

Join Wei Qi in his cultivation road to achieve his goals, conquer his fears, deals with regrets and sorrows while keeping a secret from loved ones .

Shadow_Dragon_9805 · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Competition- part 9(crysis and sending back up)

," ha ha.. There is the genius we lost all those years ago, you even comprehended the slaughter qi..ha ha.. welcome back ."...

wei qi bowed to sect master with a kung fu salute( A/N- i don't know what the palm over fist salute called so i will just put what i found on google) and said," No ,i don't know if slaughter qi is comprehensible...as i didn't try to comprehend it."

sect master asked in a shocked voice ," then how did you manage to control it ??.."

wei qi replied with a smile," Simple , i didn't try to comprehend it..... i conquered it.."

sect master slammed his hand on the non existing table which god knows how created a 'thud' sound and yelled out," YoU DiD WhAt!!!!....?? Are you kidding me..? are you crazy?.YOU idiot ... you could have died .. have you ever heard of any one conquering sword qi, no because they comprehend it ...those who try to conquer it died a tragic death... why in the hell would you even think about that..??"

wei qi replied in a confused face," because i didn't think of it"

sect master face palmed and said," you know they say there is a thinner line between genius and crazy.. while people try to deter around the line... you maniac chimpanzee used that line as a bridge... What did even i expect from you?? after all your teacher is drunken fist MaD Bear"

wei qi stood there with a stupid grin on his face while scratching back of head with his left hand..and said ," how did you know about sword qi sect master, you didn't even comprehended the sword qi.."

sect master dumbfounded for a second as someone hit his sore spot , he said in embarassment," you cheeky bastard...you are making fun of your elders..."

At this time mu chen screamed," i saw it..i saw it..."

sect master asked annoyed by the scream ," stop screaming... what did you see???

Mu chen said," i saw a bear demon beast with peak origin level power..its corrupting other beasts...it has some type of aura that is corrupting every beast who comes near it... there ... there it is again on 4th column and last row". and he pointed his finger at the said screen..

Everyone turned towards the said screen and saw a big black bear with almost 10 meter height attacking a wind wolf pack.. it effortlessly killed all the wolfs except the alpha.... the alpha put quite a struggle... though he is in middle of origin realm he only able to bite the bear because of its speed but the bear's defense is much more than the alpha can deal damage... so it was only small scratches and bite marks all over the bear's body...spells like wind cutter and wind arrows are also not doing much damage.

But soon the alpha became exhausted as it was also struggling to fight against the black aura bear was emanating ... but it was too stubborn to let go of the criminal who killed its whole pack...his speed is slowing down...the bear took the opportunity to strike him...alpha which was dodging at first now barely able to keep up with it....at this moment the bears paw connected with the left side of the alpha wolf's face...there was a big scar covering its eyes... and the scar also oozed some black aura as it trying get inside the wolf's body...the wolf saw it as a loosing war... so it opened its mouth and fired a wind cutter spell at the feet of the bear to create dust to block its vision and distract ii while the alpha turned around and ran in the opposite direction while fighting mentally to keep the black aura in check..

After the alpha escaped ,the bear stood up and roared angrily as it failed to capture a powerful beast under him .its roar is deafening..as it shook 1/10th of the secret realm... some students heard that but some students who were closer to the inner area felt that on their skin ...as the bear roared the black aura kept getting more violent and stronger ..its eye getting more crimson the wolfs who died before or who were critically injured stood up swaying.. their body is fully corrupted by the black aura.. they have red veins squirming inside their eyes ..their steps are unsteady as their wounds are still bleeding..but their body is functioning without blood...no....more like their body isn't functioning at all.. they are just mindless puppets ... someone is holding their string....

the sect master and elders kept looking at the screen but wei qi kept looking at the other screens said, " not only the bear but i think who ever planned this corrupted almost one of every species with demonic aura...(he then pointed at different screens one by one) there is a earth elephant, there is a shadow leopard , there is a flame lion, there is a electric mouse , there is a swift rabbit, there is a flame bird, there is a wind bat....all of them has the same black aura like the bear but less amount. i think someone is planning to infect the secret realm along with participents with demonic aura....."

the sect master said ," yes , i can see that but what will we do now...should i lift the enchantments to the secret realm? we can all go there to save the participents and will also kill all the demonic beasts .. it will be efficien.."

before he could even complete his sentence one screen turned red and kept blinking... wei qi said hurriedly," two participent died to demonic beast swarm and no dont lift the enchantment... may be they will invade the secret realm the moment we lift the enchantment as they have the coordinate or they want to trap us there by making all of us go there..and they will attack the sect while its vulnerable..you and the elders needed to be here for the sect... let me go"

the sect master has a hesitation in his eyes and said," let me think about it".

At this time more screen becoming red and kept blinking.....2, 4, 7,11, the number keeps rising... wei qi said ,"sect master hurry seal my cultivation to the qi refining realm and send me to the secret realm.... every moment you hesitate more of these innocent participents are going to die,"

sect master sighed and said," fine i will let you go but if anything happens its all on you.. remember that.."

wei qi said with a determination ," i am not going to make any mistakes."

Young guiying screamed,"Just send him already"

sect master sealed wei qi's cultivation realm to qi gathering realm by creating a star shaped sealing array and put it on his chest which entered his body ...

then he opened the teleportation array and wei qi stepped inside it and vanished...