
The Truth

Zaranya's mom approached them gracefully. "Abhay beta, please come and have some tea," she offered, her voice composed. They both settled into sofa chairs, and Abhay quietly sipped his tea. The atmosphere remained tense, and not a word was exchanged. Zaranya couldn't spot her usually nutty brother around; his presence might have brought some relief to the heaviness in the air.

Before she knew it, Abhay had left. She didn't even get a chance to bid him farewell, as her father accompanied him outside. Now, her attention turned toward the elderly man who had been seated on the main sofa since the beginning, seemingly unmoved.

She had deliberately disregarded the presence of the elderly man in the room. Turning to her mother, Zaranya inquired, "Amma, why did you call me so urgently?"

To her surprise, the old man finally spoke, his voice not as cold as his demeanor suggested. "I will answer that question," he began, his words measured. "I'm here to take you where you rightfully belong."

"No, she is not-" Simran interjected, but her protest was swiftly silenced.

"Simran, don't cross your line," he warned, and this time his tone held a chilling authority that made a shiver run down Zaranya's spine.

Gathering her courage, Zaranya directly addressed him, "Who are you, and where do you want me to go? Why would I follow you?"

He regarded her for a moment, then shifted his gaze to her father. "Sameer, you didn't tell her!? How dare she speak out of turn like this? Is this how you took care of our daughter?" he questioned, the phrase 'our daughter' ringing in Zaranya's ears. The sudden disclosure left her bewildered.

Before she could process everything, her mother's voice cut through the tension. "Who are you to comment on my daughter's behavior? She will do as she wishes. Only we can decide for her. It's none of your concern, Mr. Roy," she stated with a cold, unwavering tone.

"Enough, Simran," the old man retorted. "I respect you because you were my sister's friend and provided Zaranya with a normal family. But that doesn't change the fact that she doesn't belong here. If you don't agree willingly, I'll have to resort to other measures." With that, he stood, his words hanging heavy in the air.

"And remember, she belongs to the Oberois. We were supposed to hand her over to them. It would be wise not to cross those boundaries. We have responsibilities to fulfill. Make her understand everything. I'm giving you one week," he stated, his words laden with a sense of obligation. "The marriage will take place in two months. She'll have to undergo all the training. I hope you've mentally prepared her for what's to come." With that, he concluded and left without casting a backward glance.

Stunned, Zaranya looked at her mother, whose tears streamed down her cheeks. She was utterly bewildered, her mind unable to grasp the situation unfolding before her. She didn't know what to say or do. Amid the confusion, her sole wish was to prevent her from crying.

Unconsciously, she moved towards her, and she pulled her into a tight embrace as she wept uncontrollably. The emotions swirling around Zaranya were overwhelming, and she struggled to process the sudden revelation. All she wanted was to comfort her and make her tears stop.

Her father stepped in, taking her away and instructing Zaranya to rest in her room. Feeling utterly lost and drained, she complied, retreating to her room to process the tumultuous events that had just happened.

The day had transitioned into night, but neither Zaranya nor her mother had emerged from their respective room and needed rest.

Meanwhile, Kartik decided to spend most of the day in Zaranya's room, even sleeping on her bed. Despite his presence, sleep got out of her, leaving her thoughts consumed by the recent events.

Time skipped

2:00 am.

Kartik was fast asleep, but Zaranya found herself in search of water. The table in her room was empty, so she decided to head downstairs to the kitchen. Upon entering, she noticed the lights were already on. Her initial thought was that it might be Amma, but instead, she found Appa occupying the kitchen.

"Appa," she greeted softly, seeking his company. His expression told her he hadn't been able to sleep either. As he moved toward the dining table, she followed his lead, taking a seat beside him. Silence enveloped them as they sat.

Breaking the silence, Appa spoke with a serious tone—

"28 Years ago"

Sameer's voice grew softer as he began to recount a story from nearly three decades ago. "I was only 18 years old, hailing from a lower-middle-class family in Kolkata, and I was granted the rare opportunity to study at the prestigious Delhi Vishwavidyalya (University). Your mother was 17 at that time, and I vividly remember how immensely talented she was. She was the best friend of Princess Kaamini Roy, who hailed from Hyderabad. Kaamini was tall, fair-skinned, exceptionally intelligent, and talented-a standout even among other princesses from various states."

