
The Undead Uprising

Imagine the gripping tale of Jack, an ordinary teenager thrust into the abyss of an unknown experiment, grappling with unforeseen consequences. Unfairly ousted from his job amid a world embroiled in human conflict, he unknowingly faces a twist of fate – a captivity altering the very fabric of his existence. Trapped in the aftermath of a failed experiment, Jack bears an unexpected curse, forcing him to confront and adapt to this newfound predicament. The evolving world demands resilience, and Jack, resolute in safeguarding those he holds dear, embarks on a transformative journey. As he navigates this treacherous path, the world around him metamorphoses, mirroring the internal changes he undergoes. Jack's evolution transcends the physical; it's a journey of self-discovery and strength. His pursuit of greatness intertwines with unraveling the mysteries surrounding his enigmatic creator. In a world rife with challenges, one of Jack's formidable tasks emerges – to become a powerful undead. Each encounter marks his growth, rewarding him with experience points. Jack embraces these challenges with infectious enthusiasm, leaving readers captivated by the intriguing twists and turns of his extraordinary journey. **** Author note : "I extend my gratitude for your anticipation of this novel, a labor of love I've crafted for your enjoyment. As a first-time webnovel writer, I eagerly welcome your thoughts and comments. Your feedback and supports will contribute to the evolution of this narrative, and I'm excited to hear your insights as we embark on this literary journey together.” .... 100 power stones: 1 extra chapter 200 power stones: 2 extra chapters 500 power stones: 3 extra chapters ... Please vote, comment, share and review, it is the true motivation for authors to keep going for their supporters. Check out my other novel for Webnovel spirit awards. VILLAIN: Rebirth of the shadow lord

Alexcj · Fantaisie
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61 Chs

No pain

With the elimination of the two zombies, Jack's experience points surged by an additional 200, drawing him closer to amassing more power. It wasn't long before the last zombie he dispatched propelled him to another level.

Level up!

[Level 3]

[0/400 Exp]

[Status point: 2]

Jack had now ascended to Level 3, and the amount of experience he needed to level up had doubled.

'Why did my experience points suddenly double? Is it because I leveled up?' Jack pondered, trying to decipher the mechanics of the Undead System. The intricacies of his newfound abilities remained shrouded in mystery.

However, his contemplation was briefly set aside as another imminent challenge emerged. Another zombie, with menacing black claws that cut through the air like heated blades, made a beeline for his neck. In a split second, Jack had to react.

Thinking on his feet, Jack wielded the broken pole, using both halves to form a makeshift X-shaped barrier. The zombie's attack met his makeshift defense, and the ensuing collision resonated throughout the room.

The impact forced Jack back slightly, but he felt no pain. The force of the strike, however, was undeniable, and it was evident that this particular zombie was significantly more powerful than its predecessors.

'I can tell by that attack; this one is stronger,' Jack observed as he swiftly retreated to create some distance between himself and the formidable adversary. Avoiding the unrelenting attacks indefinitely was not a sustainable strategy.

Undead were known for their substantial stamina, and Jack was no exception in this regard. His physical stamina allowed him to perform actions for extended periods, but his mental fortitude was more fragile.

'Hmm, let's try this,' Jack contemplated, formulating a strategy to confront the formidable zombie.

With newfound determination, Jack charged toward the zombie as it approached. The zombie mirrored his movement, but Jack intensified his speed, sliding along the ground, executing a powerful leg sweep aimed squarely at the zombie's knee.

The impact of his legs striking the zombie's kneecap was so forceful that it caused the bone to contort unnaturally, accompanied by a sickening crack. The zombie tumbled to the ground, its left leg twisted in a grotesque manner that would have prompted agonized screams from a living being.

Yet, this undead creature remained as emotionless as ever, unfazed by the excruciating injury it had sustained. It made no sound to indicate pain or discomfort.

Seizing this opportunity, Jack acted swiftly, thrusting the already bent pole deep into the zombie's head.

[Zombie killed]

[100 Exp received]

[100/400 Exp]

The pole had sustained further damage due to the collision with the formidable zombie. Jack couldn't help but wonder about the material from which the pole was constructed, as it had withstood immense force without breaking.

'That was a formidable opponent,' Jack observed, still puzzled by the pole's resilience.


[Due to your hard work, the system rewards you]

[100 Exp awarded]

[200/400 Exp]

'Now that's more like it,' Jack thought, pleased with the system's generous rewards. His experience points were steadily increasing, pushing him closer to greater power.

With his newfound experience, Jack turned his attention back to the primary objective—escaping from the enigmatic lab. The map he had retrieved earlier remained a valuable resource, guiding him through the labyrinthine passages.

Following the map's guidance, Jack continued to progress through the passageway from which the zombies had emerged. There was little choice but to follow the map's instructions, as they held the key to his escape.

Walking through the passageway, Jack ventured deeper into the expansive laboratory, guided by the map's intricate details.

Finally, he arrived at his destination—an open, spacious area. Emerging from the passageway, Jack couldn't help but notice the absence of other zombies or lifeless bodies. The open area hosted two distinct corpses, both clad in security guard uniforms, a testament to their former roles as guardians of this facility.

The sight of their lifeless forms served as a grim reminder of the chaos that had unfolded within these walls.

Amidst the lifeless guards, Jack's attention was captured by a cylindrical shuttle made of four-inch thick, glass-like material. A machine situated at the rear of the shuttle indicated its use as a power source.

Apart from the shuttle and the lifeless guards, the room seemed devoid of additional features or items of interest. Jack approached the shuttle with a sense of anticipation, his curiosity piqued by this peculiar device.

However, the tranquility in the room was shattered as the corpses on the floor stirred ominously, accompanied by the disconcerting sounds of bones cracking. Two of the reanimated corpses, once security guards, rose to their feet and sprinted toward Jack with their menacing claws extended.

[Undead detected]

[Race: Zombie]

[Ability: None]

Unlike the previous zombies Jack had encountered, these ones lacked the elongated claws that made his previous foes formidable. This difference suggested that dealing with them might be a more manageable task.

Quick-witted and decisive, Jack spotted a long metal pole affixed to the wall—a device used for oxygen supply. He forcefully detached it from the wall and broke it in half, each piece measuring about a meter in length.

"I hope you appreciate the gift I have for you!" Jack exclaimed with renewed determination, his voice sounding more composed than before.

With all his might, Jack hurled both halves of the pole toward the oncoming zombies, who showed no signs of slowing down. The poles struck true, piercing through their heads simultaneously, and the lifeless bodies crumpled to the ground.

[Zombie combo kill]

[250 Exp awarded]

Level up!!

[Level 4]

[50/800 Exp]

[Status point: 3]

'My Exp is looking great,' Jack thought, a sense of accomplishment and determination filling him. The continuous progression was encouraging, and he felt more confident with each level gained.

With the immediate threat eliminated, Jack proceeded to the cylindrical shuttle. As he opened its door, he was enveloped in an otherworldly energy, and in an instant, he disappeared into the unknown.


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