
The Vampwolf Icy Flame Hunter (Modern Supernatural Naruto AU)

There are monster creatures that are trying to destroy the human world, but there is one organization that stands up to them. A boy is saved by the organization, What are the creatures? What is an organization? Who is the boy? What will the organization do with him? Naruto Alternate Timeline OCkagin x Harem I do not own naruto and the characters only my OC's and the jutsu's that I made and the clan.

Speartron_Strom · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Prologue: Family and The Academy

1 year later in august

Kagin POV

Last year the organization, my parents, and Hinata's parents decided to arrange a marriage between me and Hinata. 'They just want us to have children, so they can use them in the organization.' I have learned the restraints and I am up to 1,000. I am in the leaf in my room looking at the list of current jutsus I now know.

Jutsu's: Icy Flame Style: Icy Flame Spikes, Icy Flame Style: Icy Flame Winds, Shadow Clone Jutsu, Ice Style: Ice Spike's, Scattered Windy Ice, Wind Style: Wind Chakra Dragon Lifting Destruction, Wind Style: Great Breakthrough.

I then look at my training schedule

800 laps, 1,200 push-ups, and 2,000 sit-ups.

Break for 50 minutes

200 shadow clones for chakra control

100 for calligraphy

100 to work on sealing

800 pull-ups, 690 jumping jacks, 500 bicycles.

break for 50 minutes

throwing kunai's and shurikens at different angles and at targets in hard to reach spots for 1 hour.

Break for 5 minutes


break for 10 minutes

620 laps

Weight lifting for an hour

break for an hour

Readings on the laws of reality, logic, common sense, and an introduction book to physics.

break for 50 minutes

Meditate for 2 hours

I put away the lists and get on my bed and go to my mindscape. "Golden dragon?"

Golden POV

"Yes, Kagin-sama."

Kagin POV

"Will there be a risk in merging my chakra with you."

Golden POV

"Yes, Kagin-sama. There is a chance you won't get any of the powers, but you will have tremendous energy or what you call chakra. There is also a chance you get the energy but only get some things of Aether Manipulation."

Kagin POV

"Ok thank you golden dragon." I get out of my mindscape 'Aether Manipulation is overpowered.' I get out of my thoughts and hear a knock on the door. "Come in."

Hinata POV

I go in and close the door, I walk over to him "hey kagin my name is Hinata Hyuga." He wants me to lay on the bed beside him and I blush, then get on the bed with him.

Kagin POV

"Hinata are you okay with getting married to me."

Hinata POV

"Kagin it is ok there is nothing to do about it. Let's just try to get to know each other better."

Kagin POV

"Ok, my blushing princess." It is getting hot so I take off my shirt and turn on the fan. "It was getting hot Hinata." She is now blushing deep red.

Hinata POV

"It is alright kagin" We talk to each other about what we like, dislike, and other things. 'He is interesting and nice.'

Kagin POV

'I needed this talking to a beautiful girl my age. 'Shit her skin is soft', she is rubbing her finger on my abs and her voice is soft.

Hinata POV

I stop "Kagin don't hold any secrets between us, I know that you will have to keep somethings about the organization a secret. Kagin if there is anything you want to talk about you can tell me; I can wait kagin, we just met each other."

Kagin POV

"Thank you, Hinata." We talk some more then I put my shirt back on and we go downstairs to eat.

Maid POV

"Kagin-sama, Hinata-sama." Me and two other maids sit the food down, they say thank you for the food. Kagin eats more than Hinata, they get through and head outside while we clean up the plates.

Kagin POV

"Hinata tomorrow, I am going to go over to your place if that is fine with you and your parents."

Hinashia POV

I smile "That is fine with us kagin come over anytime."

Hiashi POV

"Yes, that is fine with me. Kagin we will have a room prepared for you if you want to stay the night." We leave and let him think about it.

Kagin POV

'Should I?' I will decide later' I get out of my thoughts to see my twin sister Maria.'

