
the ultimate weapon in rwby

the ultimate weapon was a weapon that gained a soul and tried to kill the gods it was broken into two pieces and banished by john constantine to a random universe

jp_cole · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

ch 2

Ozpin"this half of a blade is made of unknown metal and has a lot of magic energy".

Glynda Goodwitch "how is that even possible".

ozpin"i dont know but we need to find the other half".

back to slay.

cinder"so you are the person i was told to help".

slay"okay so lets get going then".

cinder"fine but how to hide you".

slay undoes his possession of the apathy and kills it."lets get going".

cinder"you really are a sword".

slay "i am i will let you hold me with out me possessing you".

cinder "okay" as she grabs the handle of the sword.

slay"lets get going to my other half i can scene it being looked at by a old man and a woman".

cinder"then it at the academy'. as she starts running.