
The Vampire of Love

Kitty_Boatwright · Fantaisie
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the vampire of love part 13 when we Regina went to the hospital her friend a member with her ex-boyfriend for her Regina boyfriend is faking his own death so he was not dead

you faked your death yes I did because I don't want nobody to come around me make me lose Regina the only girl I love well I'm sorry doing something like this then maybe can't go a jail now I put her to this remember I got you pregnant but I will baby and you know I don't mean to f*** you you know that yeah I know Brian you just need to explain to Brian come on no it was the accident we did this what kind of gun is you have a hell gun it was fun the devil you try to kill her over a gun are you serious yes I have to do it my boss wanted me to do that your boss you got to be kidding me Brian no I'm I am so bad I'm not a good person to Regina will you meet you and you know the first I don't understand when the last time you came over here that night I worse what do you mean you were sweet what do you mean by this I don't mean to get you pregnant I don't mean anything in this could not happen to us you got to be kidding me what are you saying Brian Ikea women down one night because I I want it blood you wanted blood for what I don't get it you you take care of the baby by yourself I can't take care of this baby by myself you should have been wearing protection you should have been wearing a condom no why am you don't want to know where are you what are you please please tell me that I'm demon you are a demon yes I'm yes I am edema yeah but what is a smell please tell me you did not ever yes I did I drawn the blood I basically with all the you with the neck I drink out of it you can't tell her nothing I got to tell her you're not taking care of my baby but I will baby I don't care because I asked you I f*** the women the women told me to stop this is the basically told me to stop they look like models are hurt that very bad going in the bedroom and go see what in there oh my goodness you killed them you killed everyone sit down how could you do something like this can't help it I need blood only blood keep me alive this day or this night I don't care about the women women need to be a f****** why do you f*** them a song with Regina I don't care but but I know this did you tell her I'm going to use this gun on you and put you in hell with me this is a hell done I faked my death I did not have no choice he'll treat me like that how do you do this how I did it it was so you keeping this for secretly but you keeping this for a secret yes let me tell you something I can't die it don't matter I get hit by a truck will get hit by a car I can't die Emily I got to keep a f****** b****** every time I want to sick give me help I need help I need help you can go and adopt the baby because I'm not taking care of no baby I'm a pimp okay I make money I had sex with women and women give me the cash Kimberly you do this to a girl I can't believe it I don't care because I still shake with the Devil you still sick with the Devil would you know I don't need to know anything about this you call her on the phone she hang up on you she don't like you don't like me anymore see the horns on my head oh God oh my God don't tell her please it would scare her Levi short if you look ugly you are very ugly that's the point in looking scary are you still living still women you want some murderer baby I'm here for this I'm here for you for anything but I don't want you I don't need you I'm just here to f*** you I don't care I'm not being used let me tell you something my eyes are turning red don't piss me off I just I'm here to f*** you I don't want this to happen Regina I don't need to know about this about us she always know the point and we was together yeah well I'm sorry I don't want you and I'm out all we got hoes disgusting well that's why I am I'm feeling hell sorry I'm not telling I'm not telling her then what's a good girl and Emily oh you go to hell well thank you you will pay for what you've done to me baby it's okay I don't care I'm a demon you have a demon baby inside you you never heard of a demon vampire for no well that's why I am cut my nails look at my horse Tales and you know what that one women at right now where at hell what's wrong with you that's nothing wrong there is something wrong with you you you are doing vampire never heard of these type of things we taking over the universe World yeah I got to tell Regina not doesn't she did not call me for a while Emily leaving what you going to do to me I'm going to do to you I'm taking the demon baby I love you baby what is this who what is this this is the the devil symbol Ian the devil star oh awwit's okay awww so what are you doing what are you doing you always know my secret I had to kill you how are you feeling I will, and like towards the angel angel don't mean nothing I can hear the demon baby please don't take it out on is a screen it all f****** care no no no no no no no always please please please oh ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh it always done how do you feelling Emily who is some good blood I mean basically you are still human no the demons going to eat you one by one taking the baby with me by stupid b**** what's hell now should not f*** with me I like that blood splashed in my face and we are done we are done I know you crying right now with your tears coming down towards your face I'm sorry no my demons especially once you want me to eat you no I just see with Regina to school tomorrow but I'm not going to do this to her and will do worse things to her rest in peace and Emily hi you each and Emily events she is not well here right now if you can leave me a message at the tone but thank you Emily I'm sorry what I say inside but can you please forgive me for that I know you have but I'm sorry he gone and stuff like that and I'm not mean that at all so let that happen please tell me I'll just call me back or text me back please what you get this message bye girl I could not tell her the truth could not tell Emily the truth how I Come From Hell I'll come back to the real world I am a demon let me text with Regina I'm about to call you hello hi Hi how are you who is this I'm a demon yes I don't know what happened to your friend your bestest friend I don't know what happened to her what do you mean why wouldn't what happened to her she still alive what you what's wrong with you I don't think so Regina because she she basically is dead what do you mean she's dead she basically cut herself somehow she wanted to do something running in something yes you may we need to check it out I swear to God go to hell owain Hill for something to eat her to death meet me in the end of Emily are you still there Emily check behind the sheets in the car who does this to you who did this to you a monster a monster did this to me I'm also kill me find you but what do you mean find me what do you mean by that I mean look at you who the hell am I I'm edema you're not you're really not calling the cops do the cops will you think the cops will do the West you at now they will West you you did it yet I did not do anything like this it was your fault Regina you should not came to this place can't believe you would deem it and you might ask how could you fake your death I don't know Raceway blow me off for the building you basically did that will you okay about me anymore say f*** Brian go on with somebody else again out here out here. leave you alone no I can't do that but I can take your soul away I know that along please tell me you enough a video watch what watch this video but what are you doing no no no no no what you doing I don't want to die I don't want to die on this video please please please please it's too late Emily you always dead no no no no no Emily a I have myself a cross to kill you you was a f****** vampire a demon vampire a vampire need to be defeat you know what the best part is what is it Regina or wooden stick towards your damn heart Emily so we go get you to a hospital okay we got to get you out of here come on let me go see you up hi my friend need help do you know who name is Emily O'Brien oh yes we will help her do you have some cuts on you yes I do can you tell me what happened ma'am it was the accident that's all I can say to you oh my can we get some doctors over here haha nurses over here are you okay yeah I'm okay have I'm fine how about Emily house she's okay no we found out she basically had Cuts all over her and she's not breathing we put her on a breathing machine that's why she's been beat up very bad when you found her I found her in the car where was she been beat up too badly

