

The sunlight tore through the clouds, announcing the arrival of morning. A night has passed since Aru's came to the Ice Phoenix City.

The winter winds were especially cold today. Slightly haze covered the entire land as tiny snowflakes trickled down from the sky.

The temperatures were reaching lower and lower with each passing day. It appeared as a signal to show the impending arrival of the coldwave. 

However, Aru didn't care one bit about any of it. 

The chilling wind nor the falling snowflakes could prevent him from doing his thing. So, he woke early to explore the surroundings and make some links.

Now, having taken a good bath and wearing nice and warm clothes, Aru looked cute if not handsome. 

He looked like a young master of a branch family, rather than a child from a backward tribe.

It was different from the savage aura he was giving off previously.