Maria POV

"Hey Bro can you help me with training?"

Kagin POV

"Yes, sis." We go on opposite sides of the sparring ground.

5 minutes later

Maria POV

"How did I do kagin."

Kagin POV

"Not great your form was off, there are too many openings, you got frustrated and attacked recklessly," I tell her the other things.

Maria POV

'I didn't know all of that.' "Kagin can we keep going or do you have somewhere to be?"

Kagin POV

"We can keep going."

20 minutes later

Kagin POV

"Better maria."

Maria POV

"Thanks, bro are you busy tomorrow?"

Kagin POV

"Yes, I have to visit hinatas house and I may stay the night."

Maria POV

"Ok, bro I am going to go rest. Don't overwork yourself kagin."

Kagin POV

"I won't sis." 'Why haven't I noticed she still has black hair and blue eyes. She is wearing training clothes and shorts.' My sis walks back into the house and my other sister comes out.

Naria POV

"Kagin if you don't mind can we spend some time catching up?"

Kagin POV

"Yes, sis." We sit down on the wooden porch and talk about what has happened while we were separated. I don't tell her everything, we get done talking 1 hour later and then eat. After that, '800 or more laps, 1,200 or more push-ups, and 2,000 or more sit-ups. I need to do it.' 8 hours later I have done 1,120 laps after that, I eat the food inside a storage seal.

"This food is good I forgot how mom's cooking tastes like." 20 minutes later and I am done, my soreness has healed. "On to the push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, crunches then hit the gym at the compound."

Sakura POV

I get to a tree and he looks in my direction. "You can sense my chakra."

Kagin POV

"Yes, I can. Question are you by any chance the girl with pink hair that is rumored to be trained by an elite?"

Sakura POV

"Yes, I am. Question are you the boy who is also being trained by an elite?"

Kagin POV

"Yes, my name is Kagin Koruotto."

Sakura POV

"My name is Sakura Haruno."

Kagin POV

"Do you want to work out with me?" I tell her what I am about to do and how many.

Sakura POV

'1,230 push-ups, 2,220 sit-ups, 1,000 jumping jacks, and 800 crunches. I am only at 1,000 push-ups, 2,000 sit-ups.' "Yes, I will but at the end instead of lifting weights let's do something else."

Kagin POV

"Ok sakura." We get done in 3 hours and then we go to a training ground where there are a lot of rocks. She goes to a tall one, picks it up easily, and is holding it above her head with one hand.

Sakura POV

"You do it without chakra."

In the Hokage's office

Minato POV

I am looking at a crystal ball "Impossible." 'I will need to ask one of them or both of them to train my son.'

Sakura POV

"Kagin you noticed it."

Kagin POV

"Yeah." I throw a kunai at it and it breaks. I catch the kunai and put it away.

Sakura POV

'He is looking at my hair I am prepared for insults, or to get called names.' I wasn't prepared for what he just said now.

Kagin POV

"Sakura I like your hair, it is different from others."

Sakura POV


Kagin POV

"Different is good sakura." I smile.

Sakura POV

'He likes my hair? What do I say?'

Kagin POV

'I will need her on my side for my plan. I do like her hair. '

Sattori POV

I am in a tree far away from the leaf and I am using my powers to see kagin. 'Kagin your plan won't work. You can't even handle that dragon in you, only a celestial being like me can handle the power. If your intelligence was beyond what it is, you would understand.' I continue to watch him through a mirror "kids and their imagination. I will be looking forward to the day you fail and that is when I will take the power for myself."

Sakura POV

"Why should I believe that you like my hair? My sensei said that it would get me killed. You could just be saying that to get something out of me and after that, you would probably make fun of my hair."

Kagin POV

She disappears "Sakura I do like your hair. Fine, then I won't give up." I go to the streets to take a walk around and go to the ramen restaurant.

Kaily POV

I go over to the counter to see a boy, 'he is the heir of the Koruotto clan and he is also the student of the top elite in the organization.' I go over to him "Kagin-sama what can I get for you today?"

