
The Unusual Lovers

The story of a girl, named Natsuki Kisumi, trying to live her life as peacefully as she can and a boy who isn't what he seems? Author Note: I'm sorry if I'm not active, I still go to school sadly. And soon, I'll have to be there in person (even more sad), so it'll be harder. But I will get more motivated if I know there *ARE* people reading and liking my story. Thanks and sorry again. ~ NK

_NK_ · Sports, voyage et activités
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5 Chs

Ch. 3 - The Box of Fate...?

*After the bell rings, the classroom gradually fulls up and the teacher walks in the class, holding a box.*

Teacher: Today we are going to have a seating arrangement since we got new students and how I'm gonna do

that is by using fate! Because we have new students, I'll explain the "Fate Box" again. By fate, we'll be using this. *puts a box on her desk that

has a circle hole on top and has "Fate" written on the front.* Just put your hand in the

hole on top and grab out a piece of paper that will have a number on it. The number you get will be the

number of your seat, I'll draw an aerial view of the desks and write the number on the

desks on the board so you won't get too confused. *Draws desks and numbers on

board* OK, now, everyone get in a neat line and start picking your fate! *everyone goes in a line, starts picking their papers, and starts chatting a bit.*

Natsuki: I hope I sit next to Nagata...

Hanaki: Wow, you don't want to sit next to me!?

Natsuki: Hahaha, of course but wouldn't you rather sit next to your crush if you only

had one seat next to you?

Hanaki: True, true.

*Everyone's done and Natsuki is sitting by the window on her left,

second to last, Hanaki right to her, someone behind her, B. Friend 1 in front of Natsuki, G. Friend 1 in front of Hanaki, G. Friend 2 behind Hanaki and Nagata Hiroki close

to the other side of the classroom from Natsuki.*

Natsuki: Dang it *Looks depressed.* Why is he all the way over there?

Hanaki: *Laughs* Maybe you guys weren't meant to be.

Natsuki: Don't say it like that! I'm sure we are!

Hanaki: Uh-huh~.

Natsuki: Stop it! I know we are!

B. Friend 1: *Turns around* Haha chill girls, just be happy we're all by each other.

G. Friend 1: Yeah! I think "fate" let us be by each other, saying we should all stick together! Though thick and thin!

G. Friend 2: Haha, took the words right of my mouth.

B. Friend 1: Pssst, shhh... the teacher is looking this way, be quiet.

*The five become silent as to not have the teacher call them out. The teacher starts the class and she hands out paper to the first person to pass down the row,

she finally gets to Natsuki's row and passes the papers down. Natsuki gets the papers and hand

over the last paper to the guy behind her. The guy's hand tries grabbing it but his and Natsuki's

fingertips slightly touch, he flinches. Natsuki notices the

flinch and gets confused but doesn't think

too much about it and turns back. The class goes on for a while until the bell for gym rings.*

-Ding dong, bing bong-

(End of Ch. 3)