
The Tyrant's Pet

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. A princess from the small kingdom of Rikhill was loved by all. With her beauty that was enchantingly demure and a wise mind, she had caught a lot of attention and captured the hearts of many. One of them was the dashing crown prince of the Maganti Empire. Overcome by the desire to have her and his interest in the land of the small kingdom, the crown prince of the said empire would stop at nothing. The knights from the Maganti Empire marched across the masses and seized the four-hundred-year-old kingdom of Rikhill. The kingdom of Rikhill fell into ruin overnight. The crown prince left no members of the royal family alive aside from his war trophy, Aries. After suffering in his hands, Aries found the perfect chance to escape. That was when he took her to the world summit. A gathering of each sovereign from each kingdom and empire for peace talks. There, she met the emperor of Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth. Overwhelm by desperation, Aries begged him to take her in. It was too late when she realized that the man she asked for help was far more cruel, twisted, and downright diabolical than the crown prince for taking her as his… pet! EXCERPT: With a pair of crimson eyes hovering over her, Aries held her breath. When the corner of his lips curled up devilishly, she couldn’t react fast as he swiftly flipped their position. She only realized it when she was saddling him, gazing down at Abel, wide-eyed. “No one is above me in this empire and even out — not even the law, but look at you,” he intoned with a devilish smirk. “Staring down on me… so daunting.” Aries bit her lip, planting her palm on her inked chest. “Your Majesty…” “Do you now understand the power you hold, darling?” Abel carefully wrapped his fingers around her wrist, chuffed by her reaction. “Only you, Aries, may go above me and the only person in this world who can look down on me. No one else.” He raised an arm and ran his fingers through the side of her hair, settling his palm on the back of her head before he pulled her down until her face was a palm length away from him. “You better use this at your own disposal,” he whispered, tilting his head as he lifted it up to claim what’s his. HER. Meet Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth, the sadistic tyrant, who reigned an empire with an iron fist. With his pet, Aries’ increasing presence in his boring, dark life, he was set to kill her. But alas, every time he thought of taking her life, he finds himself changing his mind. The more he kept her by his side, the more it got harder to dispose of her. And the more he yearned for something deeper and darker... it was driving him insane. With a secret he was keeping from her, what would Abel do if Aries found out about the rotting truth behind the empire and the emperor? Would he kill her? Or kiss her? Perhaps cage her? And if she found out that Abel wasn’t just a normal human, would she try to escape? Or would she accept that he wasn’t just a demon incarnate? In a complicated world that tainted them black, was love even possible to bloom between a pet and her master? Watch as these two play the dangerous and insane game of love and lust. Who would be the master and the pet? Who was the prey? Read to find out more. --------- Original Story by: alienfrommars FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM for original character arts: @authoralienfrommars Discord server: https://discord.gg/tbS4rKec3e Disclaimer: Cover not mine. Got it from Pinterest. Credits to the artist.

alienfrommars · Histoire
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919 Chs

How to coax the devil

Aries's heart sank while standing in front of the garden. She was clutching her skirt, watching a lot of servants destroy the beautiful garden.

'Did that mad man order to destroy the garden just because I spent an afternoon tea in here yesterday?' she wondered, feeling sorry for the innocent flowers she gazed upon. She couldn't think of another reason why Abel would order the servants to destroy it if not for that.

It was just too much of a coincidence. He could've destroyed it before, but he didn't.

'Was he declaring that I cannot like anything else aside from him?' she wondered, feeling her heart hammered against her chest. 'Considering his personality... why am I even surprised? I shouldn't let him stir my emotions like this.'

After her lesson with Dexter, she headed into the garden to relax for a little. However, he said that would be impossible. He didn't explain, though, and only told her to 'see for herself.' Now that she was standing before the garden, she finally understood why Dexter told her it was impossible.

Everyone was simply plucking every flower, tossing it on the wagons. Aries bit her lips, letting out a deep breath. Since she only needed to attend one class per day, she had nothing else to do. The lack of activity made her want to relax in a place she could breathe fresh air. But now... that was being destroyed.

