
Little Bai’s Adventures


What the actual fuck. This is madness! What are the odds that a random guy I decide to talk with and tease turns out to be some high bounty target?! What am I supposed to do now?

He said something about being chased by assassins. There is no way anyone normal would have that happen to them!

No, relax! There is a chance he was just messing with me. Yes! Perhaps he was just trying to get back at me for my little joke about my pet.

Or was he faking looking naïve? What if it was all an act?!

This is so troublesome. Usually, I wouldn't have to think much about it. I would tell myself that I'll deal even with the worst cases scenarios somehow. Not this time.

What was with the way he said goodbye to me? Acting as if someone might have been listening to our conversation? Either he is a lunatic, or I am in way deeper than I ever intended.