
The Ultimate Support Character

Synopsis Kuramoto Daisuke, a freshman in High School was suddenly exposed to someone vanishing in front of him. Turns out he was admitted to a Special Class full of Isekai Heroes that were regularly summoned to Otherworlds since the start of their Middle School. He was told that he was to become their Support to prevent each of the Heroes' fate of dying in the world they were summoned into. Though mediocre, he realized that his ability has a great potential but it needs a lot of hard work on his part. Unconvinced of being just the Support Character, he vowed to excavate his mediocre ability, all the while supporting the Heroes using it. And maybe more. Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/BWBWUrU

Dyrem · Fantaisie
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711 Chs

I'm not a Hero, But a Support

The second week of April. This is the day when I will finally become a high school student.

Being admitted to one of the most prestigious schools in the nation, my parents were too happy that they sent me to live in the school's dorm. Well, it's not really about that. The class I was admitted to requires me to live here on top of the school's generous offer to waive my tuition and living expenses.

As it was my first time living alone, I was somewhat depressed and couldn't think well during the opening ceremony. I only stood still, thinking how to live independently from now on.

Because of that, the opening ceremony passed without me noticing.

On our way back to the classroom, I simply followed the instruction as well as the person in front of me.

However, something unexpected happened and never in my life would I think something like this could possibly happen!

The person I was following suddenly stopped and from in front of my eyes, a magic circle that I could only see on anime or movies appeared beneath his feet and shined brilliantly that I had to close my eyes to avoid being blinded by it.

When I opened my eyes again, the person or a student vanished on that spot!

That freaking instance majestically woke me up out of my trance!

What the hell?

What has just happened?

I looked around to see the other's reaction, to check whether I was dreaming or not. However, the look in my classmates' eyes was all normal, no one found it strange or suspicious! They even looked amused and not panicked as if it's a normal occurrence. What's wrong with these people?

"Oh, Hiroda got summoned back."

One of the guys from behind me said.

"What kind of world summoned him again? He's the first this year. And it's a forced summoning on top of that."

One of the girls asked.

"I think it was a total magic world. With wizards and witches. Is it called World of Magic?"

Hearing this conversation, I stood dumbstruck. What the hell are they talking about?


Magic world?

What kind of class have I gotten in?

What kind of school did I just got admitted to?

"Hey, hurry up. Why did you stop? We're all gonna be late" Since I was standing dumbstruck as I watched their reactions, the guy from behind pushed me to make me move.

"Huh? Who's he? Is there someone new in our class?"

While I kept rooted there, one of the girls suddenly put up a question as she pointed at me.

"Really? I thought there are only 30 of us."

The girl behind her added.

"It's true. He's a new face. Can someone explain, please? Class president... Are you there?"

One student at the back shouted as he called out to the front of the line. Because of that, everyone's attention was now focused on me.

"Shut up. There's no class president yet."

As an answer to that, other students started chiming in.

Upon observing their interactions, one thing clicked in my head.

They all knew each other. I am the only stranger here.

At this point, I'm starting to think I'm still at my house, dreaming sweetly about this kind of fantasy school.

Seriously... What's wrong with this class?!

"Aren't we all from the same class since middle school? The class president will be the same. Sugawara-san please, can you explain this to us?"

As their discussion gets deeper, one of them finally mentioned someone.

Class President.

A few seconds later, the girl they called Sugawara appeared from the front.

One look at her, I was instantly surprised at her appearance. Even from afar, she has this kind of aura. Aura that of an unrivaled beauty; with her straight black hair only adorned by a white hairband. She looks stern and serious, a proper elegant lady.

Now that I took a look again, everyone around me is good-looking. Well, not to boast but even me is still somewhat handsome, however, not as overwhelming as the guys here. Furthermore, all boys and girls can be considered as top class in appearance with each one having their own league.

"My apologies. I was informed that someone got in through an exam. But looking at him, he seemed to have not been informed about the nature of our class yet. Let me take you to someone uh…" Although she was informed, she appeared to have no idea about my name. Well, I also don't know any of them and it's not this President's job to know that, right?

"Kuramoto Daisuke." To save her the trouble and to finally be informed about what the hell's happening here, I didn't hesitate to tell her my name.

"I see. Kuramoto-san, please come with me."

