
Unexpected Boldness

As the sun rises, a captivating orange hue spreads across the sky. The world slowly awakens as the light touches everything with a gentle glow. The dew-kissed trees sparkle, and birds fill the air with their cheerful songs. City streets come to life, buildings gleaming in the sunlight. Nature’s canvas unfolds in golden fields and colourful flowers. People embrace the new day with smiles, feeling the energy of the sun’s warmth. The morning sky’s beauty signals the perfect time to rise and seize the day’s opportunities.

But there’s a girl who is still sleeping peacefully in her bed when suddenly the phone rang, disturbing her lovely sleep. However, she was just too lazy to answer the call. She grabbed the side pillow and pressed it against her ears to muffle the noise. After a few minutes, the call ended, but then there was a loud knocking on her door. She groaned and reluctantly opened the door to find her friend, Aaradhya, standing there. Zaranya swiftly got back into her blanket, trying to avoid facing the world.

Aaradhya sighed at the scene. “Why didn't you pick up the calls? Aunty called me to wake you up.” She pulled the curtain aside, letting the sun’s ray stream into the room. “For heaven’s sake, get up, your lazy ass” she nagged, playfully poking fun at Zaranya’s reluctance to leave the comfort of her bed. Aaradhya removed the blanket, and Zaranya twisted herself on the bed, getting a perfect stretch.

Aaradhya placed a glass of water in front of Zaranya, who took it gratefully and gulped it down. “What’s the matter? It’s Sunday, for god’s sake,” Zaranya groaned in annoyance.

“Don't tell me you forgot the boy’s family is coming to see you,” Aaradhya’s gaze laced with suspicion. Zaranya clicked her tongue, admitting that she had forgotten again. “God, what am I going to do with you? You still can't remember dates” Aaradhya pinched her nose bridge.

“You know I remembered they were coming on the 24th, but I didn't realize today is the 24th,” she said in a low voice, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“Now, that’s not the point! Gosh, get your ass in the shower,” Aaradhya yelled at Zaranya, her frustration evident. ’Sometimes, I wonder why we Indians are so loud,’ Zaranya rolled her eyes in jest. “NOW!” Aaradhya yelled once more, causing Zaranya to flinch. “Yes, mommy!” quickly scurrying towards the bathroom.

Soon they sat in the passenger seat and Aaradhya drove the car towards Singhania’s Kothi. “So, what are you going to do this time?” Aaradhya asked while keeping her eyes on the road.

“Nothing new, just reject them like all the others,” replied Zaranya casually.

“God, that’s going to be the 10th guy. Are you even keeping track of the numbers?” Aaradhya expressed a mix of concern and no surprise. Indeed, she had a reason to be concerned because if Zaranya reject this guy, she has to go on dates with the first four guys her parents choose and she rejected them without even glancing at their pictures. She still remembers the scene from the past: -

“‘Dude, my parents are going crazy trying to get me married,’ Zaranya complained on the call. ‘See, I told you. You'll be the first among us to get married. Right Harman?’ Aaradhya said on the other side.

'Damn, I can't believe I'm only Twenty- one and still I have to deal with all this’ she cried dramatically. ‘Haha... Honestly, I can perfectly imagine you, Zaranya, doing all the cooking and dishes,’ Harman laughed. ‘Mark my words, I will reject at least the first four guys on the list.’ she declared openly.”

The car came to a halt in front of Singhania’s residence. As soon Zaranya stepped out, she noticed another car and it wasn't her father’s, probably the one belonging to the ‘potential groom’.

“Here we are,” Aaradhya smirk looking at Zaranya. Before Zaranya could respond, her phone rang- a call from her mom. “Amma, I'm already here, just open the back door”. They both tip-toed toward the entrance. Kartik opened the door, and then they all headed to her room.

“So, tell us all the details,” their gaze settled on Kartik, taking the hint Kartik began to speak, “His name is Arnav. Just as you asked, he’s not pretty but yeah, he is handsome. Clean face, taller than you, precisely by 15 cm. He works as an engineer at a private-” Before he could continue further Zaranya hurried into the bathroom to change into a saree.

