
The Vampires Night:DROPPED

One day while walking home Marcus finds an injured bat he decides to help it but what he didn’t know was it was actually a vampire and one by one mysterious events started to happen in his so-called normal life his body started to change,do all these events unfolding one by one happen to be good or bad?

Mohammed_Jawad · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 Vampire Realm

"So care to explain why a vampire royal is here in New York" said Alice.The girl started to back up until she hit the wall she was cornered and had to come clean,I'm Nerine daughter of the king of vampires and the human world is in danger."Why what's wrong"said Marcus in a concerned tone "there was a coup d'etat the vampire nobles took over the kingdom and are hunting down what's left of the royal family".

"why would they do that"said Marcus;"because now that the royal family is gone they can have their war with the humans of this world the nobles witnessed the power humans have now with their technology this scared the nobles thinking humans were gonna use this power on them,they pestered the king to declare war on the humans before they got the chance to attack but he kept saying no he didn't want there to be death and vampires already hated humans with their guts because there the reasons why vampires went into hiding they hunted them down like dogs".

"Thats when the vampires turned to an ancient sorcerer to help them,he made another dimension for vampires to reside in to escape the wrath of the humans.But now since the power of the vampires has grown they can have their war with humans with equal power and this time retake the world for their own gain".Thats when you found me said Nerine I was in the form of a bat injured running from my pursuers I came here to find a contact in the brotherhood to warn the humans of the upcoming war but I can't now vampire scouts are everywhere watching and waiting there's nothing I can do until they leave this area,but this is great who knew I would find a pure blood werewolf here I can probably use his power to retake the throne and stop this war before it even happens" Nerine thought to herself.

Marcus looked at Alice just stood there thinking on what to do next just silent standing there that's when she spoke saying "I know a safe house you can go to the brotherhood owns it"."Wait let's not act rash now Marcus said I think the vampires know she's here"."What do you mean"Nerine and Alice said at the same time."When I brought her here there was a guy in a black trench Coat that kept looking at me I think he followed me here and knows your here"Marcus said in a shackle voice".Wait you said a man with a black trench coat did he have sunglasses and white hair" Nerine said in a anxious tone."Yeah that's the guy do you know him".Yes he's my knight the only vampire who's on my side he's probably watching from nearby.

Nerine than said "Klause show yourself"and a shadow rose in the garage and it was the man in the black trench coat."He than said good my lady you are alright"Marcus than thought how did that guy just appeared out of no where".Alice than said"wow a vampire that specializes in shadow magic haven't heard of that type of magic in a long time".Klaus than said"my lady the scouts numbers have increased they'll be by this position by nightfall I need to get you out of here or they'll catch onto your scent"."No just stay here we both fight for the same cause" said Marcus,No they need to leave if they stay here the vampires will come and not only kill them but us and we can't let them find out about you or all hope would be lost" said Alice in an annoyed tone.

"I promised your parents I would take care of you as if you were mine I'm not gonna let anything ruin that Marcus"Alice said in a calm voice when mentioning his parents.Marcus than looked at Alice and saw the sadness from her face he said to her "listen I know you made a promise but what's the point of the promise when everyone else's parents and family is dying when we have the power to do something I know you don't want to help her but let's at least keep her here and bring her to the brotherhoods safe house".Alice finally agreed and said "I know a way to get those scouts off your back when I was in the brotherhood they invented a spray that cancels out the vampires sense of smell when it comes down to tracking we can use that though the way they made the spray is a story for another time a unpleasant story,once there gone I can bring you to the safe house there you will meet your contact and try to regain your position and stop the war."

Alice than sprayed Nerine and Klaus with the spray and that's when Klaus's eyes widened and said "wait this smell don't tell me they made this spray with vampire hearts".Alice than said "I told you it wasn't a Pleasant story". It was now Night fall Thats when Klaus and Nerine hid while waiting for the confirmation from Alice that the scouts have passed,after waiting 20 minutes Alice came and said there gone "the spray worked".Nerine than said we can't go to the brotherhood straight away we need to wait until they leave the city so we can make our move can we stay here until the time comes".

One week later*

"Hey did you hear there's some talk about a new transfer student with blond hair rumors are saying she's totally hot"one kid said another said "hey is that her she right next to Marcus do you think that's his girlfriend".Probably look she's standing really close to him,Marcus heard what they were saying wondering how they thought some like her was hot she was a blood sucking vampire,than Marcus looked at her again and said in his head "her facial features are pretty nice and her golden hair I would fight for this girl".Thats when Marcus said wait what's going on I can't stop thinking about her that's he whispered to her"hey Nerine are you doing something to everyone they keep staring at you nonstop".Nerine replied with a "yes this was her influence magic which every vampire had that she does to the minds of others".Marcus thought I don't even understand why she has to come to school with me it's weird she's a vampire do they even need school,Klaus said it's good for her to be here to draw attention away from the vampires but all is see is getting attention than trying to avoid it.Thats when Marcus and Nerine walk into the classroom and see someone standing where the teacher would've been standing and he said Hello everyone I'm new history teacher My name is Klaus Nikolaevich but please just call me Mr.Klaus.

End of Chapter 5

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