can I please see her please yes yes you can Emily I am so sorry I did not know they put you on seen and you can't breathe right now but I hope you get with me I did not know you stomach was cut or anything I hope you come out this so we can be best friends again everything always go through a bed towards us I don't want to lose my best friend or what I found you at hello I don't know what you all life oh God you alive girl what happened open face open screen is something I've been hurt like what happened open scratching it yes you been scratching it by all my guys Hey hey guys she made it she made it girl you was in a coma coma that's why I could not move scare I know I know you scared girl but I'm happy you okay where is my mom where is my dad the coming up Emily family oh my gosh she just wake up in time are you okay girl are you are you okay yes I'm fine Mom and Dad my friend save me when Danger hi I never met you but I'm Emily friend Regina it's a long story what happened what's in a dark alley and then something mess up a dark alley yes I did not know this wow but I'm just happy she here I'm just happy she's okay my stomach been cut in I don't know what else Emily can you stand up oh excuse me can you come here a second yeah what's the problem your daughter she have a commotion it's like a basically something broke in her body so she can't stand up like now what is it something somebody hurt her very bad yeah she can't stand out right now so she had to wear something to being in a wheelchair somehow a real chill yeah wheelchair I don't want my daughter in a wheelchair well we got to be something ma'am fine she can have a wheelchair but Mom I don't want to be in a wheelchair you had to can't believe you can't walk do with just your stomach you can't walk anymore yeah I know Mom Regina do you have anything to do with this no I just found her Uno a junkyard in a junkyard in a abandoned car really yesterday last night you found her last night in the car she cannot walk or anything you had a lot of scratches all over her stomach been cut and stuff like I just got in my car just lift her up and put her in my car and we drive off well I drive off well thank you saving my daughter life you know I'm a bad person off I really appreciate you doing this to me for me thank you Regina you're welcome no problem I just do not want to cause no problem towards your family not at all you're not even harm towards us would you no Regina I disappoint you you sneak out in the middle of the night when you were suspended from school what Mom yeah I was suspended okay I ain't got me no respect what are you talkin about will you have when your friends here with Regina I basically found you in abandoned car in the middle of a night

