
The Unbeliever

Ashley has a bestfriend named Kai. One day Kai goes missing...In the next 11 years, Ashley was without a best friend. A war starts. Then Everyones finds out what happened to the one boy named Kai with a secret.

Ash_Johnson_8910 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

"Your my Kai?"

Kai's Pov:

" So Thank you," She says to me looking into my eyes. I feel a warm feeling and a spark that jumped out of me when she is hugging me. It is disrespectful to look into an alpha's eyes but I didn't care because I love her. "You don't have to thank me". More gasps happen in the room. "Okay nothing to see, dinner is over go, goodbye!" I say to everyone in the room. They all quickly run out of the dining room. "Ashley I need to speak to you," I say while she breaks the hug. Which I didn't like, I missed the feeling of her hugging me. But I didn't say anything. "O-oh, Is it bad?" She said with full-on regret and sadness in her voice. "N-No nothing bad. It depends on the way you take it," I say. Her eyes lighten up. "Okay, well speak," She says standing up straight. "Did you have a childhood friend?" I asked her. But I soon regretted what I asked because she started to cry. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to cry". I said. "I-lts okay, I did. You two share the same name, I was quite happy when you told me your name because it reminded me of him," She says while looking up at me. That's her! My Ashely!! "I know where he is," I say. She stops crying almost instantly. "REALLY!? CAN YOU TELL ME" She starts to yell with excitement. She missed me that much… I thought. Of course, she does. We were her everything. Dummy, she loved us and we left her… My wolf. Damien says. Whatever. I told him. That wolf knows how to work on someone's nerve. "I'm right here muffin," I say. Her face grows in shock and horror and she starts to tear up. "W-what..". She said with venom in her voice, then she doesn't say anything after that. I was kind-of getting scared, as a alpha I shouldn't but she can do the impossible. "I-". I didn't know really what to say after that…" Y-your my Kai?".

Okay, this chapter is short, I get it, you don't need to tell me. I am sorry I haven't posted in a while so to apologize I am working on the upcoming chapters early! Hope you enjoy it! Bye!

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