
The Vampwolf Icy Flame Hunter (Modern Supernatural Naruto AU)

There are monster creatures that are trying to destroy the human world, but there is one organization that stands up to them. A boy is saved by the organization, What are the creatures? What is an organization? Who is the boy? What will the organization do with him? Naruto Alternate Timeline OCkagin x Harem I do not own naruto and the characters only my OC's and the jutsu's that I made and the clan.

Speartron_Strom · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Graduation Part 2

"Kagin can't we talk about this." He is sitting on my throne and now I am facing him.

"This is going to happen Sattori, but you can go ahead."

"I am sorry that I was going to take the dragon from you. Can you not do this there must be something else you want?"

"I can't forgive you just yet, I have to have fun before I can forgive you." I make some things out of aether to guard my dimension from anything and anyone. I take us to her room and change the place up. 'King-sized bed for two', I have her get on the bed.

"Kagin don't take my powers away please kagin."

"Sattori will you do what I say, not argue with me?"

"I won't kagin."

"You won't fight back or try to kill me?"

"I won't kagin." He gets on top of me.

"I won't take away your powers, tell me what size are your boobs."

"E-Size KAGINNNNNNNN" he is nibbling on my right boob. He is switching between my right and left this goes on for 10 minutes with me scream/moaning out loud. He goes down to my pussy and rubs it, I moan.

She screams and I focus on that area, she moans loudly. She is cumming and I keep on rubbing that area, this goes on for 1 hour. I use my powers to get the cum off of my hands and her pussy. I go to rub her boobs with my hands that don't fit around her boobs. She moans and this goes on for 2 hours, then I rub her pussy with my right hand. I use my left hand to rub a certain spot on her left boob.

"Kaginnnnnn ohhhhhhhh aghhhhhh", 'this feels so good I have never had anyone do this to me. Fuck that feels good.' He is using energy and is rubbing my pussy with energy on his hand. I am cumming a lot and bucking my hips and grabbing onto the bed.

"So I just need to use energy and I get this kind of reaction from you. I also let you go Sattori, now say my name." She won't say it so I go for the spot on her pussy and her left nipple.


"Good now for the real fun to begin." I clean us both off again and the bed. I take off my clothes and line up my dick at her entrance.

"Kagin wait kayahhhhh." He shoves his dick in and out "kagin that is deep enough."

"No, it isn't Sattori." I keep on getting deeper and stop then I cum inside her. "I know how your dimensional system works."

He continues for 1 hour 'he is using his powers to create more. How is this possible? I am enjoying it but I don't want a lot of children.'

"Sattori I am going until it's full; we will have lots of children." I keep going for another hour and it is full so I stop and pull out. I clean both of us off and give her a break.

He is giving me a break 'I can't do anything against him. He can control me with his mind, control dimensions, use mirrors, use energy, and give life.' He is rubbing all over my boobs and I am moaning. This continues for another hour then he is planting kisses on them. I run my fingers through his hair and he is looking up at me.

I stop "I am going to have so much fun." I kiss certain spots and her boobs jiggle.

'What is happening to him? Dragon instinct I messed up.' He pounces on me and bites on my neck, 'my energy is increasing by a lot. It is nowhere near kagins' he stops and looks at me. 'What is he going to do now?' He nibbles on the mark and I moan loudly. "Yes, that feels good ohhhhh kaginnnn."

"Your mine Sattori no one else can have you. I marked you as mine."

He goes back to nibbling on my neck "Yes, kagin I am all yours." 'I want him to do whatever he wants with me. Do I like being dominated or is it the mark?'

"I have so much more that I want to do and I am going to do it."

'This is probably a mistake.' "Kagin go ahead, I want more this is my first time and I want it to be an experience." I jiggle my boobs and he got us into a position. "I don't think so kagin." He gets me on the floor and makes two clones of him. They go for my boobs while the real one shoves his dick inside and out. I am moaning 'damn I am a celestial being getting dominated by a human and an overpowered human. I am a goddess it should be the other way around.'

back in the other dimension with kagins half.

2nd Kagin POV

I explained to everyone that I merged with the dragon, and what my powers are now. 'I can't bring my classmates back to life because of my uncles' clone that he left behind. My uncle has abilities that I don't know about, and I don't have complete control of what people call the aether. I only have some abilities one can obtain from the aether. I look up to see that girls are blushing 'some of them are my fangirls crap.'

I see gale coming up.

"Kagin the number of people is now 200 and there are 80 in the search team and 80 in the kill team." He says he will lead the kill team while I lead the search team. "Yes, kagin" I gather the search team and we go out.

