
The Untouchable Hunter — Solo Leveling x Jujutsu Kaisen (Discontinued)

An experienced D-rank hunter by the name of Kim Bora has a near death experience in a dungeon raid with his guildmates. He has double-awakening that grants him a system and not just any system. It's the Satrou Gojo template system.

Lway20 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

The Twins

I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen




"Do you really believe Kim when he says that there's a boss in here?" Gyu Han questioned his superior. They were standing far from the others, but close enough to warn them of any attacks from the darkness beyond the mana crystals.

"I can't rule out that possibility, because this whole dungeon has been wacky. It reminds me more of a B-rank Gate than a C-rank one," Min Su explained to his most trusted friend. It was definitely suspicious that Kim didn't want elaborate on how he knew that there was a threat to group deep inside the cave, but he wasn't going to take any chances — he would be cautious this time.


A sudden yell broke the pair from their conversation. They whipped their heads to see a 8m tall ape-like monster holding Park Ji Sung by the waist munching down on his arm. It was about 2-3 times larger than the average adult male, and had pink skin with dark red stripes, white fur on its arms and upper legs, sharp teeth, disproportionately large hands, and glowing red eyes.

"A Yeti?! That must be the boss. Kim was wrong and now we're paying the price!" Gyu Han ranted angrily as he watched his long time comrade getting ripped to shreds by the Yeti.

Yeti usually only appeared in B-rank dungeons, they weren't fiercely territorial, but were instead unpredictably erratic in nature. The one thing anyone could be certain of is that they eat humans and are terrifyingly strong.

Min Su rushed into the fray to save another one of his members from being turned into mush by a wild swing from the Yeti.

'Dammit! To think that there was a Yeti in a C-rank dungeon!' Min Su panicked internally. He used his mace to block the attack before it connected with his comrade's body. He dug his feet into the ground as he struggled greatly to hold back the giant fist.

"Song yi!!" he yelled out for his number one marksman. Song yi didn't hesitate to let loose multiple magic arrows from his bow, but they barely singed the fur on the Yeti.

"Archers! Aim for the eyes!"

"Gyu Han! I need you to reorganize the tanks formation!"

"We can't hurt this thing!"

"It doesn't matter! Just distract it long enough for captain to get a critical strike in!"

Kim watched the group struggle to damage the Yeti with their magic attacks. Most of the Yeti's attention was focused on Min Su, because he was the only one doing significant damage to it. So it smartly decided to put him on the defensive with relentless pressure.

'They won't be able to hold out that much longer... But I'm worried about when that thing decides to get involved.' Kim took a glance towards the back of the cave and was able to see that giant mass of mana was still calm, despite all the commotion on its front door.


Kim widened his crystal blue eyes whipping his head around to the sight of the Yeti letting out a roar that sent some of the attack force carrening into the cave walls with great force leaving small dents in the stone. Others like Gyu Han and Song yi were sent tumbling to the ground past Kim.

Min Su, however, stood his ground ready to counter attack with his mace, but he paused for a moment. 'Wait... What's that!?' he thought flabbergasted at the waves of bloodlust coming from the back of the cave in wave. He narrowed his black eyes as he saw a giant figure emerge from the darkness with a foot ready to stomp Gyu Han out of existence.


Within the darkness emerged another Yeti, but this one with gray fur and more feral looking than the first one. It let out a blood curling roar that paralyzed the attack force with fear, the only ones able to resist were Song yi, Min Su, and Kim.

'This guy... He's on another level! I'm going to have use all my abilities to win this one. " Kim frowned visibly as he got into a fighting stance.

He didn't want to admit it, but the Yetis had them cornered. Whether or not that was an intentional play or just a coincidence didn't matter they had to get out of there or else everyone would be killed.

'No! I'm not gonna let people die in front of me... Not again!' Kim clenched his fists determined as he revved up his speed to block the foot descending onto Gyu Han's body with his right arm.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to mislead you guys, but I won't let anyone else die from here on out!" Kim was straining his arm muscles to hold back the monster's giant foot

Gyu Han couldn't believe his eyes, a D-rank hunter was holding back an attack from an arguably B-rank monster with little effort. He should have been turned to paste, but there he was standing and apologizing to him with just the slightest strain in his voice.

'Is he a False Ranker...'

Among hunters, there are sometimes those who can control the presence of their magical power. If they want to, they can lower their rank in the evaluation. Hunters who conceal their power on purpose to get a lower rank are usually called 'false rankers'. The problem is false rankers are usually psychopaths who kill as their hobby.

'Kim Bora... Just who the hell are you?' Gyu Han thought in astonishment.



[Limitless: Infinity barrier activated!]



Kim let loose a left straight punch, taking advantage of the infinity between his fist and the gray Yeti's belly to increase the force in his punch, sending it flying into the cave wall.

"I'm gonna borrow this for a bit..." Kim took the tomahawk axe lying next to Gyu Han and twirled it in his hand by the handle.



[Items : Gyu Han's tomahawk

Item class : C

Item type : Battle axe

Attack : +20

Description -

A tactical axe with a simple, short and narrow axe head fitted to a straight handle.

