
The Undead Uprising

Imagine the gripping tale of Jack, an ordinary teenager thrust into the abyss of an unknown experiment, grappling with unforeseen consequences. Unfairly ousted from his job amid a world embroiled in human conflict, he unknowingly faces a twist of fate – a captivity altering the very fabric of his existence. Trapped in the aftermath of a failed experiment, Jack bears an unexpected curse, forcing him to confront and adapt to this newfound predicament. The evolving world demands resilience, and Jack, resolute in safeguarding those he holds dear, embarks on a transformative journey. As he navigates this treacherous path, the world around him metamorphoses, mirroring the internal changes he undergoes. Jack's evolution transcends the physical; it's a journey of self-discovery and strength. His pursuit of greatness intertwines with unraveling the mysteries surrounding his enigmatic creator. In a world rife with challenges, one of Jack's formidable tasks emerges – to become a powerful undead. Each encounter marks his growth, rewarding him with experience points. Jack embraces these challenges with infectious enthusiasm, leaving readers captivated by the intriguing twists and turns of his extraordinary journey. **** Author note : "I extend my gratitude for your anticipation of this novel, a labor of love I've crafted for your enjoyment. As a first-time webnovel writer, I eagerly welcome your thoughts and comments. Your feedback and supports will contribute to the evolution of this narrative, and I'm excited to hear your insights as we embark on this literary journey together.” .... 100 power stones: 1 extra chapter 200 power stones: 2 extra chapters 500 power stones: 3 extra chapters ... Please vote, comment, share and review, it is the true motivation for authors to keep going for their supporters. Check out my other novel for Webnovel spirit awards. VILLAIN: Rebirth of the shadow lord

Alexcj · Fantaisie
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The oppressive weight of pressure hung in the air, a suffocating force that left Jack paralyzed. Every attempt to move proved futile, as if an invisible vice gripped him tightly. His sanity teetered on the edge, a meager 27%, rendering his skills useless. The energy bar of his mind, now depleting, left him unable to summon the abilities that might have saved him from his dire predicament.

[Sanity: 27%]

'Oh no, that's pretty low. I could feel the pain increasing as my sanity decreases.'

Jack's realization struck like a thunderclap: his sanity was akin to an energy bar in a game, a delicate gauge demanding sustenance to stave off the encroaching madness. It stood as his lifeline, the fragile barrier preventing him from transforming into a threat to those around him. While Jack identified as a Zombie, the mysteries of other undead races loomed in the shadows, an enigma waiting to unfold.