She came out, looking perfectly dishevelled in her saree. Aaradhya without saying a word, started helping her wrap it properly. Zaranya glanced at her brother, who had turned his body around. Smiling softly, she couldn't help but think, 'Damn, I've raised such a perfect gentleman.’ Kartik turned 18 years old this year. When he was only 14, he used to make all her friends jealous because he was the ideal brother anyone would wish for.

“Karthik, we both know Mama and Papa must have researched a lot. What I want to know about is his mother and father” Zaranya inquired.

Kartik turned back towards her. “Talking about his father... hmm, how to say it. He’s kind of an easy-going man. But I must say, his mother is not easy-going. She was even saying, ‘He is our Raja beta. He always concentrated on his studies. Look at him, handsome, young, and with a good job. But he can't do any household chores. He doesn't even wash his spoon.’” Kartik finished, and Zaranya blinked, processing the information.

“Okay, anything else?” she asked, gazing at him through the mirror’s reflection. “Zaranya, where’s the bindi?” Aaradhya said, searching through the drawers. “It must be somewhere here…” Zaranya searched here and there, but Kartik handed one to Aaradhya.

“Kartik, why didn't God bless me with a brother like you?” Aaradhya pretended to wipe away her tears, while Zaranya felt genuinely proud.

As she sat in front of the potential boy for marriage and his parents, Zaranya couldn't help but notice that he was indeed handsome, with fair skin, fairer than hers, and a tall stature. She discreetly looked him over, realizing that she'd have to spend her entire life with him. Being shameless, she allowed herself to imagine how he might look inside that black shirt.

“So, beta, you can cook properly, right?! Because, you see, this gentleman here doesn't even pick up a spoon. He is my most cherished son,” his mother spoke elegantly, her face beaming with pride.

‘Stop smiling. You look like a witch,’ trying to maintain a polite smile. “Yes, our Zaranya can cook everything. She made all of these herself,” her mother Simran said, placing her hand on Zaranya’s thighs.

‘Seriously? I cooked everything,’ she mentally rolled her eyes. “He is their youngest son” as Kartik whispered that in her ear, Zaranya finally understood the family dynamics.

“So, beta, can you both stand up again? I would like to see you two standing together,” his mother requested. Zaranya stood up, and as they stood side by side, her mother observed them quietly.

“Can you remove those heels?” she asked. “Of course, Aunty,” Zaranya forced a tight smile, taking off her 6 cm high black pencil heels. Her height is 157 cm, not so tall, but she loves her height because it allows her to wear her lovely heels.

“Samdhan ji, her height is a bit… well, it’s fine,” she hesitated, seemingly doubtful. ‘For real’ Zaranya mentally rolled her eyes, thinking, 'he is tall because she specifically asked for that trait.'

After conducting tests for about 20 minutes, she looked at Zaranya’s parents, who were looking at her too. “We already liked your daughter, but now we want to make her our daughter,” she announced. Zaranya’s parents looked at Zaranya, their faces pleading, 'Please do not reject him now.’ Zaranya nodded and smiled, “Aunty, if you don't mind, can I talk to your son for few minutes?” she stated in the sweetest voice she could manage.

She could see a hint of shock on his parent’s faces, and her parents were probably thinking, ‘Here we go again.’ On the other hand, her brother and Aaradhya seemed to be mentally cheering for her. As they went up the stairs, the sun hides behind the clouds, and the weather seemed like it was going to rain.

“Arunav, right?! I'm Zaranya, as you know,” she introduced herself. “Yes,” he replied. It was the first thing he said since she saw him, and his voice was a little deep and clear.

“I'm sure you must have had or have a long list of girls who are dying to marry you, so why me?” she asked, looking straight into his eyes. “You are beautiful and well-educated. My mom liked you at first glance, and so do I,” he answered.

“Okay, well said, now remove your shirt.” He blinked in surprise, asking for clarification. “I said, can you remove your shirt, or if not, can I touch you here?” she shamelessly placed her hand on his stomach, hoping to feel his abs. The boy flinched, which she found cute.

“What will you do if you see two boys kissing?” she continued, and after a brief pause, his eyes widened. “Disgusting how can t-two boys. Eww” he said and stepped away and rushed downstairs, seemingly uncomfortable. ‘Homophobic in this era, seriously?’ Zaranya thought