
Mr. Roy

A week had passed, and Zaranya found herself wandering from one diamond shop to another in a desperate search for her lost earring. She couldn't believe she had managed to misplace something so precious. The realization only hit her late at night, as she went back to her skincare ritual. Frustration mounted - she had retraced her steps and revisited every place she had been, but the earring remained elusive. She couldn't cry anymore; if her parents discovered her carelessness, she'd be in deep trouble.

Each jewellery store she entered turned her away, speaking of a copyright issue that prevented them from recreating the design. Zaranya never imagined her parents would gift her something so exclusive. The situation was beyond frustrating, but amidst the frustration, there was a glimmer of hope. Aradhya managed to locate a jeweller from the black market who could reproduce the design.

Today was the day they planned to meet this jeweller. Zaranya rushed to get ready, and as soon as she was, she spotted Aradhya waiting outside, honking impatiently. She hurriedly made her way down and hopped into the passenger seat beside her.

"You're a lifesaver, Aradhya," Zaranya sighed in gratitude. After a long two-hour drive, they found themselves unable to take the car further into the narrow, dark alleys. Frustration bubbled up as they walked from alley to alley, Zaranya's discomfort growing with every step. "This place is so creepy," she couldn't help but exclaim.

"Quiet down, we're almost there," Aaradhya reassured her, her voice unwavering. Zaranya followed her lead, the anticipation of their destination outweighing her unease.

Finally, they stood before a blue-painted iron door. Aaradhya knocked, and a hulking figure with long, curly hair opened the door. Zaranya's heart raced - he looked like one of those henchmen from movies, ready to confront the hero. They stepped inside, relieved to find that the interior didn't match the exterior's ominous vibe. They settled onto a worn-out sofa, and a middle-aged woman handed them glasses of water, which they gratefully accepted.

Moments later, a man of moderate height emerged. His presence was reassuring compared to the initial scare they'd gotten from the doorkeeper. They stood to greet him, but he gestured for them to remain seated.

"Arbind bhaiya sent us," Aaradhya informed him. He nodded in acknowledgment and took a glance at the photo of Zaranya's earring that she had printed out. Her heart raced as he studied it.

"The work will be completed within two days, given the urgency," he finally stated, his voice carrying a sense of authority.

Zaranya couldn't help but voice her concern about the cost, "And the payment?"

His reply didn't make her any more at ease, "Not much, just three lakhs. We need one lakh as an advance."

Both Aaradhya and Zaranya exchanged wide-eyed glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. With a gulp, Zaranya pulled out the 1 lakh in cash she had saved over four years. It was a big sum, but at least it was less than the 5-6 lakh other jewellers had quoted for similar pieces. As they left the house, stepping back into the car, a sense of relief washed over Zaranya.

"Aaradhya I can't believe I just handed over 1 lakh. Can you believe it? it took me 4 years to save that money, and we still have to arrange two lakh." Her emotions got the better of her, and Aaradhya enveloped her in a comforting hug. Tears streamed down Zaranya's face; the weight of her loss, both of the earrings and the money, was too much to bear.

Days turned into a week, and thanks to divine providence, finally Zaranya had the earring in her possession. She had managed to arrange the money by taking out a study loan, though the financial burden weighed heavily on her mind.

But today was different. Today, she had a date with Abhay. After the whirlwind of the past week, she craved some happiness and relaxation. She woke up early at 7 a.m., eager to prepare for the day. she took a refreshing shower and tidied up my living space. Assignments were neatly organized and kept in a file. With Abhay coming to pick her up, She didn't had to worry about commuting.

She set the mood by lighting a candle and playing a serene Radha Krishna melody. The room felt warm and inviting. After rearranging the novels, changing the bedsheets, and ensuring her space was in order, she restocked the fridge and kitchen. As the morning activities got me a bit sweaty, she decided to take a quick shower.

Moving on to my wardrobe, she opened my drawer which predominantly held white, cream, and nude-colored clothes. Among them was a single black dress, an outfit she had bought but never worn. There was an irrational belief she held that wearing all black brought bad luck, even though she knew it was ridiculous. This dress was a black satin piece that fell just below my knees, adorned with long sleeves and a sweetheart neckline in the front. While there was no backless design, it featured a plunging back-up. The dress seemed to embody all the elements she loved for her body type.

