
1.The Rise of the legend among Shadow

The story starts with a young teen, Yuto who lives in Naho, A traditional land which exists over thousand years.

Yuto, son of a popular swordsmith is a very Courageous teen. The people in Naho believe that there are 2 realms which are the Tengoku(Heaven) and Yomi(UnderWorld).

But No one knows if it truly exists or not.

One day, When Yuto was helping his father to create a royal katana for the upcoming war for the commander. Unlike other Katanas this Katana is made up of debris of an ancient meteorite. This meteorite is an ancient artifact and exists even before Naho was found and people think that this debris came to Naho from Yomi. This Katana contained special abilities.

While Yuto was guarding the katana he felt something unusual. In night, when father left the shop it was Yuto's responsibility to look over the shop. When Yuto was testing out the other masterpieces created by his ancestors he felt like something is pulling or possessing him.

In the middle of the night when Yuto was asleep he heard some noise near the forging side of the shop. When he went there he saw intruders sneaking into the shop searching for the Katana and They still didnt spot Yuto. Yuto felt scared but still he wanted to protect the katana since the battle starts the very next day.

Yuto was thinking to fight them but he knew he will soon be defeated and killed since they outnumbered him. But as soon as Yuto wielded the katana he felt like some devil is entering his body and his whole body was charging up and he got stronger and faster .

Yuto was blood thirsty and felt to kill many people. He then attacked the assassins dominating all of them single handedly. After few minutes all the Assasins were defeated.

The next day when Yuto's father came to the shop he found many corpses lying in the floor and Yuto was not there. His father went to the Shogun of Naho and told him about what he saw in his shop and requested the shogun to send few samurais looking for Yuto but the Shogun denied the request since the war is starting in few hours.

When the Shogun asked the Yuto's father about his Katana his father checked in his Shop and didnt find the Katana and after he informed the shogun about this the furious Shogun told his samurais to look for the Katana and Yuto and so did the samurais.

After searching all over Naho the samurais did not find Yuto and the royal katana. This made the shogun very angry and sentenced the swordsmith to death since the royal katana didnt arrive in time which will lead a disadvantage in the war for Naho.

And soon the swordsmith was executed and the spys had spread the news all over the world causing the Shogun of Takeshis(the enemy of Naho) to start the war early which made citizens and soldiers of Naho flee from their homeland.

Soon the war started and the Shogun of Naho used an old royal katana belonging to his father. And the battle took for a long time. But Naho lost the battle causing the Naho territory taken control by the Takeshis. This defeat spread all over the world and even Yuto came to know about his father's death and his homelands defeat.

Yuto blamed himself for the defeat of Naho and trained himself to seek revenge by assassinating the shogun of Takeshis. But this was not an easy job so he trained for years.

He eventually trained for over 3 years and was 21 years old. He was very skilled in using katana but the only thing which worried Yuto was the katana was cursed and the cursed spirit inside the katana had moved into Yuto.

Yuto spent a year travelling around the world for clues. One day he found a small village near The capital of Takeshis. In this village there was a old library and when Yuto visited the library it was nothing special until he spotted a book which seemed very old and dark. When Yuto opened it he found out something which was very interesting and this was related to his katana.

Yuto found out how to travel to Yomi but he needed a cursed spirit and soon he found out that this book was non other than written by The Ancestors of the Shogun of Naho. Yuto had a cursed spirit inside his body and as long as the cursed spirit remains inside Yuto's body he can travel to Yomi.

Yuto closed his eye focusing all his energy to flow inside his katana and hands and he was able to open a gate to Yomi. He entered inside the realm.

After Yuto entered Yomi he felt another pressure unlike his world. This pressure was very hard and it was compressing Yuto and it was dark around the whole realm. Yuto thought of leaving the place but soon something very fast attacked Yuto which Yuto barely blocked. Yuto was hardly able to move in this environment since the Yomi has more compressing gravity opposing Yuto's movement.

Yuto was now not able to go back since this spirit was attacking Yuto and in order for Yuto to go to his world he needs to stay still and free but this environment is completely opposing him from doing this so Yuto now knew that if he had to leave this Realm he needs to adapt it and it will be like a training for him on the same way.

Now the real problem for Yuto was that the spirit which Yuto was fighting is very fast and even though Yuto can read the spirit's movement his body cant move fast enough to counter the attack. After few minutes Yuto was heavily injured by the spirit and when he almost went unconscious the cursed spirit inside Yuto helped Yuto and Yuto recovered his wounds and move more faster and had more strength than he had in his world.

He soon came to realize he needs to train with his Cursed spirit inside him in order to grow more stronger. He easily defeated the Spirit which was attacking him and went to explore Yomi and It seemed like Yuto adapted Yomi's environment. He came across a huge mountain and decided to explore. after exploring the mountain he found a room.

