
The Unlucky Cards of Fate

A unlucky guy got killed by truck-san on his way home, only to get sucked into what he hated most... his luck. "Eh? Wait, mom, we can talk about this! Don't just put me in a dress!" "Hey dad, I'm your son! At least try to help! Wait, did you just shout out in happiness?!"

Yokiri · Autres
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16 Chs

Chekov's Gun

"So, you'll be a hero huh?"


It was the next day when Akira was walking to UA with Toru while she was teasing him about his little slip up.

"Please, I'm begging you." Akira at this point was just walking with his hands in his face and his ears red.

It had been going for a good five minutes now and Toru still laughing herself all the way down the road. "Oh, come on! It's not often I get this, just accept it. You were completely pulled in by the mood!"

"Its not like anyone else heard! How come its just you!?" Rolling his shoulders, Akira's shout was muffled by the palm was on his face.

Toru, just soaking in his embarrassment, soon popped an even louder grin when a voice spoke from behind them.

"Well, I did." Jiro chiming in with a smile.

Akira's face dropping, he felt like he was gonna mimic his father soon.

"Hahahaha! Jiro, you really know when to to jump in, don't you?" Toru laughing while holding her stomach, Jiro couldn't help but break out into giggles.

"Don't worry too much, I'm sure not everyone has ears as sensitive as mine." Said Jiro, trying to stifle her laugh.

Akira flipping his hands into air in resignation could only utter, "Yeah. What else could possibly go wrong."


Author's Note:

Sorry about the hiatus without a word!

I have been on a very long hiatus because I've just gotten busy IRL with doing an internship. I still plan to update this, but being honest, its probably gonna take me a minute to get back in the grove of writing.

I've began writing another chapter already after this, but didn't want to include it yet because it doesn't at all match the style of my previous chapters.

This chapter was the last one I worked on before my hiatus so it barely passes for me. I actually planned to make it much longer.

It might take a while (hopefully not 2 months XD), but I will post more.

Just gotta get my thoughts back and recall MHA as its been a minute for me.
