
Chapter2: The Wait

On Friday morning, my bedroom looked like it was recovering from a hurricane attack, and I still hadn’t found the perfect outfit. I couldn’t stop thinking about him all week; the excitement was enough to keep me up all night. I was up bright and early, planning every single detail for tonight because it had to be perfect.

Never had I been so curious about someone, but I knew that I just had to know him. The intensity in his baby blue eyes was about enough to keep me locked in. I was confident enough in my wiles to know that he was definitely into me, but what I wanted to know was what the look in his eyes meant.

“You’re up early,” Marcella chimed as I entered the living room.

I froze from my position on the floor, sat in the middle of all types of dresses, but nothing just seemed to click.

“Your room is a mess, Leah. When did you wake up?”

“Two hours ago,” I responded, inspecting a green dress.

“Two hours ago? Why?”

“Because we’re going out tonight, remember?” I finally looked up at her, hoping she had not forgotten our plans.

“We? You really want to go back there tonight?”

The surprise in her voice equally surprised me because I thought Friday was a done deal. “You sound like you don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Because I don’t,” she responded.

“Would you like to explain why?”

“What if he’s not there? You shouldn’t just take the word of a stranger.”

“He’s not a stranger,” I stated simply, focusing on the task at hand.

“Oh, he’s not? You literally spoke to him for all of five minutes.”

“Well, I have you to blame for that.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

I winced slightly, embarrassed at how I’d handled the conversation. Marcella was right, I was being a bit reckless with this whole affair, but I had nothing to lose. After all, it was now or never.

Sighing, I got up and wrapped my arms around her.

“Don’t worry about me, Marcella. If hottie number one doesn’t show up, I’ll move on to hottie number two.”

I spoke with confidence, but I knew deep down that I would be gravely upset if he didn’t show up.

“What are you going to wear?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

“I can’t come with you.”

“What? Why not? I need you there.”

“I have to prepare for work on Monday, remember? Our dream jobs? The reason we were out celebrating last weekend?”

I flinched slightly, realizing I had forgotten about that.

“Are you even as excited as I am about Monday?” Marcellla continued.

“Of course, I am.” I said, trying to make her feel better.

“You don’t act like it. Do you remember what we were supposed to do today?”

Sh*t, another thing I’d forgotten. I stared at her blankly, searching my brain for any clue, but there was nothing.

She scoffed angrily and turned away from me. “Exactly. Have fun tonight, I’m not going to wait for you.”

I watched in defeat as Marcella exited my room. Another thing I have to deal with.


Later that evening, I stared at my face in the mirror, inspecting my makeup; it was perfect as usual.. I slipped into the white dress I had chosen, determined to stand out so my mystery man would find me easily. I slathered some lipgloss on, picked up my bag and walked out of my room with a swing in my step.

I was in such a good mood that I had forgotten my little tiff with Marcella earlier, but I wasn’t ready to deal with it. I tried to sneak out of the apartment, wanting to avoid any awkwardness. Just like a trained ninja, I leaned against the walls as I slowly inched out of the living room.

Victory, I thought as I neared the door.

“Look who crawled out of her cave.”

I straightened up and raised my chin. My plan was to prolong the fight so I could go out tonight without anything on my conscience and apologize tomorrow. Marcella was about to ruin that plan, but years of petty middle school fights taught me how to pick one.

“Same way you crawled out last month to spend the weekend with your ex?”

I knew that was petty but that was the quickest way to get her to shut up.

“You know what? Do whatever you want.” She scoffed angrily and walked out of the living room.

Her response didn’t make me feel any better, but at least I didn’t have to deal with that now.


I walked into the club just as I did last week, confident and determined. Just like last time, it was filled with people swaying to the music enthusiastically, with little to no care of what others thought of them. I blended in easily, quickly pushing Marcella to the back of my mind. Tonight, I was going to get to know my mystery man and figure out what about him was so enticing that I couldn’t get him out of my head.

Standing in the middle of the club, I wasn’t exactly sure of what to do next. How would I even spot him in this sea of bodies? As beautiful as I looked tonight, it would be hard to find me.

I scanned the room, searching for the perfect spot to spy on people and get spied on at the same time. I needed a spot that put me in the spotlight where I would be difficult to miss.

What better place than where I spotted him? My eyes stopped at where he sat last week, and if he was a regular as he implied, he would probably come back here tonight. Perfect.

Master plan in hand, I walked to the private area, silently scolding myself for not knowing better. Of course, the meeting place would be here.

He’s not here yet. Well, not to worry, I’ll spot him easily once he walks in.

“It’s reserved, you can’t go in,” the big man in black standing in front of the red rope said, stopping me from going in.


He ignored me and opened the red rope for someone else.

“What does that mean and why does she get to go in and I don’t?”

“I told you, it’s reserved.”

Annoyed, I turned away from him, scanning the room for Samuel. Seemed like he still wasn’t there, so I had to find some other spot to sit. At least a place I could see him.

Finally, I found the perfect spot on the dancefloor directly opposite the private area. Perfect.

I shimmied towards my assigned post and slowly moved my body to not make it obvious that I was waiting for someone, but hostile enough that men would stay away.

That didn’t stop them though, because they kept coming. I had to fend them off, because contrary to what I told Marcella, I only had eyes for one man tonight.

I waited patiently, excited to see him again.

I waited for five minutes, five minutes turned to thirty minutes, thirty minutes turned to an hour which turned to two hours.

He didn’t show up.

I couldn’t believe it; I’d been stood up. I can’t even say he stood me up because it wasn’t an actual date. I had stupidly planned my week around a drunken promise made by a stranger I obviously couldn’t trust. I should have listened to Marcella. I felt stupid, idiotic.

I looked over at the bouncer, I’m sure he was mocking me right now. Defeated, I left the club and called a cab home.

Looks like I’ll have to apologize to Marcella after all.