Kagin POV

I look at the menu "4 miso ramen, 2 barbecues miso ramen please." Kushina just came in.

Kaily POV

I write down what he wants "Lady Kushina what would you like today?"

Kushina POV

"3 miso ramen to start." She writes my order down and says she will be back with our order.

Kaily POV

I go into the kitchen and go to Ayame.

Ayame POV

"Hey kaily the shop hasn't been busy in a while, you should take a break. I will handle the rest."

Kaily POV

"Ayame I am good because lady kushina and Kagin-sama are here."

Ayame POV

She shows me their order "two nobles are here, everyone get to work." I order them what to do.

Kagin POV

"Ms. Kushina I am Kagin Koruotto."

Kushina POV

I smile "I know kagin you look like your dad and have his smile too."

Kagin POV

"Thank you Ms. Kushina."

Kushina POV

"Your welcome kagin." They come out with our food and they put a lot in front of kagin. We both say thank you to them "Kagin can you eat that much."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Ms. Kushina. Thank you for the food." I grab chopsticks and dig in.

Kushina POV

"Thank you for the food." I grab chopsticks and dig in. I get done in 5 minutes and kagin gets done in 10 minutes. 'How can he eat all of that at his age, well I use to eat like that.'

Kagin POV

"The food is amazing you all are good cooks." They say thank and then they take the bowls away and I talk to kushina.

Tanya POV

'I should go visit uncle hiashi, he doesn't know about me being his banished sister's daughter.' 1 hour of walking 'finally, why didn't I run or use a jutsu?' Two gate guards are guarding the front.

Gate guard POV

"Lady Tanya."

Tanya POV

I nod at him "I am here to see Lord Hiashi."

Gate Guard POV

"What for lady Tanya?"

Tanya POV

"He is my uncle and I have to tell him something my mom said to tell him."

Gate Guard POV

'I knew I recognized her.' "Yes, lady Tanya I will show you the way." The other gate guard stays here and we go to the main house.

Hinashia POV

I am sitting in a house with my husband and daughter's. "Hinata is kagin ok with the marriage?"

Hinata POV

"He is ok with it; We both agreed to get to know each other better, and try to make this work. He is nice and declared that he will protect me from the monsters with his life if he has to."

Hinashia POV

I smile "That is good." There is a knock at the door.

Hiashi POV

I get up and go to the door. I open it and see Lady Tanya "Lady Tanya come in."

Tanya POV

I go in and he leads me to the living room where his family is. We sit down.

Hinashia POV

"Lady Tanya is there something we can do for you?"

Tanya POV

"Do you all know my mom Hattori Hyuga?"

Hiashi POV

"My sister." My wife hugs her.

Hinashia POV

"Tanya you have your mother's face except for her eyes and hair which I assume comes from your father."

Tanya POV

"Yes, Lady Hinashia."

Hiashia POV

"Call me Hinashia." She says yes and then I stop hugging her.

Hiashi POV

"Tanya I am sorry that I couldn't find you, your mother sent a letter to the leaf about being pregnant. She never said where she was and who she was with."

Tanya POV

"It is okay Uncle hiashi, can you tell me about why mom was banished?"

Hiashi POV

"Some ninjas found your mom beside the body of a village elder, it was thought that she killed him. Instead of killing her for that, I convinced the Hokage to have her banished. The caged bird seal was put on her, and she left the leaf with her things. 2 years later evidence was found that it wasn't your mother who killed the councilmen. It was two omega vampwolves that killed Danzo Shimura, and after that, I asked the Hokage to send ninjas to find your mom."

"We couldn't find her but we kept looking, once we got the letter from her I kept on sending out hyuga clan members to look for your mom. There was no way to find her so we eventually stopped." She is crying and I hug her.

Tanya POV

'Those vampwolves I will kill them all.' "Thank you uncle Hiashi" they all hug me then we let go after a minute.

