
Life before the mystery III

"So where is he?" Why is he being all concerned about Matt all of a sudden, why was he even asking me about him, why was he even talking to me?

"Shouldn't you be with Tess or something, you don't want to become an outcast just because you're caught talking to me right?" my mouth blurted before my brain could catch up, that was the most I've ever said to anyone. 

"Of course that'll never happen, almost everyone has left school already, I was waiting for Tess to be done in the library so I decided to pick on you," 

"Oh really?"


"So why don't you go screw your Tess then, I'm off," I snapped and marched towards my bike. I jumped when he appeared beside me again.

"I actually came to you because I need your help," I stopped abruptly.

"Mark Stoner, most popular kid in Eastwood high suddenly needs the school outcast's help?" I blinked hard, this had to be a dream.

"I'm not a kid okay? And don't feel too big I asked for your help," wait was he serious? Did he really need my help or he was just messing with me all over again?, I decided on the latter and hopped onto my scooter.

"Wait, you're not leaving me here, you have to help me," I stared at his frantic expression, he really needed my help, but why me? I mean, he barely even notices my existence or maybe it was because I was the only one left in the whole school?

"Fine, It has to be really important to have you risk your popularity and talk to me in public," he nodded indifferently and I suddenly noticed I wasn't tongue tied anymore, in fact I was actually having a civil conversation with a normal person without one-worded replies or stutters and that too my crush….woah, is that supposed to be a good or a bad thing?

"Tess has been in the library since lunch hour," He started, snapping me out of my daze.


"I haven't laid my eyes on her since then," Why was he telling me that, did I seem like a cop or security guard to him?

"Okaaaaaay…." I prompted when he paused for more than a minute with an expression that I couldn't decipher.

"So I want you to check out the reason she's still in there," really, like that was the help he went through the trouble of talking to a mute aka me for?

"And why can't you do that yourself?" Security got the better of me, I just had to ask.

"Well that's none of your business, just go and check the library out already," he snapped and I raised a brow, does he think he can order me around so easily?, I don't think so.

"That's no way to ask a favour politely, if you don't mind, I'd like to be on my way," I secured on my helmet and turned on ignition to my scooter. I was about to zoom away but he grabbed my hand, like our skins came in contact, I experienced this giddiness that I've never felt before.

"I can't be seen anywhere close to the library, the populars are not supposed to….you know read books or even worse go to the library, it'll be an instant ticket to outcast land," oh, really? Why were they attending school if they weren't going to learn then? And why was I pondering over it like it was any of my business?

"But you're their boss, you make the rules so you can as well break them, I'm really sorry but I can't help, if Tess is important as you make her out to be, then you wouldn't care about your very weird rules, see you in school tomorrow Stoner." Okay, that officially takes the medal for the most words I've said in a sentence, and it felt good, really good.

I zoomed away before the egoistic loverboy had the chance to recover from it's shock.

 I stopped over at a proper library to borrow actual books for a change, I've been reading a lot of ebooks with my free time which was like every hour apart from school and my part time job at a diner three blocks away from 'home', sorry you're just getting to know that I have a job, I kind of rushed the introduction earlier. 

 So I'm officially informing you that I have a waitress job at a family owned diner, I work there all the days of the week excluding Mondays and Thursdays so today was my off, that was why I borrowed books earlier on why way home, with hopes it was going to be good books. 

 After getting to an empty house and warming up a proper meal for lunch-slash-dinner, I washed up the day's stress and unusual happenings and settled down to take a look at my PC. I didn't have a phone, as far as I was concerned I needed a phone for absolutely nothing. Parents and work can call the house line if they needed to get in touch which was next to never and I didn't have friends, not in real life, not online either, I didn't even have a Facebook account, pretty over the top but I'm contented with online reading apps that are strictly for reading and nothing else.

 After reading through updates of my favorite ongoing novels with 'awww's and 'ewww's, I settled down with one of the paperbacks I borrowed from the library, it was an ancient version of Charles Dickens' Olivier Twist. After a while, I slept off with my head on my desk, face buried in the book and earphones plugged in my ears.


Hello y'all, an update for tonight, this is more of a filler chapter though, main course coming soon, add to your library and stay tuned ; ) good evening from this end of the world

✌ illusionistic

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