
Eagle's Law


My daughter was worried about Eagle, but now she'll understand why none of us shared that concern. No, the issue is the aftermath instead, all the work this will cause us! 

Oh well, it can't be helped. This is part of my duty as a leader. *Sigh* 

I attack him. He instantly turns his attention toward me, his eyes glowing red. 

In this special state of his, just a gaze is enough to intimidate most opponents. He has this way of looking at you like you are mere prey. All confidence and pride crumble under his stare like an ice cube in a volcano. 

People have mostly forgotten about it. They all assume he is strong because of The Bringer of Calamity. Oh god no! Him getting his hands on it has been an actual blessing for the continent! Ironic how a sword of massacre led to him becoming more peaceful.