She slipped into her shapewear and then carefully slipped into the black dress. Standing in front of the mirror, She was taken aback. Zaranya bit my lip in disbelief; the dress looked incredibly hot on me. she felt like a confident, badass woman ready to take on the world. Her waist appeared remarkably snatched, though Zaranya suspected it was partly due to the shapewear-she rarely wore them. Regardless, one thing was certain: she looked beautiful, and she loved every moment of it.

Zaranya proceeded to curl her hair, adding an extra touch of allure to her appearance. Applying makeup enhanced her features, and she finally adorned the earrings which she had acquired just the previous week. With the earrings securely in place, she was feeling both confident and stunning.

Just as she finished preparing, a knock sounded at her door. With a quick motion, she reached for her perfume. This wasn't your typical floral or fruity fragrance; instead, it captured the earthy, moist scent that follows a rain shower, infused with the aroma of wet soil. That unique smell happened to be a favourite of hers. She remembered visiting an exquisite perfume store a year ago, where she had chosen this particular fragrance.

Zaranya recalled the shopkeeper's advice: she had suggested spraying perfume onto her hair. Apparently, it was a professional trick to enhance the longevity of the scent. She couldn't help but follow her suggestion, though she suspected she'd have done it anyway, considering her petite height.

As she swung the door open, there he stood holding a bouquet of daisies and lavender flowers, just as she had mentioned last time. It was uncanny that he had remembered her preference. Dressed in a white shirt and pants, he looked effortlessly stylish. "Hey! You ready?" he asked with a warm smile.

Suppressing a nervous smile, Zaranya noticed he seemed taller than the last time they met-perhaps it was because she hadn't opted for her usual heels. "Yes, just give me a second," she replied, trying to sound composed. Zaranya swiftly retrieved my black heels and my purse, feeling a mixture of excitement and anticipation for the day ahead.

With the door securely locked, she faced him. "Beautiful flowers from a stunning lady," he complimented, handing her the bouquet. Zaranya felt her cheeks warm with a blush as she accepted the flowers. "You look nothing less," Zaranya said, and a genuine smile formed on his lips. As they began to walk down, Zaranya mentally kicked herself for not coming up with a more impressive compliment for him, but she figured it was fine. After all, actions often spoke louder than words.

"Can we grab something to eat first and then head to our destination?" Zaranya suggested. "Do you want to get takeout or have a meal inside?" Abhay inquired. Zaranya thought for a moment. "Takeout," she replied.

Time passed, and soon they found themselves wandering through the art gallery. Engaging in conversations as they stood before different artworks, they shared their thoughts and opinions. Amidst this, Zaranya's phone rang, momentarily disrupting the serenity. She swiftly silenced it and took the call, "Hello, Amma. I'm out right now. I'll call you back-"

"Zaranya, wherever you are, come back home as soon as possible," Amma's voice carried an urgency that left her bewildered. Before she could react, Amma abruptly ended the call, leaving Zaranya in a state of confusion.

Abhay looked at her with a puzzled expression. "I have to go," she stated, her gaze fixed on him. "It's alright. We can come back another time. Let me drop you off," he offered in a calm tone. She accepted his proposal, knowing that home was still quite a distance away.

The car came to a halt in front of her house, and she turned to Abhay with a gesture, inviting him to come inside for some chai or coffee. "Hey, please do come inside," she urged.

He initially declined, suggesting that she hurry inside, but she insisted, saying, "Please, otherwise I'll feel bad."

After a few seconds, he relented, "Okay." She was glad he agreed; it would be a chance for him to get to know her family better.

Zaranya grabbed her purse, and together they entered the house. The front door was already open, and as they stepped inside, an unusual chill seemed to hang in the air. It wasn't the effect of the AC; it felt like an unexplainable coldness. Goosebumps prickled along her skin as she walked forward into the hallway. She passed through, entering the living room, where a man in his early 40s, dressed in a black three-piece suit, was seated. Strangely, his presence seemed to be the source of the cold sensation that spread throughout the room. Mom sat across from him, her expression tense, and Dad was beside her.

Abhay's voice broke the silence. "I didn't know you knew someone as prominent as Mr. Roy," he commented. Zaranya blinked at the mention of 'Mr. Roy.' Which Roy is he referring to? The surname was quite common, maybe not, but surely there are many individuals with that surname.