
Meeting Zastin

Max almost immediately let the female go. He hadn't realized that this was the sister Bristley had been talking about even though it should've been pretty obvious from the start. The whole reason he had initially come down here was to see if she had been taken to the dungeon which had apparently been the case. Perhaps slamming Violet againt the wall was a bit overboard, but Max had just been cautious as he couldn't see the figures face.

"I apologize, I didn't realize that you were a female," Max backed away towards the entrance of the cell, preparing to go and fetch another torch. "I usually try not to hurt females as they can sometimes be quite fragile. I say sometimes because it doesnt apply to ever female as some are quite strong."

Violet was quiet for a second as Max ran out, grabbed another torch and ran back. When he returned, it looked like Violet had already regained her composure. With the light of the torch, Max took in the elder sisters appearance with a sharp yet quick once over.

Violet wasn't too tall, around the same height as her younger sister Bristley. She was no doubt a drop dead beauty with her long silvery white hair that reached the middle of her back, her bright orange eyes, light pink lips, smooth skin, and overall youthful appearance. She had on a short white dress that stopped mid thigh with matching stockings, none of which did anything to hide her hourglass figure. She looked great when combined with the light of the torch and Max couldn't help but give a low whistle.

Upon hearing Max's whistle, Violet covered her rather large breasts up with her arms, trying her best to keep her cool. "What do you think your looking at peasant? If your thinking of violating me then go ahead and try."

"Violating?" Max asked with a small laugh. "Nah, I'm just appreciating beauty at its finest. Haven't seen a woman as beautiful as you in a while and it was nice. Apologies if I was rude. My name is Max Dwayne and I'm here to rescue you and your family from the clutches of renegades. If your okay, we should really get moving. I'll take you to Bristley before making my way to save the other royals."

Violet was silent for a moment before rushing over to stand in front of Max. "Wait, are you saying that you saved my sister? Where is she? I can't think you enough!! I was so worried that something truly horrible had happened."

"Woah woah, she's completely fine," Max said, taking a step away from the now exicted princess. "She's outside with a friend of mine and she's completely safe. All you have to do is come with me and I'll take you to them. After that, I'll finish up the rest of the guards and meet you outside with the rest of your family."

Violet took a step back, taking a deep breath as she regained her cool. Opening her eyes, she trained them over Max's bright green ones. "So how do you plan on doing all of this? Your just a single guy against 60 or 70 guards. How do you expect to get in and get out without being seen?"

Max smiled and shook his head. "Just know that I have a plan. I just don't feel comfortable divulging it to you as you.might try and stop me. Just know that I CAN succeed."

Max turned around and walked out the open cell door, heading into the hall. "Now if thats the only questions you have, then please follow me. Your safety is now my top priority."

"I actually have one last question," Violet said as she walked past him, her silvery hair brushing against him. "Why are you risking your life for this family? Whats in it for you?"

Max shrugged. "I simply don't want your family to be split apart, even if I hear your dad isn't all that nice or treats you like objects. I never grew up with a family but I know the feeling of losing someone close. I don't want you to have to know that feeling. Thats all there is to it."

Violet opened her mouth to say something, but closed it after a few moments, clearly at a loss for words. Max found it interesting that both girls thought that he wanted something just because he felt like helping, but he attributed that to the way they were raised. It could be that the world was really like that, but Max found it hard to believe as where there was greed and corruption, there would usually be people who were the complete opposite.

"If you got no further questions, then lets head out," Max said, putting the torch back whwre he had initially grabbed it from. "I'll have to ask that you stick by my side at ALL times from here to the front door. I don't want anything unexpected happening to you like it usually does for me. Watch where you step and where you go."

"Those instructions are a bit weird," Violet said as she followed behind Max who had started walking forward.

"Expect everything, fear nothing," Max turned his head slightly as he walked forward, flashing Violet a small smile. "You should be cautious when around me as I'm pure bad luck incarnate. Now lets get the heck out of this depressing dungeon."

Violet pointed to the unconscious guard near her cell. "What about him? Aren't you afraid he might wake up and sound the alarm? Its entirely possible that it might happen. If your serious about having bad luck, this is a nothing but a hindrance."

"Good point," Max replied with a smile. "Lets take care of that real quick. Is there any rope around here? Anything I can use to tie him up?"

Leaving the now bound and gagged guard behind them, Max and Violet made their way down the long hallway and made their way up the stairs, stopping in front of the wooden door. Opening it carefully, Max peaked out to see if there were any guards. After seeing none, he opened the door all the way and stepped out and to the side, letting Violet walk past him before shutting the door behind them.

"And where do you think your going dear Princess Violet? We haven't even had our fun yet?" A voice came from above them, a sound that made Max's stomach churn. It was a sound similar to when someone dragged their fingernails across a chalkboard, irritating and very annoying.

Grabbing Violets hand for good measure, Max pulled the daggernout of his pocket and looked towards the top of the stairs where 5 guards were making their way downwards. As he had been looking at the floor and notnthe stairs, Max had failed to notice them. The way the first person spoke, Max already knew that he hated this person very much.

The five guards leisurely made their way down the stairs and across the floor, only stopping when they were ten feet away from Max and Violet. Max grit his teeth as his eyes focused on the lone figure being held by the hair by the last guard. It was a girl in a orange dress with bright red hair and looked to be around 13 or 14 years old and she was obviously crying but whether it was from the pain of having her hair pulled or being forced to follow the men, Max didn't know.

"Oh crap its Zastin," Violet muttered as she backed up and his partially behind Max. "I really want to hit the guy who has my sister by the hair, but with Zastin here, we might as well run. He's the chief guard and the strongest person in our army. He's also merciless so if he catches you then he WILL kill you."

The guy named Zastin was dressed like an ordinary person which actually confused Max a little. He wore simple shirts and a tshirt along with socks and shoes. He had a sword attached to his waist and probably had a hidden dagger on him as well. He stood in front of the confidently and proudly with black hair, red eyes and a handsome face. He had the sickest perverted look on his face however when he looked towards Violet and it pissed Max off very much.

"I was actually just on my way to see you Violet," Zastin said, his hands in his pockets, looking all calm and collected. "I didn't do anything to you because I needed to get someone to watch when I showed you the time of your life. So I brought along your little sister Hope, this beautiful girl that I might actually try when I'm done with yo-"

Zastin barely managed to evade the knife as it grazed past him, leaving a deep gash in his cheek before sticking itself into one of the guards head. Turning his gaze back onto the two of them, Zastin focused on the guy with wild fluffy brown hair, but instead of glaring at him like he intended, he took a step back.

The guy in front of him had changed. Before he felt like this guy was just a goody two shoes and felt like playing hero and/or helping out the royal family. Now however waves of bloodlust could be felt from him as his once bright green eyes shot daggers into him, making him shiver involuntarily. It was clear that he was beyond pissed, to the point where even his rage had evolved.

"So, your the cause for everyone's suffering?" Max asked with a look towards Zastin, disregarding the person he had just killed. "Your the reason this family has been torn apart. You dare to stand in front of me acting all high and mighty and expect me to do nothing whilenyou threaten to flat out R*PE these girls?"

Violet took a step back, feeling her body becoming cold from nust standing near Max. She could feel his thirst for blood, and she knew it wasn't pointed at her but at them, the guards who had split her family down the middle. Things were about to get bloody, one way or another.