
The Unduanted

The Universe has always been a scary place but few know of the dangers that lurk in secret. Few have braved the deeper fabrics of space with only wanderlust. Fewer still are brave enough to step forward to begin with. They are those who choose walk into the the abyss and return unbroken. They are known as the Undaunted. This a simple revenge story about King Pyrus and his brother who were sealed while investigating a conspiracy spanning across an entire empire. Follow their journey as they pick up the pieces and begin their payback.

In10nse · Romance
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

What is Magic? Asked Greyham.

He had never even heard of such a term. Infact he didn't even understand what kind of powers evolved wielded. As far as he knew they could fly and that was it.

"Magic is the study and use of external & internal energies through spells or in this case magical formulas. This is currently the only way to heal injuries that are beyond medical technologies." Said Leon.

Boris thought 'Indeed magic would be one of the only ways to heal Greyham.' As he was thinking Leon proceeded to speak.

"We have at least one capable magus in all our branches at limitless. And our current specialist in this branch has done this procedure several times. Please be at ease you are in good hands."

"Any side effects?" Asked Greyham.

"Yes there is, this procedure has a cost. It will cost you your life force." Leon proceeded to smile "I know how this sounds, please do not worry. To begin with this procedure can only be done by the evolved. The evolved have an especially tenacious life force. If nothing thing ever happens to them, evolved live for over hundreds of years."

'He is making it sound like nothing but since only evolved can do it, doesn't that mean any regular being would die if they did this – to begin with even though I am an evolved. I'm crippled. I don't know what to make of this. But…I'll take that risk.' As he was thinking of this he felt a hand on him. Boris hand placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Grey, it's alright. You can trust President Leon. I can't say anything for limitless but I know Leon well enough to know that he won't put you in harms way." He said this as though he was also convincing himself. But Greyham truly trusted in Boris who not only took care of him since he was little but was also once a reputable doctor. "Alright Mr. Leon let's do this."

"Alright." He said "Follow me."

They left Leon's Office and followed him yet to another teleportation elevator. After going through it they found themselves on the medical wing.

The corridor they were walking through was a gleaming expanse of white and chrome, stretching out as far as the eye could see. The walls were adorned with sleek, minimalist artwork, and the floor was made of a smooth, polished material that seemed to glow in the soft light. The air was filled with the hum of machinery and the faint scent of antiseptic, with a chilliness in the air that prickled one's skin.

As they walked down the corridor, Greyham could see scientists moving to and from their own departments. They were dressed in crisp white lab coats and carried clipboards and data pads. They were deep in conversation, discussing the latest breakthroughs and theories. Some were accompanied by robots, the futuristic machines whirred along beside them. Some were floating on hover-boards, moving swiftly between labs.

Greyham couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the advanced technology on display. He saw holographic displays, robots performing surgery, and scientists working with artificial intelligence.

He realized that this place was a hub of activity, a place where cutting-edge research and innovation were taking place every day. It was a glimpse into what was now modern medicine. Where technology and science were working hand in hand to improve the lives of people.

As Greyham and the group approached the end of the corridor, Grey saw a large metal door that looked out of place in the sleek environment. The door was round and imposing, with a small window made of reinforced glass. The window was tinted with a deep shade of blue, making it difficult to see inside. Above the door, there was a small sign that read "Operations."

When Leon approached the door, it slid open with a soft whoosh, revealing a glimpse of the operation room beyond, Greyham and Boris followed him into the operations room. The room itself was bathed in a bright blue light, and you could see a team of scientists, no actually nurses and robots on standby. The only thing that Greyham could recognize aside the people was the bed. Everything else was foreign to him.

At this point one of the white robbed people came forward, he was a human with a technology piece of tech on his right eye. It looked like saiyan scouter.

"Mr President, we have everything ready."

"Thank you. Elias, let us begin immediately..." Said Leon as the nurses began to move around the room touching different items.

'Isn't everything happening so fast?' The continuous flow of events were almost too smooth. Not that he had any regrets but it was too late to back off now.

Elias came forward to speak with Grey & Boris "Hello everyone my I'm Dr. Elias Raven." Said Elias as he shook the hands of Boris and then Greyham. "Mr. Boris may you please stand outside? Once the procedure is done I'll send someone to get you."

"Alright" said Boris "Greyham, I'll be seeing you soon."

"Let's go together." Said Leon and Boris could only agree.

When they stepped out of the operation room Leon called out to Boris "Follow me." And led him to a different room where they could see the entire operating room clearly. By the time they had arrived. Greyham was already laying on the bed as Dr.Elias Injected him with something that made him drowsy and causing him to fall asleep.

Dr. Elias turned to his side and pressed a button. A whirling sound could be heard as Greyham started to levitate not too far of the bed, once that was done. Dr.Elias held his hand open as if asking for something. One of the nurses on standby behind him gave him syringe. Although small no one could miss the glowing contents of the thing. It prompted Boris to ask "What's in there?"

"Nano bots."