I gather the kill team and we go out.

back to the real kagin and Sattori

The pain has gone away, I am moaning and letting kagin and his clone's do what they want. They keep going and one kagin is nibbling on the mark while rubbing my right boob. The other one is grabbing the left side of my butt and squeezing it while rubbing my left boob. The real kagin is going in and out, we both have cummed a lot and I have been moaning. 'I don't know how much more I can take and my dimensional system expanded on its own.'

"So it has expanded that means more kids." I keep cumming and so does Sattori this goes on for 2 more hours. I pull out and my clones stop. Sattori falls backward and has passed out, I dismissed my clones and they turned into puffs of smoke. I clean the cum off of both of us and the floor, then pick her up and sit her on the bed. I pull the covers over her and have her clothes appear here.

"I better have something made since I am hungry and Sattori probably will be hungry." I make a kitchen in a room and expand it then put on my clothes. I go to the kitchen and make some maids, "make ramen, teriyaki, and cooked chicken." They all say yes, Kagin-sama, and get to work. "The next few days will be interesting. She should wake up tomorrow."

5 days later

I wake up and see kagin in bed to see kagin awake. I kiss him and we both say good morning. "You couldn't wait until we got married or I met your family."

"Nope, I couldn't. I had to go ahead and do it with a perfect body like yours. You wait here I will get the maids to fix us something to eat and have them bring it back here."

"Ok kagin." He puts on his clothes and goes out the door. 'I have no choice in this but I want more of what we been doing. It is all thanks to my mistakes and this mark; It is also because of his powers. Our kids will be powerful and really intelligent. I also have protection from some other celestial beings that would want to either kill me or take my powers. This is better than dying.' He comes back in.

"Sattori the maids are making breakfast for you, they will be back here in 10 minutes. I don't need to eat since I have infinite energy. I am going to add a few things to this dimension."

"Ok kagin. Wait kagin there are more celestial beings out in the universe. Some want to kill me, if they come here and see you in my place they will challenge you to a fight."

"Thanks for letting me know Sattori. I will fight them if they come and I will be careful."

"Kagin my sister is Layla she is the only one of my family I have left." He says that he will protect her. 'He has some of the same powers I do, "Mirror manipulation, telepathy. I didn't even get a chance to fight him and I defeated plenty of celestial beings. He has an infinite supply of energy, he can manipulate transcendent energy, elemnetal and ambient energy. He also has shard manipulation and he can manipulate dimensional power.'

'I lost to an overpowered human who has a new kind of energy that is infinite. He can still be defeated but he may be able to take on other dimensional beings. Their are others who can defeat kagin since he lacks experience and can't really control his energy.'

I am sitting on my throne "I have Hinata as my wife, bailey, sakura, and Layla as my girlfriend's. Sattori is also my girlfriend so that makes 4. I need more for my second plan that has to do with the earth. Sharu, Tsunade, Ino, and Emily are perfect for my plan. I would also have more power since I would have a clan head as my wife with her cousin."

"Tsunade is 26 which is good. Now, who else should I get my sensei I am definitely getting her I am not going to let anyone else have her. The Hokage is dying from a disease and their son left Jiraiya during the training trip. Kushina is someone I must have and any other Uzumaki girl I find. I will decide later right now I have a business to attend to."

I split myself again and have it go to the leaf to make sure they are okay.

Back to the other dimension.

Layla POV

"Alright, kagin I would rather you than anyone of our classmates. You already know that I don't have any powers. Kagin I am sorry but after this, I can't be in the organization this is too much. Its wh-

"It is ok Layla I understand. Do you want to stay in the kill group, join the search team, or stay at the base?" She said to stay at the base, "ok go back to the base and stay safe." She says ok and goes to the base while I join the kill team. 'I have two years until my uncle wakes from his sleep, but he made a clone of himself before sleeping. I have to defeat his half that is in charge of the council while fighting the demons and vampwolves.'

'The number is now 3,000 people. The search team has 800 students, 1,000 are guarding the camp as a defense force. The kill team has 941 students and there are 7 teams of scouts. They have 37 in them and 2 groups are for the search team, three for the kill team, and 2 for the defense team. I am definitely going to kill the council and my uncle, but I have to be patient, it won't happen in one day.' I go to the kill team and we head out.

The scouts go ahead of us.

20 minutes later

I got reports from the scouts that there are 600 demons and 600 vampwolves heading our way, and they are coming together. 'This is the councils doing they are probably controlling them and are testing us.' "Everyone here is the plan."

