
The Unseen.

What happens when the girl in the crowd is the one? He knew it when he first saw her singing along to him in a world that is not for her. What lurks in the corner is a shadow of who he is going to become. To protect his world was his destiny but he never thought he was capable of protecting her. Hidden in eyes are secrets that nobody is aware of. What happens when powers collide and darkness finds home in the land of hearts that only want love? Will they survive each other or stand on the edge of their world that are centuries apart and say goodbye .

mirrorworld12 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

To believe the sun

To be the sun you have to burn first - Ayana.

When Aysel opened her eyes this time she was not on the floor like before.  The room was filled with sunlight.  She could not help but breathe a little in the light.

How many days has since she has enjoyed the sun like this. Her ears picked up the hush hush sounds from outside and once again and images of all the incident ran inside her head.

How is she still alive and where is she?

Her eyes landed on every window and door that could help her to escape if needed. She has been in this situation many times to let her guard down.  If she are alive till now she is not going down without a fight.  Her eyes fell on her naked feet and the loose gown she wore.

She should get some boots if she wants to be run.  While looking at herself she did not miss the new scars and bruises -bastards.

Slowly she walked towards the door and opened it and peeked outside.  It was a huge corridor filled with rooms. To get surprised every door was closed. Slowly she came outside starting at different small little pots of plants that are kept throughout the end. 

She is in a hotel maybe?

The stairs that lead her downstairs were huge. Not a single soul throughout her little escape -nice.

Her little journey came to an end when she heard heavy from behind.  Turning at facing someone was not her first reflect so she ran towards the main door that was a few feet away from her.

But before she could reach and turn the knob the gates flew open with two men standing there.

Her eyes suddenly met with golden brown eyes staring back at her.

The faces?

The voice from behind did not startle her she knew the heavy steps will reach her at any moment but what he said shocked her. 

It's a good thing you both are here. Tell ki I mean a day that his guest has woken up. 

Guest...did he mean her?


She should say something. Who are these people and where is she? She could not stop herself.

Where am I? She turned around at the warm sound from behind her. 

The man looked young and wise. His lips lifted a little and he smiled at her. 

I hope you are fine. The bruise will be gone in a few days. You are in yarikh. He gave her a warm smile.

First time in the last few months she had heard a comforting voice. They all look harmless.  She felt safe.

She nodded her head and eased her shoulders a bit.

Maybe she is in a safe place.

The men who just entered came forward and bowed to the man with a warm voice. 

He knows. One of the said and they turned to her. 

Who knows? She asked herself

You are almost healed.  You should change and I will ask someone to get you something to eat.  The man spoke again.

Once again her heart was filled with warmth. The voices were too soft. How can these people have voices like this?

She could not stop herself from asking.

How did I end up here? Where am I?

Her body turned towards the man who seemed more trustworthy than any man she has ever met.  He was still smiling.

Let's get you something to eat....shall we lady?  She nodded once again. She doesn't remember someone talking to her this nicely for years. She followed the man quietly. He was again taking her to the room she came out.

He opened the door slowly and they both entered. He fixed the few things around and signalled her to sit on the bed.

Why am I following his every command it was like her body knows what she was doing. Maybe she has finally lost it.  She should be careful of these people. Parikh, she remembered the name of the place he has told her.  Weird she has never heard of it. 

A girl entered the room with a tray and kept it in front of her. Behind her, the one man from the gate followed her. He started at her for a second and then quietly looked at the man in the room.

Slowly she picked up the spoon and started taking small bites. The food reminds her of a lot of things.  A lost life and almost all her loved ones. She gulped another bite just to stop herself from crying. -fuck.

Her chain of thoughts is broken by when the elderly man got up from his seat. 

I think we should let her eat peacefully and I have small work to do. Maybe I can come back later.

Before he could finish the sentence another man was on his heels outside.

The elderly man shook his head and gave her a polite smile.  Kids these days do not have any patience.

He walked towards the gate. She could not help but start at the man. No matter what he saved her. She should say thanks. 

Thank you for the food and for saving me. Her voice came out weak than she liked. He turned around and his eyes straight met her. 

My pleasure lady and you can call me Alden.

Alden, she said her name inside her mouth.

And my lady I just helped her to recover your saviour will be here in a few hours.  Till then you should eat and rest.

With that, he turned around and closed the door behind him. 


Adhay she remembered the name he had said before.

She did not what is stored ahead for her but today the sun is bright and the night she has lived is gone.

May the sun is hope if not it is healing. She remembered the words of her father before digging in food again.