
Chapter 50: Epilogue


A month later...

When it comes to living a fulfilling life, there is nothing quite like indulging in something that you truly love. It brings a sense of joy and contentment that is simply unparalleled. However, the true magic lies in being able to enjoy your passion in an environment that is warm, welcoming and accepting. Whether you are with that special someone or flying solo, there is a unique kind of peace that comes with knowing that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

You find peace in your surroundings, in the little things, and you find yourself smiling all the time.

Yes, there were times when I missed him, so much that it hurt sometimes, but I was okay with that. Distance makes the heart grow fonder after all. Right now, I was exactly where I was meant to be. In a loving and accepting environment, doing something that brought me pure joy. And that is what life is all about.