
The Underground Mafia

The world has many cracks, ones that reveal the dark corners of our world and society. However, what about the cracks that never form and the ones no one sees until it's too late.

Fnaf_warrior1987 · Horreur
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Chapter 2: Discussions

The party went on through the night. There was music, dancing, and people were singing songs and quite well actually. People were toasting each other's beer bottles and wine glasses and enjoying the savory food at the buffet. Outside of the pizzeria, a car pulled up, stopped, the doorman came up and opened the passenger door. Two more "once thought dead" actors came out of the car; Marlon Brando and Anne Baxter. Inside, everyone continued partying.

"Hey, Benjamin and Alice are here." someone called out.

Everyone stopped dancing, singing, and perked in alarm. Music stopped and everyone that was sitting, stood up. As Benjamin and Alice entered the room, everyone bowed with one arm in front and the other at the back, like a royal bow. Once Benjamin and Alice sat at their table, everyone stopped bowing and got back to what they were doing.

As you may have guessed, "Benjamin" and "Alice" were in charge of this organization. You also may have guessed that "Benjamin" and "Alice" was Marlon Brando and Anne Baxter's aliases. Everyone had an alias in the organization; for example, Jenna Ortega's alias was "Jenny", Christopher Waltz's was "psychopath", Willem Dafoe's "The Ice Man", and so on.

This was a safe space for any celebrity to go and get away from the public, paparazzi, and the tabloids. They couldn't kill the paparazzi, not unless they got too close to their operations, so it was nice for everyone to get away from the world and do and talk about whatever they wanted.

"Man, I tell you what, these immigrants from Ukraine, Afghanistan, Russia, and other places our booming our business. But we're having a problem with some of the homegrown issues. We're too busy relocating illegal immigrants to safer neighborhoods and admit them as "legals", while getting ICE off our backs, to do our welfare and protection patrols." One celeb complained.

"That's part of the job, Matthew. That's part of the deal when we started working for Benjamin." Another celeb spoke.

"Speaking of ICE, does anyone know if they're investigating us again? I don't want another incident like what happened last time." Another celeb asked.

"Ummm, try asking someone that's in a law enforcement agency, Reese, they might know something." The other celeb suggested.

"Alright, thanks Meghan, I'll go try to ask Christopher, maybe he knows something." Reese said.

Reese got up from the table and walked away. At another table, the one where Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock, and Eddie Murphy were.

"Man you should've seen it. I had my gun right at that fool's head. He was on his knees, begging and crying for me to let him live. Once I was getting bored, I shot him in the head." Will explained.

"You think that was fun? You should've seen me setting a guy on fire and then displaying his corpse on a flag pole." Chris bragged.

"I don't think you're suppose to be doing that, Chris. Benjamin is strict on "public display"." Eddie warned.

"Oh relax, Eddie. These days in Detroit, it's all about gang violence and cartel hits, I was just covering my tracks, Benjamin knows that." he reassured him.

"I...I guess so, Chris." Jada said, unsure.

Will and Eddie also looked unsure, as Will took a sip of his drink. Meanwhile, Chosen had just gotten a bottle of a very nice and popular champagne and was in the process of opening it. Once he got to Benjamin and Alice's table, Chosen grabbed Benjamin's glass and started filling it. Chosen went by an alias of his own, though, it was a lot different than the others. At the table was Benjamin, Alice, Jaeden Martell, Jackson Robert Scott, Sophia Lillis, Finn Wolfhard, and Wyatt Oleff.

"Here you go, sir." Chosen spoke.

"Thank you." Benjamin spoke.

As he drank his champagne, Chosen filled Alice's glass.

"Thank you dear." she said.

"You're welcome, Alice." Chosen said.