
Showdown 1

Theodore and the princess were thrown on the ground close to the pit.

"Why are you doing this father? I am your daughter aren't I? Don't you love me even a little bit?" Darla asked pitifully. 

"You aren't my daughter, you little bitch" the king snapped. 

Darla was shocked at the king's statement. "What do you mean?" 

"let me tell you a little story. I and your mother are gods. We ran away from the Heavens. We met your stupid gullible father, the plan was simple. I would take control of his body until the body weakened and I got a new host. But your silly mother fell in love with the idiot. She tried to suppress me but I was much stronger, she ran away and I fully took over the body. I would have killed you but I thought at least you might have some use, too bad you proved to be useless. But now I am going to use your body to make a new body, after all you are a demigod."