
Light Food.

Yang Dao and Laohu Bai flew in the sky for a long time, on the way Yang Dao spotted a few Elemental Vessels, but he did not board them. He saw that other than different decorations and sizes; they were all same. 

Theseus and Djomdar had told him they were merchants and their business was to allow people to travel between the two kingdoms. Despite the war going on the two kingdoms allowed civilian life to be as far from it as possible. 

This was the decree of the last Dao child who appeared here. Since that person could not find the solution for this situation, he/she commanded the people of the world to leave the civilians out of it and not to force everyone. They thought that the war will calm down on its own. They found a temporary balance that if the armies and the rulers are waring, then let the civilians be peaceful with each other.