

Éditeur: Henyee Translations


Baili Qingfeng leaned against the wall and tried to catch his breath.


He deserved to be a seasoned warrior who had followed General Melbourne decades ago. He was stronger than any opponent that Baili Qingfeng had encountered.

At least, Zhe Gu, Hong Lie, and Jiang Ziheng were many levels lower than him.

As for Jiang Ziheng's brothers, Eddy probably could defeat them all at the same time.

Although he had killed Eddy quickly, the price he paid was definitely not small.

In other words…

He had been badly wounded.


Baili Qingfeng, sensing the excruciating pain all over his body, was painful, with sweat trailing down his forehead.

"No… I'm badly wounded. When I dealt with the assassin named Zhe Gu last time, I didn't try my best although I used Demonic Dissolution, it's definitely absolute activation this time! If it were anybody else, they would have to call an ambulance immediately, and they would probably be in a hopeless situation. Even with my special body qualities…"

Baili Qingfeng finally couldn't stand anymore. He sat down and panted.

"Even with my special body qualities, I have to rest for an hour to recover."

It was because of his recent breakthrough.

If it were before…

The recovery would take three hours.

"None of those famous martial fighters are easy to deal with. Eddy is not as strong as me. After I carry out Demonic Dissolution, his speed and strength are significantly lower, but his secret technique lengthened his arm and nearly turned things around. If I were weaker, the battle would've been very difficult. I have to be very prudent when I face them!"

Baili Qingfeng was rather solemn.

The battle helped him understand the gap between him and seasoned martial fighters.

Not a gap in strength, but a gap of battle experience, battle awareness, and secret techniques.

When he encountered such opponents again…

He had to be faster, stronger and braver!

So fast that the battle experience was useless, so strong that his enemy's determination would collapse, and so brave that no techniques were useful!

He had to charge at the enemy and claim the enemy's life with his own!

"The Rumbling Thunder Thirty-Six Moves is just a body-training technique to build up my body. I need a real technique to increase my sturdiness and stamina to carry out the specialness of my body."

Baili Qingfeng knew his body very well.

The recovery depended not on the complexity but the severity.

A needle piercing through the brain and a needle piercing through the arm needed an equal time of recovery.

Therefore, muscle strains and nerve collapses were not a big deal at all, and bone fractures were actually quite tricky. They often needed a few days to recover.

The battlefield Eddy chose was an abandoned construction site. It was empty during the day and even more quiet at night.

Baili Qingfeng sat there in silence.

After an hour's rest, he got back on his feet again.

The sequelae of Demonic Dissolution was gone, and his ribs were regrowing. However…

It was slightly painful.

"Those martial fighters are truly monsters. They break bones so easily… My ribs won't recover until tomorrow night, but…"

Baili Qingfeng was rather solemn.

Eddy was accompanied by Eit, who was also an expert under his father's tutelage. He might not be as good as his father, but he was not weak. On learning of his father's death, Eit would go on a rampage, and it was possible that he would go on a killing spree in Baili Qingfeng's house. If so…

There would be nothing he could do except regret.


He had to finish the business today with the heavily wounded body, even if it would make his wounds even worse.

"Eddy sent the chauffeur away after he left, so his residence must be nearby. There are few cars in Shire. As long as I find the car along the road, I'll find Eddy's house and track Eit down."

Baili Qingfeng left the construction site.

When he left, he seemed to have sensed something and looked in one direction.

Looking back at himself, he found nothing wrong, so he moved his eyes back and followed the direction where the car drove off.

After Baili Qingfeng left, two people walked out of the shadow.

They were exactly Su Wei and Gu De, who met Baili Qingfeng just now. They had just had dinner and were taking a walk.

"Is that Baili Qingfeng? I think he saw us."

"Baili Qingfeng? What's that guy doing in this abandoned construction site? You can easily tell that he's not a good guy," Su Wei said angrily and hatefully.

"Actually, Su Wei, I don't think it will be easy for you to get Gu Lingying. According to Nicole, although she keeps a low profile, the daily things she uses are all the best products. Also, she's a foreigner. You two won't have any result," Gu De said.

"Result? What result? You are not so naive as to think I'm pursuing her for marriage, are you? I'm just trying to get her in my bed," Su Wei said gloomily. "Although that boy has little to do with what happened today, I'm just angry at him. I'll call some guys and give him a good beating!"

"Su Wei, consider it carefully before you do anything. It's not worth it," Gu De said in dissatisfaction.

"I know what I am doing. According to your cousin, the boy is a coward. I'll have somebody beat him up and threaten him with his family if he calls the police. Then, he'll definitely keep the whole thing to himself," Su Wei said at ease.

He knew quite a few gangsters, and he had done it once before. The only thing he needed was a nice dinner and some money for friends.

Nothing couldn't be settled with money in this world.

Gu De frowned. He was about to say something when his nose moved. "Is that… the scent of blood?"

"Blood? Where is it from?"

"My nose has been keen since my childhood. It can't be wrong. It's from there…"

"The construction site? Baili Qingfeng just got out of there…"

Su Wei said, his eyes glittering. "Has the guy done something bad over there? Let's take a look!"

"Su Wei, mind your own business…"

Gu De meant to stop him, but Su Wei already strode forward to the source of the stink of blood.

Soon, they saw Eddy, who had collapsed next to the wall with blood all over the body.

When they saw the body, Gu De and Su Wei both stopped breathing.


"A dead man!?"

Although it was still early, the night had already fallen, and they were in a remote abandoned construction site. Seeing a dead man in such a place…

The two young men who were only students grew pale.

"Is… Is it possible that Baili Qingfeng killed him?" Looking at Eddy in a pool of blood, Su Wei, who claimed that everything could be settled with money, began to stutter.

He had been involved in fights before, but those were just fights among young people.

However, before his eyes was…

A dead man!

A dead man!

Gu De's face was also livid, but after shivering in the cold for a moment, he dragged Su Wei with no hesitation. "Let's get out of here and tell nobody anything about this! We must let no one know that we were here!"