
The little devil (2)

Ximena heaved a sigh of relief when she successfully delivered the make up set, finally evading trouble she would be in if she was late. She happily ordered food from a restaurant she frequented so she would not have to cook dinner.

Just as she settled down to take a bite of her food, her house telephone rang.

Not many people knew her house telephone number, so she frowned. Zaria would always call her personal cell phone and she didn't have many friends in Olphire. Could it be that her parents had stalked her and found out her address?

"Hello?" She answered the call with suspicion in her voice.

"Ximena Morel." A male voice said her name with a triumphant snicker.

Her heart skipped a beat. Who was it? Before she could ask, it suddenly made sense. It had to be Liam Preston! How under the sun did he get her house telephone number?!

She cursed under her breath and thought of what to tell him.