Inside this room was a book containing techniques of how to hide presence, How to Flow energy to certain part in his body and how to predict a move before it is actually done.

Yuto stayed in the room for a long time and he was practising the techniques. After few hours he was hungry and was not able to resist his hunger further more so he decided to return back to his world with this book

and he opened the gate to his world which can only be accessed by him and he returned to his world.

when Yuto returned to his world he started practising his techniques he trained all these techniques and again went to Yomi but this time he went there prepared. He now wanted to explore Yomi completely.

Now this time Yuto found a very interesting monument it was like a huge doorway to something and there were books, relics and valuables. Yuto read all the books and he even learned how to speak spirit language. He was there about few days and since he packed the food it was not a problem for him to stay there. While reading books about the Yomi he even got to know valuable informations such as who rules Yomi and even what are the kind of debrises are found in Yomi.

He found out that Emma was the king of Yomi and the material used to make his katana is a Spirit Debris was a very rare ore and it's almost like no one has ever seen it. It was said in the book that there is 1 spirit debris around Yomi and the first debris was found by Emma and Emma has it in his katana. This Spirit Debris contains S rank spirits. The spirit which Emma received was the 2nd strongest spirit available in spirit debris.

Yuto wanted to find the other ones but he didn't know that if he had the third strongest spirit or the first strongest spirit. He adventures across the Yomi Realm and this time he saw the gate of Yomi. The gate of Yomi is a gate where all the people who died will come to Yomi to lord Emma. Lord Emma is the gate keeper of the two realms so he is the one who chooses who should go to Yomi or who should go to tengoku.

This gate was huge and there was this path leading to the Yomi castle. Yuto disguised himself as one from dead and sneaked to the castle. When he went there he saw Emma sitting in the throne with his katana on display and was punishing people to go to Yomi since they all did many sins before death. Yuto sneaked into the castle but in his surprise the castle was not guarded inside but heavily guarded outside.

He used his techniques and went inside the castle and he found many relics and katanas

he adventures more in the castle but he did not find anything related to the spirit debris so he was leaving the castle and then he found out that Emma is returning to his castle which made Yuto to open a gate and return to his world and he closed to gate as soon as he left Yomi.

He now didnt believe that there is a spirit debris inside Yomi so he will not go there anytime soon and then he remembered something...

Yuto found out that the third debris is found in tengoku since the debris was spread equally to the other realm and his world so he wanted to go to Tengoku. He didnt have a clue about how to go to the Tengoku since he can only open gate to Yomi. He then thinks that if his sword can travel to his world to Yomi then other katana should have other purpose like emma's katana should open gate from Yomi to Tengoku and the katana available in Tengoku should open a gate to Tengoku and his world.

Now Yuto didnt have a choice non other than return to Yomi and somehow control the katana emma wields. It is said that Emma is one of the strongest samurai to ever exist and he has powers of god so it's almost impossible for Yuto to defeat Emma so he decides to take the katana by Emma without using force but the thing which was bothering Yuto was how will he use 3 katanas. He only knows to use 2 katanas and he thought of using the 1st and 2nd strongest katana and just carry the 3rd strongest katana on him just as a backup.

Yuto now went to the castle of Emma and used his technique of hiding your presence and was waiting to get the katana belonging to Emma. As he expected after many hours Emma came to the castle and went to his throne asleep. Yuto disguised himself as a soldier and went near to the katana and waited until Emma is fully asleep. After Emma went asleep Yuto touched the katana and took it when Emma woke up and noticed his sword slowly taken away from him and soon as he realized he started attacking Yuto.

Yuto now had no choice other than fighting Emma. Emma uses his Spirit abilities but Yuto wanted to hide his Spirit abilities so Emma would think Yuto's katana a Normal one and when Emma is over confident in himself he should attack Emma using his maximum speed and strength striking Emma. As he expected he did the same thing and Emma was not defeated, Emma was just injured so Emma was lying in the ground while his wound is healing slowly and at this opportunity Yuto takes the Katana and leaves Yomi.

Yuto was to heavily injured and he used Emma's katana and healed his wounds. Then the next day he got ready for his journey to tengoku for that he needed to go to Yomi and then open the portal. Yuto conceals his presence and goes to Yomi and opens a gate to Tengoku and when he reaches Tengoku he sees many gold and a clear blue sky with a positive environment.

Yuto now wants to find the third debris and when exploring he hears rumours that the third debris was just found in Tengoku and is now currently being transported to the Tengoku's castle. Yuto disguised himself and stole the material for the third debris and escaped from Tengoku and Returned to Yomi and from there he returned to his world. Now the only thing which is pending Is that he needs to forge this debris into a katana and so did he.

