



Okay I know Natasha hates her sister's guts, but asking me to do something like that is crazy. I mean the thought of me being around that freak makes me feel like a thousand worms were crawling up my body.

She's so ugly; she's fat and had those disgusting pimples on her face. More over her glasses makes her look even uglier. Why would Natasha want me to befriend her? Mirabel was nothing like Natasha who is slim and extremely beautiful.

If I want to be with anyone, it would be Natasha and not that stupid ugly freak.

I stared at Natasha's serious expression and frown slightly. Our popular group of friends who sat with us was also staring at her in shock. Everyone was confused at the words she just said.

"You are joking right Tasha? I mean, why would you want me to be friends with that freak?!" I asked in anger. I like Natasha a lot and would do anything she asks me to, but this is too much.

"Aww Ben don't get mad. Listen I am not asking you to be her friend, I just want you to pretend that you like her, or did you not notice that my sister is head over heels for you?"

"That's true!" Xavier one of my friends agreed "she is always staring at you at the cafeteria and its super creepy"

"She thinks she had a chance with Ben? That's pathetic" Zara Natasha's minion said and they all laughed.

I looked around confused. What were they saying? Mirabel had a crush on me? How dare that disgusting piece of shit. She doesn't even have the right to look at me with that disgusting face of hers.

"You see Ben; everyone knows that Mirabel likes you except you. If you pretend to like her too and become nice to her, she will think you like her back." My face scrunches up in disgust. I would never like someone like her. Natasha smiled pleased with the look on my face so she continued "and when she has fallen so madly in love with you, you're going to break her heart so bad."

It was going to be difficult trying to befriend that ugly freak, but I'm going to try my best. I have to do this for Natasha. "Fine Tasha, I will do it."

Natasha smiled so wide and it made her look like an angel. I was glad I said yes. Maybe if this works out, I am finally going to ask her out.

"I bet you won't last a week being close to that ugly freak" Xavier laughed.

"I bet five days and he'll be running for the hills" Zara added with a scoff.

"Don't underestimate my charm guys. In less than a month, Mirabel is going to be crying her eyes out with a broken heart. Do you want to bet money on it?" I said to them with a confident smirk. No girl, not even the ugly duckling can ever resist my charm because I am just that irresistible.

After everything, we came up with a plan. Zara would make Mirabel fall on her face with a banana peel and when everyone is laughing at her, I will step in to defend her so I would win her trust first hand.

It sounds difficult but I will do my best not to ruin it even though I might become overwhelmed with disgust.

So that morning, we were passing through the hallway after spotting Mirabel coming from the opposite direction with her group of loser friends. Zara threw the banana peel in Mirabel's direction when she wasn't looking and Mirabel slip against it and fell to the floor.

Her friends were caring enough to ask her if she was okay, but everyone laughed while I held in my laugh. If I laugh along with everyone, Mirabel will know that it is all a trick and that will ruin everything for me.

Everyone made nasty comments and laughed at her and I wanted to laugh at the comments too but I held it in. I have to control myself before everything fails. I walked towards her and everyone immediately stop laughing. I stretched out my hand to her and offered her a warm smile.

She was staring at me like someone who had just seen a ghost. Yup freak, I didn't imagine that I'll ever be helping you like this too.

She took my hand and I helped her up then I faced everyone and said, "That is enough guys, you shouldn't laugh at the poor girl. It's not her fault that she's fat! Give her a break!" I tried to control myself and not puke at the words I just said. I can't believe something like this is happening.

"What the hell Ben, what has suddenly come over you? Why are you helping that freak?!" Natasha yelled at me and I swear I almost clapped my hands for her proudly. She is such a good actress.

"You should stop too Tasha. Mirabel is your sister" I force myself to say that even knowing that Natasha hates it when anyone acknowledges Mirabel as her sister.

Natasha looked so angry now as she said to Mirabel, "thank you Mirabel, you stole Dad and mom away from me and now you want to steal my best friend? You are so selfish!" she snaps and walked off.

I tried not to stare at her ass as she stomp away. Damn Natasha was so fucking hot. I need to get this stupid bet done and over with so I can finally tell her how I feel and make her mine.

I stared back at Mirabel who was still staring at me in surprise and I internally rolled my eyes at her. Has she never seen a pretty boy before?

"Come with me Mirabel" I said gently and held her hand. She stiffens the moment my hand touched hers and I tried not to snap at her in annoyance. Why is she so jumpy? I lead her away from the hallway to an empty classroom.

As we stood facing each other, her head lowered, and even though I cant see her face, it still disgust me to be in her presence. Nevertheless I brought out my handkerchief and handed it to her, realizing that she had been crying earlier.

"Here," I said and she stared at my out stretch hand before staring up at me. I smiled in encouragement and she got the message and took the handkerchief from me. Our fingers brush against each other and I resisted the urge to puke.

Once I get home, I am going to sanitize my hand with a full bottle of hand sanitizer. I have been holding her too much.

"Thank you," she whispered in a small gentle voice and my eyes widen at the sound. Her voice was beautiful, but too bad it doesn't fit her body at all.

I scratch my neck thinking of something to say. I needed to get this over with so I can get away from her as soon as possible. "You know you should really ignore everyone who laughed at you earlier. You're okay the way you are Mirabel, don't ever think otherwise"

Bullshit! You can go die for all I care ugly fatso.

Her cheeks brightened with shyness and she said "Thank you Benjamin, but why are you suddenly so nice to me?"

Because Natasha wants me to and so I have no choice. I hate doing this bitch so don't even think that I like you.

That is what I would have liked to say, but I couldn't ruin things this early. "I know I use to be mean to you Mirabel but people change and I have. I realized that you are a really sweet person and you don't deserve all those bullying and insults. Its normal to be different and being fat is just a difference. It doesn't make you any less human"

Wow damn, I'm really a good actor.

Tears escape Mirabel's eyes "I_ I didn't expect that of all people you'll be the one to say such nice words to me. Thank you Benjamin"

"You're welcome Mirabel and I'll really like for you to call me Ben from now on. I want us to be friends"

Her eyes widen to the size of soccer balls "you want to be friends with me?"

I almost puke in my mouth before replying with a fake smile. "Yes Mirabel. Will you forgive me for all my past actions and be my friend?"

At first she still stood there stunned by the question and I was starting to get impatient, then finally she answered happily. "Yes Ben! Yes ill love to be your friend"

There was a sly smile on my face as I stared at her. The poor ugly bitch had no idea what is coming for her.