Effects : None]



'Pretty neat...' Kim thought as he dashed at the quickly recovering Yeti and slashed at its arm causing blood to spray everywhere. He run up its body before he backflip kicked it in the chin sending it tumbling to the ground. He landed gracefully on the ground and at that same moment the white one tried to double hammer fist him into the ground, but its fists never made contact with his body because of his Limitless barrier.

"Now that's not very nice..." he smirked noticing the confused look on the beast's face from the corner of his glowing blue eyes.

He quickly rolled out of his predicament causing the Yeti to smash the ground to bits very comically. He then jumped up and kicked it away with great force. He locked eyes with Min Su from a distance. 'I'll let him and the others hold off that one for now, whilst I deal with the gray one.' they both nodded their heads in silent agreement.



[Dash Lvl 1 actived!

A 30% boost to speed will now be applied.

- Requires 20 MP to activate -

- Consumes 1 MP per minute - ]



Kim turned and completely disappeared from sight, slashing up and down the arms of the more feral Yeti, but the axe wasn't dealing any damage. 'Did it get stronger? I was able to slash through its flesh no problem earlier and now I can't even make a scratch.' Kim thought in bemusement.

He saw the Yeti's crimson red eyes pick up on his darting figure, raising its gray furry arm to pummel him into a wall with incredible force.



[Fatigue : 47]



'Damn... I'm already this tired and I haven't done any significant damage to it. My eyes are straining really bad right now... So this is the sacrifice I have to make to use the Limitless barrier,' Kim climbed out of the 2m deep crater the Yeti punched him into. If he didn't have the Limitless barrier keeping him unharmed from the Yeti's devastating blows, he would have been killed long ago.



[HP: 2180/2250]



'I've been fighting for seven minutes now... The only reason my health is down by that much is because of the Limitless barrier. I'm going to need a new approach if I want to kill this thing. And I think I just found it... ' Kim frowned taking a glance at the rest of the group struggling with the white Yeti. He saw bodies lying on the ground or smashed against the wall indicating the casualties the group suffered from just holding the beast off. If he wasn't here to fight the gray Yeti then this attack force would have been massacred.

'I can damage the white one... If I can level up by killing it then the more aggressive one should be doable!' Kim sure of his thought process leaped past his opponent to the charging Yeti.


"There's no way this guy's a D-rank with moves like that!"

"He's gotta be a false ranker!"

"He's taking on two bosses at the same time and winning!"

The remaining members reacted to the swift speed at which Kim moved across the battlefield. Sometimes they couldn't even perceive his movements which made it even more impressive.

'He's going to after the Yeti we're fighting, but why?!' Song yi thought in alarm. He knew that they were struggling to beat this one, but they weren't so weak that they needed Kim to abandoned his fight with more powerful Yeti to help them out. "Kim! What the hell do you think you're doing?! Just focus on your fight, we can handle this guy!" the archer yelled out, but his shouts were ignored by the white haired hunter.

'He doesn't have a single scratch on him... Even after all the wild attacks that the Yeti landed on him!' Min Su noticed surprised. He was bleeding from a cut on his head and bruised on his left shoulder. He had a hard time dealing with the white Yeti whilst trying to protect the others from its attacks evident by the bodies of his three comrades spewed out on the snow white ground. So unlike, Song yi, he didn't mind it when Kim jumped into the fray to take on the giant beast, but he was curious about what he hoped to gain from taking it on.


'I'll aim for a vital area since I can't delay with this monster for too long,' Kim thought throwing his tomahawk straight into the eye of the charging Yeti, causing it to start backpedalling in pain.



[Dash activated!]



He landed on the ground and then started sprinting towards the Yeti, closing the distance between them in an instant. Jumping into the air once again and punched it in the gut, causing it to tumble to the floor for the second time in the battle. He didn't let up and blitzed straight for its head and unleashed a rising uppercut that broke the monster's jaw with no resistance.

It let out a loud moan of pain before Kim landed on its face to rip the tomahawk straight out of its eye, causing blood to spread everywhere and dye the snowy floor red.



[1/2 Dungeon bosses have been slain!]



[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]



[You have level level up!]



"What a monster..."

"He really just killed that thing in an instant!"

"I can't believe what I'm seeing!"

Everyone saw the figure of Kim Bora slowly emerging from the eye of the Yeti corpse. Blood was pouring all over him, but strangely enough none if it seemed to touch his clothing or his body for that matter.

"I hope you're ready for round 2!" Kim yelled at the wild Yeti passionately.




[Name: Kim Bora Level: 25

Title: Lynx Predator Fatigue: 52

Job: None

HP: 2930/3150

MP: 613/660


Strength: 48 (+3)

Agility: 50

Focus: 37

Sense: 36

Valor: 18


Remaining Stat points: 3 (-3)]




Note :

This one is a long one. I hope you enjoyed ^_^

Itachi in Solo Leveling will be updated in the next 4 days I'm just working out a few kinks in the upcoming chapters.

Btw I don't have a proper schedule, but I like to update anywhere between 1-2 weeks.