
Chapter 12 Will you be my mummy

I like this girl...she is mischievous. I turned back to my work.

I suddenly heard a noise, I looked up and was surprised they were still at the door. Benita was whispering to her nanny.

You are still here, I asked

Madam she said she wants to ask you a question, the nanny said

I looked at Benita ...wondering what she was up to..

Will you be my mummy she asked gently ..

I was shocked ...What!

The nanny also looked shocked...Benita you cannot ask...

But I like her she said as she moved toward me ...I really like her and I am sure daddy will too..

I was "_"...this child

After about two minutes she looked from me to the nanny...why are you both looking so weird..like I said something wrong ...she turned around the table wanting to sit on my lap.

I was still dazed , that I didn't even realise she was that close to me ...until I heard the nanny say Dont do that Benita you are heavy.

But she is not complaining she said pouting...

I looked down at her and suddenly realised the little girl really wants to sit on my lap.

The nanny moved towards us wanting to lift her off me, I waved her off

I put my hands under Benita"s shoulders and adjusted her properly on the small space on my laps...

Madam your stomach the nanny asked concerned ..

it's okay I answered looking at Benita gently

I wouldn't hurt the baby ...she said touching my stomach

..now I thought they were about to leave, when did we get here ? How am I going to deal with this matter ...

I used one hand to balance her , the other I put on my forehead wondering how I was going to deal with this without hurting her.

Benita you know you have to go home I started to say ...

But you have not asnwered me she said ...I have forgotten how kids are when they have a bone.."persistent little people"

...you want to have two mummy I asked ..your mummy..

I don't have a mummy..she is gone she said looking away..

I don't understand..looking at the nanny ..The nanny looked sad and just shook her head ...

What's going on here ...

My mummy has gone to heaven...Benita said looking like she wants to cry.

Oh ...I was speechless...Oh my God ...what can I say ...

She looked at me, her eyes full of tears; you see she want to heaven when she gave birth to me and it's just me and daddy alone.

Looking at her, my eyes was full of tears. I put my hands around her and pulled her closer, holding her as tightly as my stomach will allow me.

Oh..I didn't know...but I am sure your mummy loves and misses you. And it's not just you and your daddy, she is always with you although not physically ..but I am sure she watches over you.

She sniffs and then used her hand to clear her face...So you will be my mummy she asked again

Oh boy ..how do I answer her ...

I like you too Benita, we can be our wonderful friends and ..and I stammered ..lost for what to say..

The nanny added,...she can be your aunty right ...she asked looking at me

Yes, yes..I will be your aunty..I said looking at the nanny gratefully...she smiled in understanding.

Benita was not looking happy, she looked at her nanny angrily and said I don't want an aunty.

😢...but ..

But you have to ask your daddy before you ask someone to be mummy, her nanny said ...

Yes right, Benita ; being your mummy is very important you have to ask your daddy first, I mean don't you think he has a say..

...okay ..that's true she said in her little voice.

I will have to ask daddy but I am very sure he will like you.

I will ask him..then we will make you our mummy she concluded.

Oh boy, how am I going to tell her it doesn't work that way.

I have never had to deal with a child at this level...especially concerning a sensitive matter like this. I know I cannot afford to hurt her or make her feel unwanted.

I looked up at the nanny for help, she smiled and said to Benita ...so let's go home and ask daddy

But we can ask me now Benita asnwered ..looking at her nanny ...

We can ask him on the phone ..he wouldn't mind she started bringing her phone out from her backpack...

No I shouted ...Benita looked confused like she didn't follow..

I mean..I said smiling I don't think it will be nice talking about this over the phone...

Look, I faced her and started into her eyes; this is a very important matter, and important matters are discussed face to face ...don't you think so? I asked her

You are right ...So I should ask daddy face to face ...

Yes I said laughing...she looked funny saying the face to face ...

She looked as if she was in deep thought, her hands rested on the left side of her head supported by my desk.

Okay, I will talk to daddy. We will discuss it and I will make sure he agrees. But you will be my aunty for the mean time she said determinedly.

I breathed out in relief...of course sweetheart I said

You promise she asked ..

She really wants to tie me deep in the matter ...Yes and you can call me aunty Trisha I answer smiling at her and pinching her cheeks..

She playfully pushed my hands away giggling..she looks so pretty when she smiles..

I shared an understanding smile with her nanny, as per its settled ..

So ...looking at the time I was surprised it was almost 4pm....wow time is far spent.

I hate to break up this lovely chat ...but we have to go Trisha, James said from the door..

We all looked up at him; I wondered how long he has been standing there ...

I smiled and said ...Benita meet my big brother...She stood up and walked towards James ..Hello Sir..she said giving him her right hand to shake.

James shoot her hand smiling...hello to you too.

I need to carry your aunty home,so she and the baby can rest, she has worked herself today. That's alright with you he asked seeking her permission..

I laughed at his tactics..we could all see Benita was not ready to let me go ...

Oh she said, she turned to me looking concerned are you okay?

I am fine just tire ...so off you go with your nanny. I said walking toward her slowing ...

She came and gave me a hig, can I call you ?

Yes sweetheart if your daddy doesn't mind ..I said

looking at her nanny

He wouldn't mind, after all you will soon be my mummy..

Ah 😰..we are back to that again...

The nanny"s phone suddenly rung and she moved away towards the door to pick up the call...I heard her talking ..

She came back into the office, looking worried..

Your daddy just called the house asking of you..we need to go..

Benita reluctantly left my side, moved to her nanny not taking her eyes off me, she waved ..

I waved back...