Nate POV

I am going with a large group of vampwolves and demons to a hideout that is supposed to be where a large group of people is. 'I hope that kagin and bailey are there so I can kill them.' There is a total of 600 in our group and I duck then get pushed back on the ground. I look around to see vampwolves and demons explode, some have kunai's and shuriken are in them. I duck and look to see that it is that kagin boy.

'He is doing all of this, impossible, where is he storing all of those kunai and shuriken.' I transform and so do others then we all charge at him.'

"Well, time to see what all I can do in my dragon mode." I activate my dragon mode.

I stop his eyes are dark red on his left side and light blue on his right side. He has a dragon head on his shirt that has the same color as kagin eyes, the dragon is dark gold. His hair is dark gold, and he has dark gold lines going down his uniform. His uniform is dark gold with two circles on his chest. I smell his chakra 'What is that his chakra is different.' Everyone else is charging at him.

I wait for them to get close and then summon my sword. I run into the monsters and cut two demons and one vampwolf. Four hundred and twenty of my classmates jump down from the trees. I form shards out of my chakra and have the 20 shards go around me. I add silver to the shards and cut the head of a vampwolf then jump up.

The shards are cutting the vampwolves and demons. I send the shards around to help out my classmates and make more. I bring my sword down and stick it into a demon's head. I pull my sword out and land on the ground, as I gather energy from the surrounding area the monsters back up. I make small spikes out of energy and send it around since my shards got destroyed.

I knock a humans weapon away and bite his throat, he falls backward on the floor. I look at kagin and see that he made a lot of things out of something dark gold. It is killing the demons and vampwolves and they are not getting up. I run away with some other vampwolves and demons. Dark golden things jumped down from the trees and they have red and blue eyes, two legs, four arms and no face.

They swing their swords at us, killing us. I make it past them and so do some others. We hear the dying screams of our kind 'he got that powerful and I didn't even try to fight him.' "AHHHHHHH" I get something stuck inside me and look to see it is bailey. I revert to my normal state since I can't fully stay transformed.

"I recognize you it has been a long time."

"I recognize you, evil witch" I scream as I get shocked the others come to my defense and get shocked as well. She stops and they revert back to there normal state.

"Hey kagin." He kissed me.

"Hey, bailey. I recognize you, I can see that they did a number on you." He glares at me.

"Kagin the other group of monsters have been dealt with now it is just them."

"Good" I go up to him and break the collar and he screams. "That is what gives you vampwolves and the others enhanced powers. That is good to know" I break two other collars and they scream. "Bailey kill the rest except for those three." She does that and I have others take the three and they come with us without resisting.

Sattori POV

I have told one of the maids to let kagin know that I am going to be sleeping. 'Kagin is an energy monster he has way too much energy, I don't have enough even with the energy kagin gave me. I can't take on a person who is nearly god-level. I will worry about that later, right now I need sleep.'

Kagin POV

'Sattori is going to sleep and I am in the process of making defenses for this dimension. I have made bodyguards for sattori in case I can't make it to her, and I made my own personal bodyguards.

Gale POV

I go up to kagin "kagin my group and the scouts were ambushed, we were outnumbered and had to retreat. There is a total of 2,000 monsters heading our way, and another 1,000 is supposed to join them"

"Ok gale, rest and get healed up that goes for the rest of you that came back with Gale. You others survivors if you need rest then rest but those of you who can fight help us against the monsters." I tell them where to set up the defenses and make a clone to finish the rest. I go into the cave where the three vampwolves are being kept.

They glare at me and I walk up to them with two of my personal guards with me. "So are you going to tell me everything? We already took off the collars and took out the tracking devices."

Melina POV

"I can't they have my son and if I tell you anything they will kill him." 'Once they attack and free us then I will be reunited with my son. Why was he looking at me for a long time, oh no don't tell me he can read minds.' I see pink hair and she looks at me.

I tell kagin how I know her. "Kagin here there is one more thing inside them all that we missed during the prodcure."

He gives the go-ahead and two people go for nate. "Wait stop try it on me please not on them."

"You will die when we start on you since you have volunteered many times to take the test procedures for them; you won't survive. Take him and bring him to the medical room." Three of our classmates take him off of the chains and he fights back. They restrain him and we go to the medical room.

'7 hours until the attack.' "I will come back and until then stay alive." I leave 'I have to do what I must to survive, and I am really inexperienced with my powers. This will be a great opportunity to use my powers. I will need all the experience to face my uncle. The total now is 3,600 of our classmates.'