
The Coming tide

Out in the amala multi-verse, two individuals were sharing a conversation, in an all too familiar cafe with a painting that couldn't help but be eye-catching in the modest environment.

One who had seen many worlds and his experiences were incalculable, the blonde old man.

The other who only knew the current one was one, but despite the difference in experience, he wasn't a slouch. A gentleman in a velvet black suit and white gloves. Fit for every occasion. Beethoven would model himself after this man.

A woman dressed in black stood by the stools, holding a neatly folded wheelchair.

The shop owner prepared a hot cup leisurely as he hummed to himself.

"I have found this world most fascinating, here the influence of the chaotic and orderly forces are at their minimum. Non-existent in fact.

Contrary to belief." the blonde old man said.

"Yes, the humans of this world are the driving force in question. Though gods do or did exist." the man in black velvet said.

"I see very few and far between, and yet I can tell this world has had its own conceptions at least twice." the blonde old man said.

"Around the time of the original wager, but would you believe this all started with a game?" the man in velvet said.

"While you're not human, you are far from a god. As are your, children?" the blonde old man said.

"They are my creations, as I am a creation of one of the gods." the man in velvet said.

"If that's how you see it. But that last wager nearly ended you and one of your creations did it not?" the blonde old man said.

"Indeed, almost had to retire. Luckily the humans of this world are ones for breaking expectations." the man in velvet said.

"Indeed. Most of the humans I knew while equipped to deal with gods and demons alike, did so with other gods and demons backing them. The ones here have harnessed their will to face these entities as they are." the blonde old man said.

"Under certain circumstances, but yes." the man in velvet said.

"It's a phenomenon that has me most curious. Perhaps such circumstances come and go as to keep the "chosen ones" human." the blonde old man said.

It is within humanity that the potential to change the world comes from.

"Well, that's certainly true here..." the blonde old man said.

"Honestly, this world should've met its end properly some time ago." the man in velvet said.

"I saw it on the way here, the one who sleeps." the blonde old man said.

"Then you know." the man in velvet said.

"Yes, humanity's potential for changing the world is astounding, but even more so is the potential for destruction. To think only a handful of others even know what's at the dimensional boundary. All thanks to the human heart and soul." the blonde old man said.

"Yes, human potential has a positive and negative effect. But that's what kept you so intrigued is it not?" the man in velvet said.

"Honestly, it's only recently my interest was sparked in that old concept.

Truly this world is special." the blonde old man said.

"Then going forward what are your plans?" asked the man in velvet.

"You are familiar with the Conception, however, despite all that's happened this world has never faced a True Conception." the blonde man said.

Rather every attempt at Conception has been thwarted.

"Indeed so, and so I think I need to know more of this world. So I think I'll have a nice interesting time watching what happens next." The blonde old man drank from the cup of coffee while caressing his cane.

The man in velvet smirked and stirred his own cup with a spoon.

"Enjoy your stay." the man in velvet said.

"Thank you." the blonde old man raised an arm and the woman in black came to him.

"I'll get the door for you." the owner said.

The woman in black opened up the wheelchair before the blonde old man and he slowly put himself in. The woman nodded to the man in velvet and headed towards the exit.

"Thanks for coming, hope you've enjoyed your stay at Leblanc." the owner said with a bow.

"Yes, thank you very much. In fact, I think I'll be coming back around very soon." the blonde old man said, as to make sure the man in velvet heard.

The man in velvets nose grew sharper in response.

Outside the blonde old man was pushed to a limo with a young man standing by the door, dressed like a professional bodyguard. Black Hair and black sunglass to hide his eyes.

The people around gawked at the limo and couldn't help but wonder what VIP came to the cafe.

The young man in the suit opened the door for the lady black and blonde old man. Once inside the woman headed for the driver's seat while the young man entered in the back.

"Change of plan." the blonde old man said.

The young man raised a questioning brow.

"I'll explain more when we get to the meeting place." the blonde old man said.

The limo turned into an alleyway and warped in a flash of light.

The limo was now driving in a seemingly empty space.

"We're here Master." the woman in black said.

The young man exited the car and the blonde old man with him in his wheelchair.

The space was currently inhabited by not just them, but multiple giants. Giants with horns and blonde hair adorned with 6 wings. All identical and farther than the eye could see.

In the center of the giants were a blonde young man, a blonde child, and a young man in a highschoolers uniform with flowers, yellow eyes, and short greenish hair.

Below their feet, the earth spun in its blue radiance.

As the blonde old man was pushed to the center, he looked at all the giants and addressed them as if they were eye to eye.

Hear me, my brethren, for the sake of our goal we may have another re-course...

Wrote this after some crazy theories from SMTV True Neutral Ending and Persona thrashed in my head.

Hase0creators' thoughts