Nodding her head, she said my name while having a bit of difficulty before leading me to the Principal's Office. However, that kind of act, it looks like she faked it. Huh? How did I notice that?

As we went through the school buildings, it didn't take long for us to arrive in front of a somewhat archaic door. After looking from left and right, Sugawara knocked on the door three times before it opened from the inside.

Although I'm confused, I thoroughly observed the place I was brought into.

This Principal's Office is located far away from the populated areas such as the classrooms or the faculty. If I could describe it, it's located on a seemingly old Building with none of the other rooms being used except this one.

"Ah. Yuko-chan, what brings you here?"

When the door opened, the elderly voice of the Principal rang out. Following that, I saw a suit-clad elderly who had just stood up from his seat.

Wait. Who opened the door? Is it automatic? Ah, let's think about it later.

Although he looks old, this Principal's hair was still the same black as Sugawara's hair. It looked natural at least. He also had sharp eyes which would make you think of a cunning or a sly character. However, the expression I could see from his face was that of a welcoming one.

Sugawara pointed at me as an answer before explaining the situation.

"You forgot about him, Principal. You didn't brief him about the class he was admitted to."

What kind of class needs its students to be briefed first? Well, I know it's a Special Class but not to the point of out-of-this-world 'Special'.

"Oh? Right right. I got too occupied about something, my apologies."

This principal How could you forget? Are you actually an old senile man. Is that hair dyed? I'm utterly confused now. What kind of school have I gotten into?

The Principal acted as if he's wiping an imaginary sweat on his forehead before he collected himself and urged me to sit on the sofa that was probably used for visitors like me.

I continued my observation and adding the act of Sugawara that I picked up earlier, is this visit something deliberate?

Let's see...

As I sat on the sofa he pointed at, instead of the Principal, Sugawara sat in front of me. And as if it's a natural thing to do, she started explaining the things I wanted to know about the class I was admitted into. The Principal only stood behind her.

Well, let's hear about it for now.

Apparently, the Special Class originally has 30 students and all of them are currently being summoned to what they call the Otherworlds. With my admission, I became the 31st student to that class. However, unlike them, I have neither the experience nor clue on what she's talking about.

Summoned. Otherworlds. What the hell is that?

I only heard about Otherworlds or being summoned from fantasy novels, anime, and movies. What are they getting at here? Although seeing that thing happening to that Hiroda in front of me. That guy disappearing out of nowhere, I was somewhat convinced. However, with this information, I'm starting to get a headache.

As Sugawara continued to explain, only around 10 minutes later did she stop.

To clarify it, I started my own questions.

"You're saying... Basically, each one of you is an Otherworld Hero?"


"And it started since middle school?"


"Does that mean you're all going to and from an 'Otherworld' for three years already?"


"And to top it off, you're not being summoned to the same world, instead, each of you have different worlds you are currently being summoned to?"


After that consecutive yeses, I gulped the gathered saliva in my mouth.

This is real. They're not joking. I continued observing her facial expression. Perhaps she's a great actress but everything I asked, she confirmed it without any deliberation.

"Well then, why am I here?"

With all these explanations, I was expecting some sort of surprise that will explain why I was admitted. But no. I still had to ask for it.

"Yes. Ah. No. Because we need a support."

Sugawara almost answered 'Yes' reflexively. And that made her somewhat flustered.

But upon analyzing her answer...

"Huh? Support?"

What kind of support is she talking about here?

"That's you."

She pointed at me as if stating the obvious.

"Wait? I can't understand. Explain it in clearer terms"

"Ah. I mean you will become the support for each of us."

"You're losing me, Sugawara. What does support mean?"

"Support is support. You'll be a sidekick or rather someone who will move in the shadows for us. It's a broad word. You will be supporting us to the best of your ability. Think about anything that can support heroes like me."

Supporting them? What can a weak high school freshman do? I get it, they're heroes or something. Why do they even need a support of someone like me? If any of this is true, am I going to be thrown as bait or cannon fodder?

"And how will I do that?"

Support, eh? Just because my first name means great helper didn't mean I had to be a support, right? Are they joking? Is there a camera nearby ready to say, 'You got pranked!'?

"With the use of your ability."

Now she lost me. I have no recollection of any ability I have. If not having a girlfriend throughout my short life is an ability then it's not that useful, is it?

"Ability? I don't recall having one."