After few days the katana was ready and he decides to name the katanas. The first katana which is from Naho is named as Sachi. The second katana from Yomi as Katsu. The third katana from tengoku as Tenshi.

Yuto finds out that his katana Sachi is the strongest and Katsu the second strongest and Yuto wields them both and Carries Tenshi around as backup. Yuto now seeks revenge from Takeshis who destroyed his homeland.

On his way to Naho he finds his old friend in Naho. He is delighted to see that his friend is ok. The name of his best friend is Yukie. He meets him in a forest wounded and hungry he asked Yukie what happened to him and Yukie replied that the Takeshis are executing each and every citizen of Naho. This made Yuto angry.

Yukie asks Yuto if he can accompany with him and Yuto accepts it since if he leaves Yukie he will surely die. He now helps Yukie in training and after 1 year they are ready and Yuto trusts Yukie with his Tenshi since Yukie is also good in using katana.

Yukie and Yuto were now prepared to infiltrate Takeshis castle and kill them. Yuto was now climbing on the castle with Yukie and made it to the top but to their surprise there were no one in the castle. Yuto was suspicious and told Yukie to hide in the roof whereas Yuto concealed his presence and turned invisible near the Shogun's bedroom.

In few hours the ministers and the Shogun of Takeshis came to the bedroom and were talking about Yuto and his katana and where was him. Yuto after overhearing the conversation decided not to kill the takeshis.

When Yukie asked Yuto about why he spared them Yuto told Yukie his plan.

Yukie was very impressed by the plan of Yuto.

The plan was to go to Yomi and Yuto will be opening the huge doorway portal while Yukie will go to the castle of Emma and lie to them about Yuto being samurai of the Takeshis and Yuto obtained all the katanas from all the realms and gave the katana to the shogun of Takeshis. This will make Emma suspicious but Yukie will convince Emma and will make a deal with Emma that he will lead the way to the Takeshis nation. Emma had no other choice but to listen to him since he needs the katanas to rule all the other realms.

The plan went perfect and Takeshis were now the bait for Emma. Emma and his army were led by Yukie and they reached the huge portal doorway which took them to over world. At first Emma was doubtful about how did the portal open but Yukie told Emma that the Takeshis's shogun came to underworld and opened the portal so that his army can attack the underworld. The suspicious Emma believed him since Emma's main goal is to rule all the Realms and Emma thinks that everyone in every Realm share the same mindset.

Emma reached the Takeshis nation and started invading with full force. The confused Shogun told his army to fight back and it was a fierce battle which took over few days and after the defeat of Takeshis Emma asked the shogun about the Katanas but The shogun seemed clueless and told Emma about Naho and Yuto. After realising how dumb he acted. Emma became very furious and started conquering the neighbouring land.

Yuto and Yukie were in Yomi and Tengoku dominating their capital all alone. They were feared in these realms as Gods especially Yuto since he wielded two of the greatest katanas to ever exist. Emma and his army were clueless about the situation in other two realms. After 5 years they were 28 years and ruled the two realms and had over 400 million samurais including the two realms. Yuto was the King and Yukie was the commander of both Realms.

Yuto now planned to send Thousands of spys across his world and gathered many valuable information. One day, A spy was caught which made all the other spys retreat and come back later. The informations which the spys got were very confidential. Emma now got to know about the reality of the other two realms and was scared since Emma had only 30 to 50 million samurais.

Later the grand battle took place where Yuto opened the portal from Yomi to the north of the battle where as Yukie opened the portal from Tengoku to the south of the battle field surrounding Emma and his army. This battle took on for 4 days since the battle was furious. Yukie and his Tengoku army lost over 14 million samurais whereas Yuto lost over 16 million samurais but they were able to completely wipe out Emma's army and reinforcements and rebels.

After the huge battle Yuto was the emperor for all the realms and his world. He ruled this land for many years until he found out about the eternal water which is found in Tengoku and anyone who drinks the water they will be Immortal and the only way to defeat them is by sealing them. Only one person drank the water and it was the previous ruler of Tengoku but soon he was sealed and the eternal water was kept as a secret.

Now Yuto and Yukie were searching for the Eternal water and they eventually found it after few weeks of searching. They drank it and destroyed the water by using Sachi.

Now since they were Immortal they ruled over for hundreds of years and one day they both were not found anywhere and they searched for Yuto and Yukie and it is said that they either sealed each other or they vanished.

After this every realm portal were destroyed and the one who belonged to Tengoku stayed in Tengoku and the one who belonged to Yomi stayed in Yomi. Other stayed in the normal world. Everything was now back to normal and the descendants of the Shoguns were back to their respective land.