"I thought since magic was involved there would be no need for them." He said. Nano technology was one of the driving forces of medicine & surgery within the universe. It was the reason so many people could living longer and healthier lives. If one wanted to get rid of a tumor in the hardest of places to reach. Nano bots could now do this and control the situation so that there would be no internal bleeding whatsoever. Procedures done this way had their own side effects however their healing rate was at least 100% more effective than a team of skilled individuals cutting deep into a being. The only requirement for these bots now only required a skilled doctor that understood a beings Anatomy among other things to help smooth the process. With what magic was capable of, such as directly bypassing many hoops that one would have needed to perform a certain medical action. It made sense to Boris that this time around the bots would sit this one out.

"You aren't very familiar with magic, are you Mr Boris? "Said Leon.

"Not beyond what's described in the dictionary still I've seen more than enough magic performed in my life I just don't understand how it works." Responded Boris as he concentrated on what was happening inside the operation room. At the moment the room had now been lit up with weird symbols on its walls now shifting around the room. Although it was far more advanced than Boris could understand even he could easily comprehend what was directly in front of him. A combination of Magic & Technology was unfolding in front of his eyes. He felt it was majestic if not mysterious.

Meanwhile inside the operation room.

Dr. Elias was looking into Greyham's medical records. It described that Greyham had a spinal cord injury, with damage to the vertebra. There was a floating screen next to him that no one could see thanks to his eye device. He could see within it the damage to Greyham's Spinal cord. A sharp depth into his bones that was not meant to be there was present. As though someone had had jammed a knife into his back. Although it would have happened a long time ago, time had not done a very good job of erasing the injury as it sat there proudly.

'I wonder what happened.' Thought Dr. Elias. 'Since I understand the nature of the injury. Let us begin.' He took a deep breath and made a single hand sign before laying his hands on Greyham as though he was a priest praying for him.

Soon, the symbols in the room began to glow intensely. It would be hard to see without some sort of microscope. But the Nano bots themselves were marked with the same symbols on the walls of the room. As the room began to glow, they resonated and did the same. Then suddenly green energy began to sip out of Greyham. Flowing into the room and turning the symbols green. When all the symbols had turned the same color Dr. Elias heard a voice.

"Doctor, His life-force energy has stabilized." When this was said. Dr. Elias made a mental note and began the next stage. Although one could not hear, his chants had changed subtly. The green energy began to leave the walls and flow back into Greyham as though he was a black whole. It was at this point that his skin began to wriggle weirdly as though something was moving within him. Grey's face contorted in pain. Even deep sleep wasn't enough to stop him from reacting.

"What's happening to him." Asked Boris worriedly.

"Be calm, this is part of the healing process. He is now being healed. The Nano bots and magical symbols control and channel the magical energy. Balancing it out from staying in one place and clumping together, causing problems. This is a regeneration spell. It speeds up one's regenerative abilities to an insane level. Essentially overclocking the body. His life force is supplied and consumed so that harm won't come to the body. " Said Leon explaining what was happening in Greyham's body. Magic was a power reliant on internal or external energy, it essentially like a conversion tool. But it was very domineering due to the fact that should any energy not be supplied. It would choose whatever energy source it wanted. In this case to repair his spinal cord.

The magic spell would have to suck life out of his body randomly which meant that he would lose another part of his body to fix another. To avoid this life force energy was extracted beforehand and then channeled into the Nano bots that would now act as the medium of which energy was supplied, not only that all the bots circulated the energy so that there would be no overload and were strategically placed around the body so that there would be no place without any supply. This was the part of the process where Dr. Elias had no control over except the power to stop the spell. The graver the injury the more energy was needed.

External energy was only used in special cases, by external energy it meant power that didn't belong to one's body and so Internal Life force extracted from the body to be used as external energy didn't count. The body was very strict against foreign energies. There are records of people who decided to do this procedure with external energy and subsequently exploded. Certain external energies like spiritual energy could be used as an external magical power with little to no to problems however that didn't mean there were no side effects. Only life force was relatively safe if one was fine with losing a few years of life.

After sometime, Greyham had stopped reacting and returned to sleeping like nothing had ever happened.

"Doctor, The procedure is complete." Everyone clapped hands. Dr. Elias wiped the sweat off his forehead. Magic could be as gentle as it was rough. Precise control was always required to avoid any problems. Yet again he had proved why he was the self-proclaimed best in the region. Dr. Elias pressed a button on his side and the room whirled again, allowing Greyham to slowly descend onto the bed.

"It's done." Said Leon "We used his own life force to heal him so he will have to relax for the rest of the day. You could stay here in the building or come back tomorrow. He will have woken up by then."

"Its fine ill come back tomorrow. It's best to let the family know that the procedure went well." Boris spoke as he thought to himself 'this was nothing short of amazing work. Its making me feel like coming back into the medical industry again.' He had been reminded of one of the reasons that made him a doctor in the first place.

"Okay I'll order the transportation department to help bring everyone to back to limitless to see him." Leon was now being considerate.

"President Leon, I would appreciate that." Boris was grateful.

Greyham would continue to sleep for a very long time. Once he was out of fatigue he groggily opened his eyes.

"Where am I...?"