
Gem Talk


His eldest brother is back? 

First time I hear about that. 

[There is only one thing to do now.]

"We'll go check it out?" 

[Naw, gotta put this stuff in first …I mean c'mon.] 

"Ah, true that." 

And thus to the stupefaction of the messenger, we head inside. 

He says to leave the worthless furniture and to follow him. 

That is when the kid turns toward him. 

"Should I mention that these so-called worthless items are something we can't even afford with our family's wealth?"

We keep working while the dumbfounded guard is standing still. 

In the meantime, the old man's nephew already left. 

Not long afterward it is done. 

If this was a shop management minigame I would have boosted a few stats with these. 

The sales: Customers are more likely to buy more since they'll try it here and bring some home too.