'This is why everyone doesn't want any attachment to temporary things,' she mumbled, understanding the reason everyone was so distant to her. 'Just like this garden, it can stay beautiful. But one word from Abel, everything will be destroyed. That crazy emperor...'

A deep sigh slipped past her lips, pivoting on her heel to return to her quarters. It was better to stay in her room and read a book, or maybe finish her homework early. Well, that only meant she would be returning to what she usually does in the past months, being in this place.

Just as Aries was heading inside, she stopped seeing Conan panting with his palm on the pillar. Her brows wrinkled, watching him raise his head to reveal his pale complexion.

"My lady!" her heart suddenly thumped loudly against her chest as soon as their eyes met. "Please come with me!"


Aries didn't know why Conan was such in a hurry, but she wasn't stupid to not consider it as an emergency. All he told her was to come with him and tell her to stop Abel from going nuts. Although that baffled her on so many levels, Aries followed him.

To her surprise, Conan led her to a certain hallway. Standing several meters from them, her mind went blank. There, from the other end of the long hallway, everyone was silent and in fear while Abel stood, stepping onto a man's head who was kowtowing before him.

"How dare you touch me?" Abel laughed mockingly, pivoting his foot against the back of the man's head. "I wonder how many times should I step on your head before I see your brains?"

'What was going on?' she wondered, taking a step back. She didn't want to get caught up with this — whatever this was.

But just as Aries wanted to run away, Conan took a deep breath and called. "Your Majesty!" came out a stern voice, making Abel raise a brow and cocked his head to them.

Her breath instantly hitched the second Abel's eyes landed on her. Although he stopped disgracing the nobleman, his foot stayed on the man's head. Aries flinched when Conan cast her a look, tilting his head to follow him.

'Did I offend Sir Conan with my questions? Why would he drag me in here when Abel is wondering how many times he had to step on a man's head before he can crush it?' she wept internally but kept her expression in check while following Conan's tracks.

Aries clutched her cold hands tightly when they stopped at arm's length. She simply glanced up at Abel, but his sharp eyes and intimidating aura forced her to look down.

"Your Majesty, Lady Aries is looking for you!" Her eyes popped open, gazing at Conan in shock. What did he say?! Didn't Conan go to her and tell her to follow him?!

"Ah?" Abel furrowed her brows, glancing at Aries's momentarily before shifting his eyes back to Conan.

The latter cleared his throat while staring into the emperor's eyes. "She said she has nothing else to do since the garden is not available. So, she wants to play!"

"..." at this point, Aries wanted to run through the nearest window and jump to her death. Was she lured here to be a scapegoat? Aries glanced at the people behind Abel and noticed their attire. It seemed they didn't come from the empire.

'Sir Conan, did you think my death is much more acceptable than theirs?!' that was what Aries wanted to ask, but Abel already spoke.

"Really?" Abel let out a dry laugh, simpering. Her shoulder instantly tensed up while she squashed down the sense of dread crawling up her spine.

"You want to play with me?"

Her mouth opened and closed, forcing herself to speak. "Are you busy?" came out a muffled voice, sporting an awkward grin.

"Busy...?" Abel cocked his head back and glanced at the people around him. "A bit. Conan, hand me my sword. I will make this quick so I can play with her."

"Your Majesty..." Conan cast Aries a helpless look as if asking her for help. But Aries also looked back at him with eyes screaming for help as well.

In the end, Aries closed her eyes briefly and exhaled. She would surely make Conan pay this debt by keeping her safe and giving her intel about Abel's mood.

Aries sported a smile as she steeled her heart to take a step closer. "Your Majesty, shall we have tea together? I will make you one."

"But darling, this man dared touch me with his filthy hands." Abel frowned with an arched brow. "I can still feel his touch. How infuriating."

She gulped, taking another step, and reached for his hand. "Did he touch you here?" she asked, causing his brows to furrow. Since he wasn't responding, she took that as a yes.

"Then..." Aries guided his hand to her lips and placed a peck on the back of it. She looked up and smiled at him afterward. "Better now?"