
The Untrusted Love

It is something I wrote while watching some movies and I just wrote I want. English is not my first language so don't blame me.

Lightingki · Autres
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Ray is cooking for her girlfriend who is working in a long shift in the hospital. He finishes his dishes and starts to go towards the hospital. Similarly in the hospital Mia is in the operation where she is performing a surgery. Ray reach in the hospital and wait for Mia to come out. Then he thought that instead of waiting for her he should go and get something to drink for him and her.

He puts the dishes in the dinning area and goes to grab some drink. Mia finishes her operation and goes to VIP ward where she is taking care of the patient Jake. Mia says " you are almost cured and you can leave tomorrow". Jake smiles and says" I will go tomorrow but won't you miss me". "Why would I miss you and for what reason" says Mia. Jake goes closer to Mia and catches her shoulder and whispers in her ear and says " Because you love me and I love you too..." Mia says " I am getting married and I don't love". " When is your marriage " Jake asks. " It's in one week" answers Mia. "

That is enough time to snatch your heart and make it mine own" Jake says with confidence and kisses Mia. She doesn't resist the kiss and they continue to kiss. After a while Mia goes to dinner area to eat something and sees Rays dishes. Without any hesitance she throws his dish in the dust bin and eats another order food with her colleagues.

After buying drinks Ray rushes toward the dinning area and sees Mia and her colleagues eating ordered food and his dishes in the dustbin. He becomes sad but controls his emotions. After Mia shift is over Ray gives her ride to her home. In the car Ray tries to talk to Mia but she gives Ray plain and simple answers concluding the conversation as quickly as possible.

Few days passes Mia spends her day with Jake and starting a affair behind Rays back and our Ray spends his day working hard in the hotel to get promotion and to get free time to spend with Mia. In the day of the marriage Ray goes early in the church and gets ready. He waited and waited for Mia but she never came. Ray goes to Mia house and finds that Mia and Jake are having a affair.

Ray shocked by this incident goes to home and cries in distress. Ray gets up in a bad mood next morning and goes to work. Today was the day all the promotions were getting announced. People were sure that Ray was getting a promotion. Ray thought that the day could not get any worse but he was very wrong. Ray reached his work place and see the announcement board and saw his colleagues get promotion but the was not his name.

Then he was called by Jake owner of the hotel and was told that he was fired. Ray was very shock and started to pack his things. Then Mia and Jake came to him and said that they loved each other. Mia said that she now loves Jake and instead of Ray she wanted to marry Jake. Likewise, Jake said that Ray was not needed in the hotel because he didn't wanted to see his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend working for him.

Mia and Jake expected Ray to be shock and depress but instead Ray laughed out loud and said "did you really think I will be depress by your pretty love and I will beg for the job. No. I am way better than that I have already got a backup plan. Did you really think I would jobless and depress and spend my day crying. Mia the day you throw away my dish was the day when I broke up with you. I only endure it because your father and mother raised me when my parents abandoned me. Now, my duty to your parents are over and I hope you don't regret your decision. And if you are wondering where I am going then I am going to New York to work in their best hotel. They had invited me months ago but I was waiting for you Mia. Well see you guys I give you a happy congratulation for your marriage" and leaves the hotel with a grin in his face.