For now, let's listen to what they will say. I can just oof-ed myself away after all this. There are other high schools out there.

"Well, because abilities won't work here on Earth."

Won't work here on Earth? Then it only works on the Otherworlds they're talking about?

"Then how did you determine I have an ability?"

"Do you remember the exam you've taken?"

That exam? What's special about that? Ah?!

"Yes. I remember. I even lost consciousness in the middle of it. Luckily I answered everything and passed."

To pass it even with that thing happening, aren't I lucky or just a genius? Wait. Something's wrong with that.

"The written exam is just a cover. The real exam happened when you lost consciousness."


What the hell? From all points of view, losing consciousness in the middle of an exam and continuing it without finding it strange was even stranger. Why didn't I doubt that occurrence at all?

"You were brought into the Pocket Dimension where we determined what your ability is."

Otherworlds and now Pocket Dimension. Is there something wrong with their heads? Haa... Let's go along for now.

"Uh. Okay. Then what is it?"

"You're surprisingly calm."

Sugawara smiled after hearing my question. That smile of hers can possibly topple kingdoms if she's brought to that kind of novel where jade beauties are treasures.

"What can I do? You have that serious face that says you're not joking. And even if you are, I have no choice but to listen. I can't move."

Right. This is also why I need to calm down. At one point, I couldn't move my hands or legs anymore. Whatever it is that they did to me, I have no way of fighting it. If this is an ability then her earlier claim about it not being able to be used on Earth is false. What's this then?

Upon hearing my answer, Sugawara suddenly flashed a worried face before turning to the Principal to ask him to release whatever it is he did to me.

Forget that flash of worry, so it's the Principal himself who fixed me in this seat?

"My apologies, Kuramoto-kun. I did that for a reason."

What kind of reason? Will you babble your way out of this?

After saying that, the Principal bowed his head apologetically as he waved his hand in front of me. And magically, I could truly feel that my hands and feet were freed by whatever's preventing them earlier.

"Err. I don't really get it but with that binding, I'm now starting to think, this is real... And... I think I have to go now."

With that experience, saying it's a hallucination is something one who's running from reality would definitely say.

I tried standing up but Sugawara's answer came abruptly and in a louder voice than usual.

"Well, it IS real. Please sit first, Kuramoto-kun, let me continue explaining before you decide."

Helpless and wary about the Principal, I could only do so. I still like to live. If I force my way out here, the chance of leaving is close to zero, considering that the Principal can just disable my hands and feet again.

"Alright. Then what's my ability that you determined for me to become a support for all of you."

I rubbed my wrist which I felt was bound earlier to check if there's something wrong with it.


One word. This time, it's the Principal who answered my inquiry.


I was expecting more but they both just stared calmly as if I have to accept that there's nothing more to it.

"Only that." Sugawara shook her head.

"Then What does my ability mean?"

Adaptability? It's not a superpower like Superspeed or Superstrength, huh. Is Adaptability even connected to being a support?

"It meant you can adapt easily to Otherworlds."

I see. Adapting to Otherworlds, does it have extreme weather conditions or something? But if it's only that... wait let's hear more.


"Say, if you were sent to the same world as Hiroda, the guy that was summoned earlier. Your body will immediately adapt to that world. Meaning, you will be able to sense and understand the inherent energy existing and rampant in that world."

Sugawara explained to me patiently. Now that I think about it, the worried face she had earlier. What was that about? Did she feel bad that they had to resort to force? Now I'm thoroughly suspicious of them.

Anyway, that kind of adaptability, huh? Wait. Why am I taking this calmly? Did something change within me?

"Ah. Then? What kind of energy was it?"

"For that Magic World. It should be Magic Energy, right?"

Magic Energy. Well, that's a basic naming sense, huh? As if I could say the same. I have a terrible naming sense. I once named a pet bird as Bird. In any case, this energy she's talking about, is that also what allowed the Principal to bind my hands and feet? Possible.


"Then isn't that a given to every summoned hero? You all can adapt to it. Don't say no then what's the point of being summoned there if not."

For them to be summoned, don't they need to adapt as well? Then this ability of mine is useless, right?

"Yes. But you, Kuramoto-kun. You're not a hero."

Ah. I see. This is the crux of why I am called a Support. I am never meant to be a hero. Adaptability sounds good but every hero can adapt to the world they are summoned in. Then what's unique with my adaptability?