Hinata POV

"Tanya, what is that uniform you have on?"

Tanya POV

"It is the Shinobi World Monster Hunter Organization standard uniform, that is now a requirement to wear. They replaced the vampwolf with the monster."

Hanabi POV

"Taya you stwp the monwers?"

Tanya POV

"I do Hanabi."

Hinata POV

"Tanya can you stay or do you have to go somewhere?"

Tanya POV

"I can stay Hinata."

Hiashi POV

Hinata and Tanya talk, after they are through I ask Tanya some questions.

Kagin POV

"The remaining 9 months are sure to be fun. I have to get married at my age, talk to some of my sisters friends, and train for the academy."

1 year, later on, May 4th

Kagin POV

I am 9-years-old and at the base in the land of fire with my sensei. I am wearing the uniform that is required form the academies. "Tanya-sensei I am going to complete the academy and the next time you see me is at the graduation exam."

Tanya POV

I put my hand on his head and rub his hair "I know you will make it kagin, you have the best sensei. Remember your training kagin, the code, and that it doesn't matter if you are sort of sane or sane."

Kagin POV

"I remember Tanya-sensei and why did you have to do that to my hair." I fix my spiky hair, a portal appears behind me, I step through it and wave by to Tanya. She waves bye back.

Tanya POV

The portal closes "Kagin survive the academy."

Kagin POV

"Wow so big."

Third POV

Kagin went through a portal into a dimension where the main base of S. W. M. H. O. is, It has green grass. There are streets and houses for the people who work at the academies, the main base of operations, the medical facility, weapons and engineering facility, and other places.

Kagin POV

I am in front of a building that has Monster Hunter Prodigy Academy, on the front of the building. "Here goes nothing." I go into the building and see lots of kids my age and some adults.


"Hello, what is your name?"

Kagin POV

"My name is Kagin Koruotto." Everyone else is whispering about me saying, "he was trained by the top elite. Rumor is he has something in him." That is what they are saying, some of the girls have looks of lust. They are saying "He is cute. He must be strong." I look at the man behind the desk.


"Kagin here is your schedule, it is a lot."

Kagin POV

"Thanks." I take the schedule and my mouth drops as I look at the paper.

5 am

History of the shinobi world- 6-8 am

History of the Shinobi World Monster Hunter Organization- 9-11 am

Lunch break for 12-1 pm

Mathematics- 2-3 pm

Lunch break- 3-4 pm

Learning about pandoras, solving logic puzzles, quizzes- 4-6 pm

Learning how to use the organization's technology, strategies, and tactics- 7-8:30 pm

learning how to kill vampwolves and any other monsters- 8:30-9 pm

Next day- 5 am

Physical training- 6-7

Lunch break- 7-8:45 am

Throwing kunai's and shurikens- 9:30 am- 10:15 pm

Chakra Control- 10:40 am-12 pm

Lunch break- 1-2 pm

Sparring with elites, anbu, jonin, and chunin- 3-4 pm

Sealing- 5:50-7 pm

Elemental chakra control- 8:00-9:00 pm

I close my mouth and say "thank you." He says your welcome and then someone calls all of us and we all follow him into a big room. I sit in the middle of the room and I wait for everyone to get in here. I look to my right and say, "hey I am Kagin Koruotto what is your name."

Gale POV

"My name is Gale; Kagin I saw the way you looked at your schedule, is it that bad?" He shows me it "that is a lot will you be okay.

Kagin POV

"Probably." I see something at the very end of the paper.

Kagin this is the council your schedule will change over the years. We personally chose the courses you will have to take. We are expecting great things from you kagin, do your best.

from the council

p.s. you can't change your schedule.

'Great thanks council.' I look up and see that some girls are looking at me. I am looking at one beautiful girl that is sitting beside me. She has blonde long hair tied into a ponytail, red eyes, and a standard uniform.

Layla POV

"Hey kagin we are going to have fun during the academy." 'This is for Lady Sattori, I have to complete my mission.'