
Facing Death



It is big, it is angry, it has rock dust all over its body. 

It charges over, but then it sees the corpse of its brethren. 

That makes it stop. 

It looks at us unsure of what happened exactly. 

"This is the moment of truth. Time for a push."

"What do you mean?" 

"We need to intimidate it."

"How are we supposed to do that chief?"

"Attack it?"

"Start screaming?"

"Let's not make any weird noises that would be out of place…"

"What do you mean?"

"One of you, roar!"


Then a few of the quick thinkers quickly go: 

"Not I!" 

That leaves one confused guy looking at us at a loss. 

Then we simply smile at him until he understands the task. 

He gives us a look that can only say are you fucking serious?!

Then he reluctantly walks forward.


"Put more spirit into it!"
