
The Undead City

The zombie apocalypse rises due to the evolution of a virus kept from the public. High school student Riviann encounters one of the infected on her way to school. She runs as fast as she can to take shelter. Her supply of food soon dwindles so she walks to the closest city in search of new shelter and food. However while in the city she bumps into a group of people that could help her survive till the end. (Every Monday)

Rachael_P · Urbain
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9 Chs

Chapter Nine

It takes a moment for it to register," what do you mean we lost them?"

He sighed a sad expression on his face," Catherine got infected, she took Isabell with her."

The reality hadn't hit me yet as I stood there silent in front of him.

"Neal couldn't handle it and he- he..." Sebastian went quite closing his eyes.

"Your not serious, are you?" I say my tears building a wall over my vision.

He didn't answer and I pushed my way past him and ran out the room. I open the door to her room, she isn't there, just a small cross stand in the center surrounded by little trinkets and photographs. I let myself crumple down to the floor. I'm in shock. Not a single sound leaves my lips as the tears fall off my lashes and travel there way down my cheek. I hear footsteps behind me but I don't turn my head. I can't take my eyes of the sight in front of me. They kneel on the ground beside me, not saying a single thing. I look and Sebastian looks at it as well.

We sit there for a moment silent before, Sebbastian hugs me to him, and I'm surprised at the sudden gesture. I don't fight him, and raise my arms to hug him back.

"I was so worried about losing you to. It felt like everyone was leaving and you in that condition. I prayed, I have never prayed, but I didn't know what else to do I thought you were going to leave to."

" Why am I still here?" I ask," Why me?"

Sebby looks at me," I don't know, I thought you were gone. You got really cold and you're heartbeat was so week. I mean you're still so cold now."

He let go of me and I tried to wipe away the stains left by my tears. We sat there for a long time before he stood. He offered me his hand and I take it standing up. Together we walk to the lounge we're everyone is gathered even Kaia.

"It's a good thing that's it's starting to warm up then, huh?" Zane says, as we walk in.

"We must be getting into spring," Foland says.

"That has to be the shortest winter I've ever experienced," Eugene says.

Kaia gives Foland a glare from across the crowd. As he speaks with the groop. She stands and everyone looks at her, "I can't believe that you all blindly follow him!"

Foland stands and looks at her, he sighs," Kaia I know that you don't like me for some reason but I'm doing this for are own good."

"Doing this for are own good" his words spin around in my mind then I hear his voice in my head again," I'm doing this for our greater good, isn't it so lovely to be our sweet little guinea pig."

I'm hit with the memory I had been missing. That morning it was a man in a suit who barged in and with him were men in all black clothes. They grabbed me and knocked me out. Then I woke up in a lab and I started thrashing and screaming. I remember the scenario we run hundreds of times everytime slightly different from the last. They always took my memories first. There were 4 of us, but I couldn't see them. My crying woke the one next to me, they looked over and it was.

"Can we worry about the problem at hand?" Kaia says," for all we know this is some sick experiment!"

They all look at each other," Kaia, I don't know if that what we need to focus on right now," Leo says.

"Sebastian." I say drawing his attention away from the situation that was happening in front of us.

"What is it?"

"I remember, the lab erasing our memories, you," for the second time today I couldn't stop the tears from swelling in my eyes.


"You looked over at me and you said,'don't worry when we forget, I promise you that I will find my way to you all over again,'" I tell him remembering that is what brought him back each time.

His eyes widen then he looks at me again as a new person behind his eyes. He grabs me and glares at Foland," you bastard! I told you I'd get you for playing with her emotions again."

Everything goes silent. Foland stops and looks over at us.

Eugene, and Leo collapse to the ground as he says," My oh my, my little guinea pigs you starting to pick up details much faster than before."

He started to walk towards us. Sebastian stands in front of me protectively as Foland gets closer.

"Though I hoped that your memories of each other would have faded away by know. You two are always the most difficult but it seems you can't remember a single this about your other guinea pigs."

Then it clicks with Zane," you." He says practically growling the statement.

Foland looks over at him," you were always a little slow weren't you Zane."

Zane glares at him like he's about to murder," well," Foland says," great round my little guinea pigs, I'll be back," he says to sweetly.

I remember how to wake up, I grab Sebby's shirt and he looks back at me.

"I'll find you don't be alarmed ok?"

I force myself to wake up and I'm present back in the lab. I use all my strength against the gravity trap I was lying under and detach the wire from my temples. I'm able to open my eyes and I look around. I flip the switch to turn the grab trap off as I hurry over to Sebby where he lay on the other side of the room. I turn it off and detach him and he sits up and looks at me.

"We need to get out of here before they come and find us."

"Good thing I'm good at by passing their memory block," I smile.

He grabs my hand and brings me to the side of the door. He puts his finger to his lips. One the men in the black suits walk in he takes them down with a swift chop. The two fall to the floor.

"Where'd you learn that?"

"There's a lot of things I know now thanks to running that program so much."

I nod my head and we run out of the room, we hear guards down the hall, he pulls me into an empty room. I hold onto the door listening, we had never made it out of the room this quickly or found an unlocked room. Sebastian taps me on the shoulder that's when I turn and see the monitors on the wall, of our rooms, of the simulation. On the far right plays what looks like a live audience and rerunning footage of older simulations.

"What is this?" I ask Sebastian.

"We're there entertainment," he says looking at the monitors," there playing with us, torturing us, all for their entertainment."

I had backed away from the door then it's thrown open, I'm grabbed and so is Sebastian. I flail and thrash as were dragged to the memory bay. They strap me into the table as the divise drops from the ceiling looming over me I scream.

"I will always remember!" I black out floating in the void of my mind.

I'm woken by the sound of an annoying beeping. I stand and climb out of my bed practically slamming the button on the alarm clock off. The window was open and it was dark out. My body aches in pain as I get dressed for school. I wonder what I did yesterday that could have made me feel this awful. I shrug it off as I walk down the dimly lit stairs as my head starts to puns with a head ache. I get to the first floor where my dad sits watching the tv.

He turns and looks at me and smiles, "My, your up early today aren't you my sweet?"
