
The Universe is Innately Just

Every coin has two faces. Goodness is balanced by evil. Any concept has a counterpart. New Casablanca was the same. A fantastic city full of science and progress, yet such a dark side so dirty no one dares even talking about it. This is the hometown of a young man, Fell Pluck. Unfortunately, it was decided by the gods that he should be born in the slums of the city, the core, where you had to fight every day in the hope of living another one. "Choose your path, change your destiny, show your might. Unleash your will and show them your worth. I revealed to you the way of cultivation; the rest is up to you.." A. In the end, like a butterfly softly landing on a petal, a simple encounter can change the course of events... ################################# As many of you have noticed, UIJ has gone premium! To celebrate this, we're going to have triple daily release! You're in for quite the adventure with this novel, bear with me and I'll be sure to keep on working the quality of my work. "The Universe is Innately Just" is my first work on webnovel.com. Add me to your library if you enjoy the read! Comments and Power Stones help a lot. If you want to support me, do not hesitate to leave some! ############################ Support your author with a warm cup of coffee. :) https://ko-fi.com/lividedge

LividEdge · Romance
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331 Chs


As he remembered what his Elders told him. He couldn't help but shiver at the thought of the communication he received.

"He isn't as strong as us four. We Elders of the Main Noble families are at the top of the first step of cultivation. But we noticed several clues that could explain his might. After a conversation with the other elders, we concluded that he was a legendary dual cultivator."

"He isn't to be trifled with… He is existence is on par with us four", he added, "Don't needlessly provoke him", he paused for a second, "He might also do better for this city than you might expect. The relationship between us four families have gotten more fragile lately, and there are several lesser noble families on the rise."

"This is a time of difficulty and hardships. But it's also in time like these that opportunities arise! Invite him as an Elder Guest if you can! We might learn a lot from each other", the Golden Family Elder finished. He planned to either turn Fell into an ally or make him the common enemy of the four noble families.

Those were the only command he gave to current family Executive.

The Golden Family Executive knew what he had to do. He was well versed socially and was sure that he could manage the matter with certitude. He knew that Fell was someone beyond the executives' league, he opted for a respectful tone when talking to him.

But something happened that shocked his soul straight to its core. As Fell silently listened to what he said. The answer he gave was completely unexpected by the Golden Family Executive.

"No worries!" He lifted his hands as if the work he had done wasn't deserving of praise. "Here is the bill", He casually added with a beaming smile on his lips.

At first, he was taken aback and thought it was a joke. But then he saw the youth take out a napkin before sending it to him. The soft tissue flew like a kite before losing momentum in front of the golden-haired middle-aged man.

A weird expression could be seen on his face as his eyes dropped on the object. As soon as he saw the number written, his calmness disappeared, and his wrist slightly trembled for a second.

He wryly looked at Fell and saw the seriousness in his face before sighing. A blank look appeared on his face as he became depressed.

"What the hell is this sh*t?" This isn't a prideful young cultivator? No, the youth in front of him was a shameless swindler. Not only did he kill one of them and bully another. He even wanted them to pay him for that.

If it was a reasonable number, he wouldn't mind. It might even create a solution to the issue, and their relationship could start anew. But on the napkin was written such an insane amount, that even if the Golden Family Root wouldn't be plucked out, they would have to take out half of what they had in their treasury. They'd still have to sell a few companies to finish paying.

The other executives were bemused by the Golden Family Executive. One of them also took a step and didn't hesitate in speaking.

"If the Golden Family is too stingy, we, on the contrary, are generous and accept to help him in paying you, Young Hero!" The Merendinis Executive took the opportunity to speak. "What a prick this executive is. How can't he see this as an opportunity to befriend him." He thought as he looked at the Golden Family Executive.

"We will certainly follow suit too, Young Hero!" The Tagerio and Henrys Family Executive followed.

The smile in Fell's lips grew larger as he knew the events were going in a direction that pleased him. He whistled internally as he couldn't help but think that the main district was rich, in his eyes the metallic shade of the street around him seemed to be paved in gold. He licked his lips as a strange idea popped in his mind, but he swiftly brushed it before feeling shame.

