
The Universal Villain[Old]

(This Fan-Fic has been rewritten. While still enjoyable to some this one has a lot of plot holes and other bullshit. So if you want a more complete version check out the rewrite.) Shen had obtained a strange system that gave him the chance to get abilities ranging across multiple fictional universes. The system only requires him to make it a better version of its former self by defeating or killing anyone or thing that is more powerful than an average human. At the same time, Shen personally doesn't care what he has to do as long as he gets stronger abilities. This is a story about a boy who does not care about the damage he causes or the people around him. What kind of chaos is he going to cause ripping through universes for fun and with the sole goal of becoming stronger, and what kind of impression will he make on the original characters involved?

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime et bandes dessinées
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130 Chs

Time Dilation Barrier

Meditating on the central pillar within the Kamui dimension, Rukia remained unmoved before she heard the sound of footsteps. Opening her eyes, she saw Shen massaging his shoulder, returning from wherever he went. Standing up, she walked towards him before halting as she saw the cut on his cheek.

Looking over at Rukia, Shen traced her eyes. "Oh, this? It's fine I was dealing with one of the captains we captured." Hearing Shen, Rukia nodded her head as Shen spoke to her. "So did anything happen while I was away." Hearing Shen, Rukia turned her gaze to the barrier that was containing Urahara.

"He stopped screaming. I think he's ready." Listening to Rukia, Shen checked for himself as a smile crept on his face. "I think you're right." Raising his hand, Shen snapped his fingers as the barrier dissipated. "So, how do you feel now?" Looking down at Urahara, who slowly began to stand up, Shen noticed the smile on his face.

"I feel great, Master Shen, thank you." Bowing his head, Urahara's transformation was different from Rukia's. His personality, for one thing, seemed a lot more bright and talkative. Appearance-wise, Urahara looked the same with a slightly dark outline around his eyes and a mischievous grin on his face.

However, the one thing that certified him as being under Shen's control remained the same. A black mark on his neck is the same as the one of Rukia's. "Now then, let's get down to business. How do we remove the Hogyoku from Rukia's Soul." This was a critical question Shen needed answered before anything else.

Hearing Shen Urahara thought for a moment before replying. "The two ways to remove the Hogyoku would be either burning her Soul revealing the Hogyoku or using a special device I made." Taking note of what Urahara said, Shen went into his own thoughts. 'Well, I can't do the first one. I doubt the fire from Dragon Slayer magic can burn a soul to that degree, if any. Meaning I have to go with the second option.'

Thinking for only a moment, longer Shen asked Urahara. "So, where is the device that can remove the Hogyoku?" Although Shen knew the answer to this question, he was hoping Urahara would have a spare or something. "I'm not sure, but if I had to guess, I would say Aizen has it." And with that Shen's hope of Urahara having a spare was crushed.

'Dammit, I wouldn't have to go through all this if I had the Rinnegan.' With the Rinnegan's ability to manipulate souls, Shen wouldn't need Urahara's device. Sighing, Shen knew what he had to do. "Looks like we'll be heading to Hueco Mundo soon then. But first, there is something else I want to ask you. What were you guys planning to do to me?"

Referring back to when they were trying to seal Shen away, he really wanted to know. Hearing Shen Urahara chuckled nervously for a moment. "Well… We were going to trap you in a special barrier I made. It would have cut you off from the outside world, sealing both time and space. The plan was to bait you in with Ichigo, and the moment you teleport to him, you would be trapped." Listening to Urahara carefully the moment Shen heard the words sealing off time and space, an idea emerged in his head.

"Wait, you said the barrier sealed off time, right?" Looking at Urahara with slight anticipation, Urahara nodded as he took a step back. "Why? Is Master Shen interested in it?" Seeing Shen's smile grow even more, Urahara couldn't help but wonder what Shen was planning. Meanwhile, Shen's thoughts were going crazy.

'This is my chance!' Gazing at Urahara, Shen spoke. "So theoretically, can you manipulate things in the barrier like I don't know time dilation?" Hearing Shen Urahara's face turns solemn for a moment, he thought to himself. "Well, it's not impossible, but the type of Reiatsu it would take would be beyond what the barrier could handle. It was made to seal time and space simply, but changing that would make its natural power drain incredibly fast. If I were to make a guess, I would say 30 seconds at max."

Hearing Urahara Shen's eyes dulled as he asked. "How much time would thirty seconds equal?" Hearing Shen, Urahara replied truthfully. "Around two and a half minutes with a dilation of one minute being equal to five minutes." This caused Shen to give up hope entirely. 'Nowhere close to what the hyperbolic time chamber can do.' Shen was hoping he could have his own Hyperbolic Time Chamber in this universe due to the cooldown between using the Image Training and the actual training.

Looking at Shen Urahara remembered something. "Actually, there is another way. If captain level Reiatsu powers it, the barrier could last 10 hours, which is four days in the barrier." Hearing this, Shen's eyes lit up again as he looked at Urahara and Rukia. "So how long would it take to make that barrier along with removing the sealing space part." As excited as Shen was, he still made sure to be careful.

Replying to Shen after making a few calculations in his head, he replied. "It should only take me a couple of minutes." Hearing that, Shen patted himself on the back. 'This is why you control the smart ones.' Nodding to himself, Shen told Urahara to make the barrier as well as Rukia to build up her Reiatsu.

With her Reiatsu and Urahara's combined Shen should have around eight days to train as much as he wanted using Image Training with no distractions. In the past eight days, being fit into 20 hours might not have helped much, but he had a long list of people he had defeated since his last training session, just waiting to be grinded on. And Shen planned on abusing the crap out of this cheat.

In just a couple of minutes, a red outline formed on the ground as Urahara told Shen it was done. "Rukia, your gonna have to stand right next to the barrier and pour your Reiatsu into it before it becomes unstable?" Telling Rukia what she would have to do, Rukia nodded, making a small sound of confirmation as she walked to the edge of the formation.

Looking towards Shen, who couldn't be happier, Urahara could tell he was more than ready. Grabbing his Zanpakuto, Urahara slammed it into the ground causing the formation to light up as a solid cube-shaped box was created. From the outside, the barrier looked simple as it was non-transparent and had a light red glow flowing across its surface like water.

Suddenly the barrier began to shake as it began to lose its structure. "Rukia, start adding your Reiatsu to the barrier." Calling Rukia, she sat down and placed her hands on the barrier's surface, pouring her Reitsu into at a constant pace. Almost immediately, the barrier began to reform itself back into its perfectly cubed shape.

"And there we go done." Walking to the front of the barrier, Urahara moved his hands, causing a door shaped hole to appear in one of the barrier's sides. Turning to Shen, Urahara spoke. "It's ready when you are Master Shen." In response, Shen nodded as he walked towards the entrance. "When I come out, we'll be heading to Hueco Mundo, so prepare Garganta."

Urahara nodded as Shen walked into the barrier. The time dilation effect would not activate until the barrier was finally sealed off. Seeing Shen had entered, Urahara moved his hands once more, closing the entrance of the barrier.

'Eight days here we go.'

Shen has Urahara make his own personal Hyperbolic Time Chamber to speed up his training. With their goals set on Hueco Mundo, how will his fight with the others turn out?

Thanks for reading this chapter!

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