
11. A New Base


Orphans, after all they were quite common in the new world as well. He remembered the time when he commanded Yuri to oversee the orphanage in built in E-Rantel. Yuri even suggested Ainz to spend some time with the children of the orphanage saying something about good public image. Though Ainz did not hate it even embraced the experience until some began to worship him in secret and expressed desire to pray to a statue of Ainz in the middle of the orphanage. Yuri was filled with joy and a new found respect for his master as he was able to put the children in the right path but for Ainz it was another headache. It annoyed him to the point that he wanted to run outside and scream,

"I'm not who you think I am". But then he said to Yuri "You surely have divined my intentions, yuri." But then something changed in Yuri. She began treating Ainz as he was some sort of untouchable being and she even secretly held sermons in the orphanage. Ainz couldn't help but sigh at those previous situations. The boy looked at Ainz and said

"W-who are you and what did you do to kill him so fast."

Ainz thought how to answer the question. Should he answer truthfully or lie. But then he decided for the safer approach. Who knows if the kids could turn on him or someone could kidnap them to extract information about Ainz. Wouldn't he then be putting them in danger? So Ainz choose the safer option

"My name is Momonga."

Ainz thought to end it there but the kid was clearly expecting more so Ainz continued

"The power I used was Grasp Heart. A 6th tier spell which belongs to my kekkai genkai."

The kid then said "Then are you a part of a clan."

Ainz lied through his teeth and said "Yes"

"And what happened to them"

"Dead." Momonga's face was stone cold when saying that. Internally he was panicking if the kids would his story.

"Sorry for your loss."

Seeing the sorrowful expression on the boy's face Ainz knew he succeeded.

"Um. Momonga you look powerful. I mean you killed the ninja in one hit."

Only Ainz knew the extent of grasp heart. After all it was a one trick pony. If one desires not to die then the spell will take his life. Fortunately for him most humans wish to preserve their life. He appreciated heaven's way (8th tier) more but his new body couldn't facilitate its use. Ainz dreaded if overuse of mana would break his new body and make his bones stand out. He would become a local scarecrow if that happened. So Ainz simply decided to stay on the safe side until his body is strong enough. The boy continued,

"C-could you let us join you."

Ainz saw the expression of the boy. He couldn't help but feel sad. Momonga's critical mind was saying to leave them as they would die if they follow him but a part of him didn't want to leave them to their own fate.

Ainz thought for a while after coming to a decision said "Okay. We will work together for the time being." The expression of the siblings was of happiness after all for the first time they would be on a journey with a strong individual.

But then it hit Ainz "Going to kiri with two children might not be a good idea." Ainz began to think heavily then finally gave up and decided to ask Hanzo.

"So where do you think we should go Kiri seems not to be a good option."

Hanzo thought and said "Rain. How about the land of rain."

Ainz didn't know the location so he asked "Do you know where it is?"

Hanzo then said "Yes."

And so began the journey of the lonely overlord and Hanzo the future salamander.

Palace of Uzu:

In the past uzumaki had no rules among themselves. The ruling class enslaved others saying they were not true uzumakis. This charade went for a long time. The leaders of the clan kept quiet and let it be but everything had a breaking point. During that time there was one royal Uzumaki who couldn't care what the elders would say and did everything as he wanted. He was the current head of the clan. He brought rapid changes in the clan which stopped the clan from breaking apart. Seeing his love and affection towards the people the previous head gave his seat to him. Shitori Uzumaki. Currently he is sorting through his paperwork.

"Why did I take this position again? I was better as a ninja!"

Shitori for the umpteenth time sighed at the never ending paperwork and began his duty. But then there was a knock at the door. Shitori gestured his ninja to open the door.

The man entered and bowed "Jounin leader Makoto with mission report"

Makoto in a business-like manner put the report in the table. Shitori took the paper and began reading "So kiri wants to start something now. I guess it does not matter to us as we won't be participating in war"

Then he continued scrolling down then he saw information about a mysterious boy with dark chakra.


The royalty among the senju family were known to possess purple chakra. So it is certain the boy also belongs to some royal family. Now shitori began thinking if he should make contact with the boy or not. Seeing as he has some uncertain power it could introduce the uzumaki to a different bloodline other than their adamantine chains and seals. Use of the chains and seals has made the uzumakis quite arrogant. It might be wise to see their pride in tatters so they take being a ninja seriously. After thinking for a while shitori said

"If you find the boy try to make contact."

The jonin blinked. It was not like the head to make such on-the-moment decision but decided to comply. Then having nothing to say he took his leave.

Shitori thought about the current situation of the world. As it stands the uzumakis won't be alive in the future. The wolves stand outside the door. Isolating themselves would not protect them for long. He only wished if the boy could make his people see reason.