
The Unbeatable Female Soul Hunter

When you die, your soul gets recycled, or more specifically your soul energy. Yes, recycled and used for another living being. Just like in chemistry where you cannot create things out of thin air, human essence is reused again and again. But what if someone died with regrets or hatred? Then that soul energy that is reused is malicious. Refusing to accept that they’ve died, the soul will do anything to live again… even kill. Kang Dae-mi is shocked when she witnesses someone’s death. More shocked when four random people show up at her house moments later. But what’s even more shocking is that the death she witnessed wasn’t something from the present, but the future. Can Dae-mi save them before time runs out and what was only a vision turns to reality?

kzhaan16 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
11 Chs

Chapter 7 [Part 1]

The minivan was parked across the street from the convenience store in an angle that allowed us to see everyone who went in and out. I sat right by the window and focused all my attention on the people passing us. I remember the outlier to be dressed in all black and wearing his hood up, and I could distinctly remember his eyes. Not much of his face remained in my memory, but his eyes were engraved in it.

Around me, everyone else was snacking on various convenience store foods we had bought.

"So what's the plan Ji-Hyun?" Min-Joon asked.

Ji-Hyun put down her bag of chips. "Once Dae-Mi spots the outlier, Ju-In and you will head out first and determine how strong he is. Once that is figured out, Jae-Hyun and I will follow you guys, but without knowing their strength, Jae-Hyun and I are at a disadvantage."

Min-Joon nodded in reply.

As the hours passed by, the streets got quieter and quieter. Less cars drove by and all the kids and teenagers went home. I glanced at the clock and it read 11pm.

When I faced the window again, I saw what at first looked like a tall shadow, but on second glance, it was a man. Immediately, I knew this was the outlier in my vision. His appearance was identical and as soon as he had appeared, the energy and atmosphere of the whole street changed in an unsettling way.

"Guys, there he is," I said urgently. Everyone immediately jerked their head over to the windows and looked out at the man.

"Quietly, guys, let's all get out of the car," she turned to me, "and Dae-Mi, you must remain inside the car."

As the four of them left, I realized how lonely I would be outside. Unable to help nor support them, I was tasked with doing nothing.


From inside the car I was still able to see the blurry outlines of everyone inside with the help of the street lights. As the outlier entered the store, Ju-In and Min-Joon entered first. After a couple of minutes, Jae-Hyun and Ji-Hyun followed.. As soon as the cashier saw the outlier, just like in my vision, he waved and greeted him. Instead of greeting him back, I saw the outlier raise his arm. In his hand, he was holding something I couldn't quite make out.

And that's when the lights around me all went out. All the street lights had shut down for the night. As expected of a small neighbourhood where not many cars drive by late at night. I turned my focus back to the convenience store. With all the lights out, I had no way of seeing clearly what was happening. The dim lights of the convenience store and the distance between us hindered my ability to see. Ji-Hyun had told me to stay inside, but the fear of not knowing until too late was nagging away at me.

My breathing was shaky and weak as I sat in the dark, contemplating whether to go inside or not. Time felt the same as when Ju-In had slowed it that day at my house; lethargic and elongated. What was seconds felt like hours to me.

Before I could think any longer, a piercing scream rang through my ears. It only lasted for a split second, but I was sure that it belonged to Jae-Hyun.

At once, my body moved on its own. I slammed the car door closed and just ran. There was no time for second guessing or doubts, I just ran. Even though I can't say that I was particularly attached to the others to the point where I would risk my life, in the past day, I felt like I was doing something for the first time. Besides feeling like one of those protagonists in fantasy novels, I was doing something that made me feel alive in the present. Everyday I was bombarded with the lifestyle of dedicating the present to your future; a future nobody was sure or could guarantee could happen. Studying to get a stable job, going to cram school to get admitted to a prestigious school. All of that and much more was all dedicated to the future me.

I wanted to do something that was in the present. Something that made me feel alive.

The cold night air blew across my face as I reached the entry of the convenience store. Right before stepping in front of the automatic door, a second of hesitation manifested. But upon seeing through the window Jae-Hyun in the corner with a cut across his arm, sweat rolling down his face, I realized that I was needed. If I couldn't fight the outlier, I would get the injured out of harm's way.

The outlier was in the midst of fighting Ji-Hyun and Min-Joon in the middle of the store. Behind the front desk, the cashier stood crouched, shrinking away in fear. Beside him was Ju-In. With her jaw clenched, it was apparent that she had already depleted the majority of her strength and was now exerting much more energy than she had left. Instantly, I felt that time was slower inside the store than outside. The atmosphere felt thicker and less natural than outside.

The outlier stood with his back to the front desk and faced both Min-Joon and Ji-Hyun head on. Despite the two of them breathing ragged and uneven, their burning conviction surrounded them. As Ji-Hyun closed the distance between her and the outlier, Min-Joon dashed around them. Unable to respond to both, the outlier charged only at Ji-Hyun.

The outlier ran. The two of them became face to face. Ji-Hyun smashed her fist into the outlier's face. The outlier pulled back, but before he could recover, Min-Joon came from behind and bashed his head in.

Even with that hit, the outlier remained upright and spun around to swing his fist. Min-Joon narrowly side stepped and dodged it. Staggering forward from the unexpected dodge, the outlier lost his balance momentarily. Min-Joon reflexively sweeped the outlier with his right leg.

Now the outlier was kneeling on the ground. Having landed two hits on the outlier, Min-Joon's third hit would be triple his usual strength.

Ji-Hyun neared the outlier. As her hand went forward to bash his face into the ground, she lifted her gaze and met my eyes.

Immediately, she stopped mid action.

"Dae-Mi, what the hell are you doing there?"

After hearing my name, the outlier turned to face me.


I stood there bewildered. It's been years since I heard that name. My mom's name.