Sameer continued, "Around that time, Prince Ramraj Oberoi from Delhi also attended the same college. The moment he laid eyes on Princess Kaamini, he fell deeply in love with her. In his second year, his father sent a marriage proposal to the princess's palace. Upon learning of the proposal, Princess Kaamini gracefully declined. Despite her refusal, the prince remained steadfast in his pursuit. He showered her with gifts, flowers, and even jewelry."

"By our third year, a new batch of students had joined the college, and Princess Kaamini fell in love with a common man named 'Narayan'," Sameer continued, his tone tinged with nostalgia. "Meanwhile, the prince, though having given up on pursuing the princess, still faced pressure from his royal family to marry her."

Sameer's voice grew somber, "As Princess Kaamini's and Narayan's love blossomed in secret, the gossip among the royal families escalated and even reached the Roy royal family. Unable to tolerate the situation any longer, Princess Kaamini's father resorted to sending men to assassinate Narayan."

Sameer paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing the story.

"Princess Kaamini and Narayan's love story had reached a critical juncture. Narayan was shot in front of Princess Kaamini's eyes," Sameer continued, his voice laden with the gravity of the moment.

He recounted, "Witnessing the death of her beloved left Princess Kaamini devastated and plunged into depression. Prince Ramraj Oberoi's attention once again turned toward the princess. She continued to reside on campus, but her condition worsened day by day. While everyone assumed her decline was due to her depression, it was revealed one day that she had become unconscious. Your mother, Prince Oberoi, and I took her to a doctor, and that's when we discovered that she was one month pregnant."

Sameer's narration continued, "The news stunned Prince Oberoi. He was at a loss for what to do. Princess Kaamini was a mess of emotions, torn between her grief and the bittersweet happiness of having a part of her lost love still with her."

He went on, "Prince Oberoi, knowing the gravity of the situation, suggested to Princess Kaamini that they should get married, and he would willingly accept the child growing inside her. However, Princess Kaamini declined his proposal once again, believing that the prince deserved someone better."

"The days turned into weeks, and then months," Sameer's voice grew even softer, carrying the weight of the passage of time. "By the fourth month, the pregnancy bump had become slightly visible. Only the three of us knew about her condition. Prince Oberoi took great care to hide Princess Kaamini in a safe location."

"However, by the time the seventh month arrived, the royal family got wind of her pregnancy. Before the news could spread, they took her away to Hyderabad. Her pregnancy not only deepened the bitterness between the Roy and Oberoi families but also marked a turning point in her life," Sameer concluded, his words resonating with the profound impact of the events that had unfolded.

"Simran wasn't able to reach her best friend, and her state of depression was worsening by the day. I couldn't bear to see her neglecting herself like that, so I decided to reach out to Prince Oberoi," Sameer continued.

He went on, "After much effort and persuasion, we were finally granted permission to meet her. Upon reuniting with her, Princess Kaamini made a heartfelt request to Prince Oberoi-to take her away from the palace, to escape somewhere else. A plan was meticulously crafted, and just when we were on the verge of executing it, she went into labor. Amid that critical situation, we managed to escape, and Princess Kaamini successfully gave birth to a girl."

Sameer's voice softened as he concluded, his words carrying a weight of emotion, "And that girl is you, Zaraanya." The revelation hit Zaranya like a tidal wave, the pieces of the puzzle finally fitting together, revealing the intricate tapestry of her existence intertwined with a tale of love, struggle, and sacrifice that spanned decades.

"As soon as she gave birth to you, she requested Simran," Sameer continued, his voice imbued with the depth of the tale. " 'Simran, my friend, please take my child in your care. Please give her a normal life. Only you can do it. I don't want her to suffer a fate like mine.' In response, Simran took you in her arms."

Sameer's tone grew more intense, "With the assistance of Prince Oberoi, Simran and I managed to escape, fleeing as far as we could. We intentionally severed all contact with the princess and prince, focusing solely on ensuring your safety. It was evident that despite any excuses the princess may have offered, people were aware of your existence, and some sought to harm you."

"We continued to change locations to protect you. Through newspapers, we learned that Princess Kaamini had returned to the palace, although we were unsure of the circumstances that led to her return. Then, one day, Mr. Roy, the small brother of the princess, visited us. He proposed that we take care of you, with all the financial support provided by him. He stipulated that when you turned 25, you would marry Vivanraj, the elder son of the Oberoi family."

Sameer's voice grew somber as he concluded, "Your mother and I had an uneasiness about this arrangement. We wanted you to have the freedom to choose your own path, including your life partner. That's why we were determined to find you a suitable match that you would genuinely like before you reached the age of 25."