Haa. Admitting me to be a sidekick for everyone? But if I could only adapt. What can I do with it? Learn magic by myself?

"Alright, I'm no hero, correct. Then why am I needed to support the hero?"

This one of the things I don't understand. They're heroes, why do they even need someone to support them?

"Because everyone is doomed to die in their Otherworld."

Dropping that bomb, Sugawara's face turned serious as if lamenting the fate that also awaited her.


"We are set to lose our lives in there. It could be a Demon King or a Demonic Overlord or anything that can threaten us in the Otherworld where we are summoned."

Sugawara looked up as if she's thinking about that Otherworld she was supposedly summoned into.

"And why do you know that you're all doomed to die? A Prophecy or something like that?"

Although she asked me to sit, I didn't do it just with that. Since the Principal could just bind me again, I opted to follow along with these things they're telling me for now. They sounded serious and there's possibly no joke or a punchline waiting for me at the end of it.

"That is because of my ability." The principal  who was listening to our conversation interjected.

"My ability is Clairvoyance. When I discovered the Pocket Dimension years ago, I entered it and gained knowledge about my ability. After that, I predicted the appearance of the 30 heroes and gathered them here in my school."

He started explaining. So he's some kind of a Prophet who predicted their deaths?

"Uh. There are too many info dumps."

"This is necessary. Listen well. Not only I predicted the 30 heroes, but I also predicted the worlds that needed saving."

Saving the Otherworlds? Do they all have Messiah Complex? However, they were summoned so it's also forced. Do they have not a choice?

"Why do you even need to save those worlds?"

Pointing out what I noticed, the Principal coughed once before answering.

"Because if any of them fall, the enemy responsible for its fall will then set their eyes to our world."

With the same seriousness Sugawara exuded, the Principal dropped another bomb.

"Huh? So you're saying our world will be destroyed if you failed to save these Otherworlds?"

The super countries have nukes, however, upon using that, it will lay waste to the land it hits. We live in a peaceful era so our fighting strength could be said to be minimal save for those countries who poured their budgets on their military. If those enemies they're talking about who's capable of destroying worlds arrived here, then most of us will just be pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

Ah but that's excluding them. The supposed heroes. They're probably strong enough to save their own hides.

"That's right. You have Adaptability. It was awakened inside that Pocket Dimension. Somehow that place can boost one's clarity. That's why anyone brought in there will understand or rather, can awaken their own ability. You, you awakened your Adaptability and along with it an increase in clarity. You can now think deeper about things you normally you will not."

Ah. Now that he mentioned it. I was kind of taking in everything they were saying as if it was common knowledge. This is because of my ability, huh?

"Well then. what's in it for me?"

Even if I was originally happy being admitted to this school, learning the real situation of my admission ticked off something inside me. Add to that, this Principal's binding. I was removed of a choice.

I needed compensation for all of this. Whether or not I accept this Support role. But considering I'm still an ordinary human save for my supposed Adaptability... saying no might lead to some extreme consequence. I still love my life. I'm still young to die this early.


Upon hearing my words, Sugawara-san was confused at what I asked.

"I mean. Alright. I'm willing to be your support. That, I will accept. I'm not a hero material no matter how I look at myself. However, being a support is supposed to be a job, right? Anyway, what do you even guys get from being a hero?"

Since there's that possibility and I was already exposed to this, let me see first what I will be missing out on if I run away later. Perhaps in time, I will have the ability to do just that. Everything was just speculation for now but hey, there's nothing wrong to hope, right?

"Of course, it's to protect this world!"

Ah. I knew she would say that.

But really. All my life, I only wanted to satisfy my parents' wishes for me. So being admitted here was just a part of it. But now that I knew the real reason why I was admitted, I couldn't help but think how troublesome it would be to worry about the fate of this world.

I am no Messiah. I just wanted to live my life just as I wanted after satisfying the parents who gave birth to me and raised me. And honestly, being revealed that I was just a support instead of another hero like them grew a complex within me.

What was the difference between them and myself? If they can become a hero, why can't I?

Ah. Wait. What's this? I keep thinking too deeply about things.

Is this because of that clarity the Principal mentioned?

I guess I have some dark thoughts inside my mind.

