
The Universe's Greatest Showman

He always wanted to be a performer. To be seen by the masses. To be adored. To be hated. For all eyes to be on him. And in this world of Heros and villains he found himself in. One with Magic and powers. Chaos and opportunities. He would find the audience he wished for. He would become the Universe's Greatest Showman. Even if others had to suffer for it. ..... Extra tags: No harem, No romance, Chaotic neutral MC. ..... Cover art isn't mine.

ForThe_Lolzs · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Final Poll

The votes are in.

I will officially be continuing: The Universe's Greatest Showman, and Wizard in DC.

And I will be starting a New Overlord fic.

However, now it is time to vote once more.

Do I rewrite universes Greatest Showman? Or do I start from where I left off?



And do I rewrite D&D Wizard in DC? Or do I continue where I left off?




Also go check out my other Fic, Worm: The New Gods. It's a bit of a different writing style than normal. And slower-paced than my other stories. It's something I write in my free time so it won't be on a schedule.