
The vampire Prince's little rose

"Wanting to stay away from me now" A male deep husky voice sounded in her ear, his warm breath caressing her ear lobes, turning around she faces the handsome face staring intently at her, his red eyes looking deeply into her own as her heart hammered crazily. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he drew her closer to him as he whispered to her "it's too late now lovely rose to run away from me, you are now tied to me FOREVER". Saying this he captured her lips as her mind blacked out. Regalus Rogers known for his coldness, aloofness, brutality and beauty saves a young girl from a group of kidnappers, however they meet again in school where the young girl stuck to him no matter how much he tried distancing them. Slowly his cold heart begin warming up to her and he finds his little pest adorable. However, the innocent little rose finds her cold saviour acting strange and becomes wary of him thereby trying to stay away from him however, the cold saviour won't let go of her as he eventually ties her up to him. However their love story does not move smoothly, there are bumps and dangers threatening them. Will their love persevere or will they get swallowed up by the darkness. Find out in this intriguing and interesting story. Thanks.

Gladys_Matthew_5226 · Fantaisie
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12 Chs


A nightmare

In the early hours of the morning, kasela could be seen tossing around in her bed as beads of sweat covered her forehead. She was having a nightmare and in her dream she was seen running in a dark hall and there were also footsteps following swiftly behind her. While still running, she tripped and fell, as she turned her head she could see a tall silhouette towering above her, suddenly in the dark she saw two pairs of red eyes and a long glistening white canines, out of fear she gave a loud scream as the being stepped forward.

The door burst opened as Aunt Geraldine ran inside kasela's room cradelling the young girl in her arms s she began shivering in fright. Kasela hugged her aunt tightly as she began crying "Aunt, I saw a monster in my dream, I am so scared aunt, he....he almost got me". Kasela sobbed profusely. Aunt Geraldine wiped her tears gently and soothed her "look dear, it was only a nightmare, no monster is here,you are safe with me, okay?." Aunt Geraldine caressed kasela's back softly as she whispered soothing words to her. After some time kasela calmed down, her aunt wiped away her tears and switched on the lights in her room. "Now you need to get ready, remember you are leaving for school today?" Kasela smiled faintly as she nodded her head. "So I will help you pack your things while you use the bathroom" her aunt told her "okay aunt thanks" kasela answered as she moved over to the bathroom, minutes later she emerged out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe, her long hair dripping wet as she picked up a towel from the table to dry her hair."you know your journey is a long distance, so my husband and I woke up early to prepare and make sure that nothing will go wrong in this journey." Aunt Geraldine said as she continued packing kasela's clothes. "Aunt, thanks for everything and I won't let you down", Kasela promised solemnly. "Yeah, that was what I wanted to hear kasela". Her aunt said as she finished packing her niece's clothes. Holding kasela's hands, they sat on the bed,she paused trying to choose her next choice of words "kasela, you should know one thing now, I'm expecting a child soon and I want my child to also look up to you" her aunt said and kasela's eyes widened. "Aunt, you...you...are pregnant?" Kasela asked happily, her aunt nodded quietly.