingdom to protect its people from the incoming danger.

Everyone was glancing at the huge red scar with a mix of fear and curiosity, and the Mambovia kingdom's army awaited the incoming threat. Suddenly, the huge red scar started spreading in the middle of the air, now resembling a massive portal. A cracking sound emerged as the portal gate creaked open, enveloping the kingdom in an eerie silence. Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoed, shaking the ground as grotesque demons emerged with fiery eyes. Their shadowy figures cast a chilling darkness, striking fear into the hearts of the kingdom's inhabitants. The air crackled with malevolence, creating an unsettling atmosphere that marked the beginning of a terrible and thrilling invasion.

As everyone glanced at the huge shadowy creatures with wide eyes, gulping in fear, everyone looked scared and horrified. The Mambovia kingdom's army also appeared frightened by these colossal creatures, as the king glances at the abyssal creatures emerging from the portal, he whispers to himself, "So, the prediction was real. It is happening, Is this the beginning of the Abysmaldoom?" Then, the leading creature in front of all the others roared with a thunderous scream.