What kind of idea could cause the young hero that was, shamelessly and brazenly, swindling the noble family to feel shame? What kind of twisted idea popped in his mind that made him think twice and doubt its feasibility? His thick skin was nurtured and developed in the core, few things could make him feel shame; Specifically this new idea of him couldn't be brazenly executed without heavy repercussions. He needed to wait. Wait for the perfect, golden, opportunity.

He thought of his next scheme while silently watching the scene unfurling in front of him. Due to the other three families butting in the matter of the bill. He was certain now that the four noble families had no way to get out of this. Unless they wanted to provoke him. Then, he would show them a different face.

He calmly saw their expression drastically change, their eyes gaped wide and their jaw dropped in the direction of the ground. Regret swiftly washed over their faces, and an awful aftertaste appeared in their tongue. They skipped a beat in their chest as they knew that they just lost a tremendous amount of money.

If the amount he plundered from the DarkSun gang could be said to amount in millions of credits. What he was asking the Golden Family to pay amounted in Billions! It was obvious that even for them, that amount was ridiculously high, and it would empty a large amount of their resource.

Although Fell wasn't particularly interested in having a lot of money as he already had the resource, he needed for cultivation. Growing in the core and having faced harsh poverty made him like those little gold coins quite a lot.

Time gradually ticked and a few breaths where no one said anything. Seeing this, disappointment appeared on his face; He humphed and released some mental pressure, his will-based cultivation base rotated for a little bit.

Seeing the Young Hero reaction, the Four Executives couldn't help but shiver as they saw the youth in front of them grew higher in their sight. Their leg shook a little bit as an image of a gigantic Fell appeared in front of them. Their Pods were hovering a few meters high in the air, but they felt like they were tiny ants in front of such hegemonic might.

He gave them the impression of facing a titan. Using his will-based cultivation to manipulate his foes' soul was one the soul system's many abstruse applications. And due to them already having seen his fights, they wouldn't doubt that the illusory giant in front of them was just Fell's bodily strength.

Of course, Fell's body's cultivation didn't grow to such a high degree. Although he could force his body to enlarge, it would be nowhere near as he exaggerated it to be.

The Four Executives did their best to shoulder the pressure coming from Fell. But their memory of the earlier fight and the scene in front of them made their hearts throb painfully. They did their best to resist the current pressure. But the difference between them and Fell was too big. They knew that even if they went together and called for backup, the fight wouldn't go for more than a few blows.

The four executives slowly came to accept their faith.

"Of course, we will pay the Young Hero." Said the Tagerio's Executive.

"We will just need a day no; a few hours will do!" Added the Henrys' Executive, the Merendiris Executive sighted before nodding, showing that he also agreed to the term.

"Wow, I thought they would sell the Golden Family. But they decided to stick together", he thought as he saw their reaction, "It looks like they have some kind of agreement between them on how to deal with me. Let me see how far I can go!" he silently mused before nodding in agreement with them.

"Thanks! Do you mind giving them to me on this card?" He said, sending while flicking his wrist. A metallic credit card speedily rotated in the air flying straight toward the Golden Family Executive who swiftly caught it. He politely grabbed the card with two hands, as if afraid to damage it, before adding.

"We are organizing a banquet in your name, Young Hero. It will be a grand opportunity for the youth of the city to meet someone extraordinary from their generation, I hope you will do us the immense pleasure to bless us with your presence." He spoke fluently without pause. He then silently bowed one last time before departing; He then turned without waiting for an answer, hopped inside his Hover Pod. His vehicle blinked once before disappearing in a corner.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Young Hero!" The three other Executives bowed politely before leaving an invitation to see their clan's domain; All three of them hopped inside their Hover Pods and left the street to its previous silence.

Fell could be seen waving his hands to the Hover Pods. On his face was a satisfied smile, he sighed before thinking.

"Quite fruitful! Looks like I need to go to that party…" He thought for a second, before turning his head in the direction of the silent Wind.

Wind was unaware of what happened in his surroundings. If someone told him that the Four Noble Family just got beaten, then got asked for payment, he wouldn't have dared to believe it.