Weighing the choices, I'm leaning on accepting for now. Besides, I don't know the scope of his Clairvoyance Ability.

"I'm no hero like you, Sugawara-san. What if I died? What will you say to my parents who happily sent me off here?"

Hearing that, Sugawara-san, the Class President, was stumped. Her beautiful face revealed confusion as to how she will answer.


She turned to the Principal for help as she didn't know how to answer me.

"I predicted this would happen. Your adaptability. By just realizing you gained an increase in clarity, the breaks in your mind limiting your thinking process disappeared. You probably went on into a great deal of thinking about various possibilities, right?" The Principal enthusiastically answered.

Well, beats me. Is this it? The explanation?

It might or might not be that. Although there's that complex, being a support did not seem to be really bad. I don't have to be like Sugawara and risk myself because of a Messiah Complex. In fact, it also somehow excites me. To be able to travel to different worlds, who will not want that? At least, that's the content of dreams of many, even adults.

But first, I want to have some benefits for myself as well.

"I still don't know. Everything still felt unreal to me. Maybe this uneasiness will be gone if I really stepped into one of those Otherworlds."

What's in there, I wonder? And if I'm not a hero, then I won't get a cheat-like ability that Protagonists often get, right?

"You're right. That's the right attitude. Even I was skeptical when I first discovered the Pocket Dimension. So for your compensation for becoming a support for the thirty heroes... What about engaging you to my daughter?"

Eh? What the hell? What was this Principal thinking? Engage me to his daughter? He could just promise me some wealth or treasure, you know?

What's wrong with this kind of thinking?

"Are you joking with me?" I asked coldly.

Sugawara in front of me also looked at the Principal with a shocked expression. "F-father!"

Sugawara-san? Father? She's the Principal's daughter?

I see... So I was really brought here deliberately.

"Shush, Yuko-chan. Should I reveal it to him?"

Huh? What's there to reveal? Now the mystery thickens. Now that I see it, why are you blushing instead of being angry at what your father proposed?!


Huh? What is this mystery-like development? Even with this clarity, I could not keep up. It's the first time I ever recall seeing them. There shouldn't be any connection between us, right? Right? But looking at this girl's expression, and piecing up the things I observed, there's really something else about me and Sugawara.

"So do you accept?"

He turned to Sugawara, his daughter, and asked.

Sugawara first looked at me before she answered, albeit with difficulty. "Y-yes."

Huh? Oi. Oi. Why did you say yes? What am I to you?

And this. Did this Principal just decide our engagement? Just like this?

"Wait. I haven't accepted your suggestion, Principal!"

I stood up and voiced my objection.

"Sorry Kuramoto-kun, this is the only compensation I can give you. It's fine if you refuse. But I can't change it to anything else."

This fuc-- Ah no. I shouldn't curse.

I looked at Sugawara-san, her face was a bit red. Why was she blushing? This was the first time we met right? But their dialogue earlier sounds like there was already something between us. What is that thing she doesn't want him to tell me?

Now I'm curious.

Not only was she too beautiful, but she is also secretly a heroine in the Otherworld. With my looks, I was surely way out of her league so in normal case, I am getting the good end of the deal here. However, there's a lot of irregularity in this case. A lot of things are being kept as a mystery to me.

Is there really a hidden history between us? I just discovered something that transcended human comprehension. There's a possibility that there was something wrong with my memory if we're really an old acquaintance.

Should I just leave and forget everything they said? However, will they let me? That Principal binded me to this chair effortlessly. I bet he could do more than that. I have to be cautious about this. This concerns my life. My precious life.

For now, I can reject that engagement but it's a waste. Perhaps I can use this to know what it is they're hiding from me. And this Sugawara, that reaction she put on earlier wasn't an act. Let's see where this will take me first. There's still a lot to consider but, at this moment, the only choice presented to me is whether I will accept being engaged to her or not. If nothing becomes clear later, I will look for a way out and by then, perhaps I will have the ability to do that by going with the flow for now.

"Alright. I don't know what's happening here, but please take care of me Sugawara-san"

Whatever it is that's waiting for me and the truths that I will possibly discover, accepting right now seems to be the best choice. Compensation, huh? To think that someone can compensate someone with his own daughter, what is this?

In any case, being a Hero's Support. Let's see where this will take me. It better be worth my while.