you want punishment when we get back home no TV no junk food oh come on I don't want to hear it you you only16 years old I can't believe this no phone and no laptop tonight no laugh out to talk to my friend and no friends in the house you go around it I'm grounded yes you is I am so sorry girl who is Diane Shania of a sneak out so what happened last night Ono remember how do you say you don't I don't know don't know of a member states okay the way you doing at Brian place last night Emily what do you do when you was doing at his place in the middle of night Emily tell me now I know he's not going to forgive me for this beat or me what do you mean he beat on you this a mess of things to me last night can you take it back I thought he was dead you lied to me you hide this from your own friend you're the only friend who been here for you who take you out danger last night how could you do this to me Regina Elena means this please don't tell my mom and dad well I'm about to tell you what is it what is soo appointment about you please tell me you not Emily I had a demon baby and me last night so you are a demon oh my goodness oh my goodness so you are a demon don't tell no one I had to kill myself right now I did not know Brian was a demon you got some explaining to say to your parents right now this is instant Emily no I'm not I can't do it and you won't tell them they will kill you people to always tell parents what's going on with the socialization you don't do this to your own family put the always tell them what's going on with you with alcohol in and everything else are we not friends anymore I'm getting my jacket and again my Parkey pocketbook out here in the sky here no I want you to get that off please can your eyes Emily why don't tell your mom Skipolini's in a demon Emily Mom Dad yeah would you know the Regina the princess Emily best friend right yeah I got something to tell you okay what is it what's to tell y'all Emily is a is a what speak it out girls speak it out what is it about our daughter are you friend she's a demon but I got to go I got to go back home a f****** truth who is true I am a demon and believe me I believe you it what you saying you are demon the alcohol really got you f***** up you did cocaine last night do you smoke weed what else you doing hide we're back I can't look at you your eyes change already you must kill me do it before it get worse don't use that gun on her this is the cross in the wooden stick baby what you want me to do what I just say to help with the what's the wooden stick oh my God I can't watch go ahead kill me goodbye Emily who was the only one who was our daughter ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh then throw holy water on her I can't believe that you burn in fire I can't believe my daughter is gone did she burn in fire I can't believe any of our daughter is going to it's like some type of way if she was a vampire a demon or a vampire but both mix would you know to us nothing Regina call Regina on Emily phone hello well I'm driving home okay I'm basically on the road right now can you tell me what happened to our daughter yes I can she told me she always found out okay it was my ex my ex-boyfriend he was something a towards your daughter I don't know what it's like he was a demon that what she told me and that's why I don't want to be her friend is she being like that yeah we always found out she was a demon she burning fire well I'm sorry okay I'm sorry for your loss but she's not my frame okay but don't call me I'm okay I got to get I got to get home I got school tomorrow so how do I get home can't believe this I really can't believe this she she lied to us she lied to everyone of us I can't believe she lied to me I'm her dad I'm the father I promise you that son of a b**** for hell I'll go kill him I promise you I will kill him I don't get so f****** he's a demon s*** I will kill the f*** out him baby he she dead I do man I will have a shotgun to shoot the f*** out I dude the guy who killed our daughter Regina exboyfriend

are you see your friend at the hospital look dad it's a You Stay Puft on junkyard a junkyard are you serious in a car abandoned car middle nowhere look I found her and she was the worst day in life what is you talkin about Regina she was a demon dad you lying I could tell you long you I'm not lying dad do they have a memory loss today and then this is crazy and she woke up she woke up yep and she told me she was a demon the demon vampire a demon vampire we don't believe in those things with Regina go your room go to my room right now I don't want the talking back just go to your room now I will talk about it later I don't care okay baby what happened I don't know what's wrong with the girl let me talk to her please I take the car keys away so she's not driving mode because I don't know what the girl going on well let me talk to her okay fine your choice go ahead would you know you in love I'm just knocking on your door yes I'm still waiting here okay would you know I'm so sorry if you lose your friend today yeah but she was not a friend she was pregnant by a demon baby a demon baby yes okay I'm here y'all go note about this every f****** time watch what you say on lady you still younger watch what you say what would they do with treat me like a baby well I don't know okay but you put the you opposed to set me in this family I'm not stepping uforce no s*** I know what you is you the song the lying down beat them woman who wanted to use my father you just wanted to sleep with him just wanted his money and stuff that's all so I don't a lady like you get the hell out my room but like a hole in a hooker a hooker you know what we Regina don't know what's up with your mouth but you better watch it you said my name wrong if we Regina I don't know I don't know what what your mouth lately I'm going baby where you going the get out the house for a while talk to your precious daughter your stepmother what do you say to her I don't know I don't care anymore but I'll be right back don't use that word in my in your life baby baby baby baby what sorry I'm sorry because your daughter had a nasty mouth towards me and she don't have no other man no sense spec ammo and she posed to be a princess I don't think so I should have report that what she not mean that okay she just maybe been through a lot of things today in her life everybody been through things in their life look I'm about to go okay but you're not leaving me oh I put money on you please tell me you're not a stripper no I'm not but I got to go fine go ahead and let me just tell you something I got that ring and still waiting for you the put on your finger away I got the ring for you would you know come down here now why you use language like that towards my woman towards your stepmother I can say anything I want to her I want to this is my old mouse this is my own body I don't need none of y'all I don't need you in my life I don't need that woman in my life what happened to you you change a lot what happened to me I just lose my boyfriend my ex boyfriend who who did who did we did not do anything for me that much they all need you a report me in life I really don't I don't deserve the old friend is dead I don't deserve this the really don't don't you understand that no and yeah I do understand more the most of it I'll be here for you but so does spit in my woman and start this inspect yours and your stepmother you're not my real mom dad