
Chapter 7: Purple Rose

I woke up on Thursday morning with mixed feelings. There was the excitement to see Declan again, anxious to see how the day turned out, and a bit of anger still lingering from last week. Declan had chosen the coffee shop a few minutes away from the office; the same coffee shop Mike asked me out to.

“What are you doing, Leah?” I thought to myself as I did my makeup. I picked up the red lipstick from that night. I eyed it before running it across my lips as a test for Declan.

I had to be strategic about my outfit today. It needed to be said that Leah Garcia is sexy, independent, classy and unbothered by the schemes of the opposite sex. I smiled as I ran my hands across my royal blue silk dress.

I guess denim would have to wait today, because this was the one.

I put it on, loving how it stopped just above my knee, and how the color complimented my brown eyes. With a smile, I tied my hair up, and put on my black stiletto heels.

“Are you ready?” Marcella called out.

I joined her in the living room and picked up an apple from the dining table.

“Someone is looking really good today,” she eyed me suspiciously. “Trying to impress your super client?”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “Super client?”

“Uh-huh, the one you have a meeting with. Ring any bells?” she said, while arranging her things.

“He’s the CEO of an exclusive fashion brand, Marcy. Of course I have to impress.”

“Are you sure that’s the only reason?”

“Get off my a** Marcy.” I took a long look at her and whistled. “You’re one to talk, you look mighty good yourself.”

“It’s my official debut into single life,” she said.

I took a bite of my apple. “I thought that was yesterday.”

“It’s every day, Leah. Never forget that.”

I guess I had nothing to worry about, Marcella was ready to play the field once again.

“Anyways, I have to go. Bye Marcy!”

I blew her a kiss and left the apartment with a feeling that I was going to have a great day.


As predicted, I got a lot of stares when I got to the office. Miranda scowled viciously at me, and her lap dog, Claire, eyed me from her desk the entire day. However, I was too focused on my clock to fully register what was going on around me.

I was so preoccupied that I made multiple mistakes on my assignments. The sad part was, Miranda pointed out my mistakes, which was obviously not pretty.

However, the moment the clock hit 12:30, I picked up my bag and ran as fast as I could. As I sat in the cab, I went over some professional questions I had for him.

Today, the plan was to keep it strictly professional, until he cracked. I was going to break him with my professionalism and superior maturity. What I wasn’t going to do was get lost in his beautiful blue eyes, or fantasize about running my hands through his silky hair.

I was definitely NOT going to do all that.

The cab slowed to a stop in front of the coffee shop. It looked just as I had imagined, small and homely. I walked in confidently, eyeing the room for any sign of Declan.

“Over here,” a voice called from behind me.

I turned around to find Declan waving at me from the corner of the coffee shop.

“He looks so good,” I thought. He had abandoned his expensive suit for a white dress shirt and royal blue pants. Why does he always have to look so good? Regardless, I had a plan and I was going to stick to him no matter what.

I took a seat in front of him, eyeing him underneath my lashes. His smell surrounded me, clouding my senses.

“Not only does he look good, he also smelled good,” I thought as I brought out my notepad.

“We match.”


“We match,” Declan said again, pointing at my dress. “I like your lipstick.”

I rolled my eyes, cleared my throat and asked my first question. “What’s your vision for the launch?”

He smiled mischievously. “Right to it,” he said, but answered. “I merely want to show our clients the changes I, as the CEO, would bring to their wardrobes.”

“What’s the theme of the line?” I asked, paying close attention to my notepad.

“Purple Rose, which symbolizes Lasting Love, much like the type of trust I wish to build with my clients.”

Lasting love? Is this guy for real? I scoffed loudly. Unbelievable!

“What?” Declan asked.

“It’s nothing. Shall we proceed?”

Declan took my pen from my hands and stared me down. “We both know you have enough information for the press release. My secretary gave you everything you need,”

“Then I guess there’s no need for this meeting,” I said, reaching for my pen.

He put his hand over mine, stopping me. “Don’t go.”

I jerked slightly at the unexpected physical contact. His palm was warm and soft against mine. I shook my head, determined not to let him get his way.

“Why not?” I asked.

He sighed. “Because I haven’t had a chance to explain yet.”

“You don’t owe me an explanation. You made that very clear when you didn’t show up,” I sneered, folding my hands.

“Please, let me explain,” he pleaded. “Just five minutes, and if you don’t like what I say, you can walk out on me.”

“There’s no way I’m making it easy on you.”

“I didn’t expect you to.”

I snatched my hand away and said. “I have to get back to work, I don’t have time for this.”

He grabbed my notepad and held it out of my reach. “Let me take you out to dinner tomorrow.” I shook my head, but he continued. “After work of course.”

“No,” I said simply.

“Please, Leah. You can make me suffer all night, but at least you’d hear my side and decide if you still want anything to do with me.”


The moment the words left my mouth, he smiled like a Cheshire cat and started typing on his phone. My phone pinged a second letter and I found a text from an unknown number, containing details for tomorrow’s date.

I eyed him suspiciously. “How did you get my number?”

He held up his phone like a trophy. “Janet is a very useful secretary.”

I smiled internally, but I maintained my stoic expression. With a professional air around me, I nodded at him and got up to leave.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Leah,” he called out, earning a small smile from me before I exited the restaurant.

I was so excited that I went back to my office in a daze. I couldn’t remember what the cab driver looked like, but I remembered the unique scent that surrounded Declan, and I couldn’t wait to be around him again.

When I got back to my desk, there was a note waiting for me. I picked it up and froze when I looked at it.

Looking forward to getting coffee with you tomorrow, the note read.

I had been so wrapped up in thoughts of Declan, I had completely forgotten about Mike.
